发布时间:2021-04-22 11:12:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

AndrénFogelström: Vårbergstoppen位于斯德哥尔摩南郊,是一座建于二十世纪六十年代的人造山体,其所有建筑材料都来自修建地铁新线路时产生的废料。景观设计师 HolgerBlom 当时带领团队围绕着直径 100 米的圆形火山口创造的两座人造山体而构建出的完美几何形状,为我们的工作带来了极大的灵感启示,从而设计出了今天这个带有观鸟塔、观景台、导视牌和游乐设施的公园。随着 Vårberg 和 Skärholmen 郊区的发展日渐紧密,斯德哥尔摩市未来计划将这里逐步开发成一个适合全年龄段市民活动的公园。

AndrénFogelström: Vårbergstoppen is a constructed hill in the southern suburbs of Stockholm. The artificial landscape was created in the 1960’s using masses from the construction of the new subway lines. City landscape architect Holger Blom lead the work of creating the two artificial peaks surrounding a perfectly round crater with a diameter of 100 meters. The perfect geometries of the constructed landscape worked as inspiration for our work, designing a bird watching tower, viewing platforms, signs and playground equipment for the public park. As the suburbs of Vårberg and Skärholmen are being densified, the City of Stockholm is developing the landscape into a park with activities for all ages.

游乐场小圆球 VårbergstoppenPlaygroundSpheres 这个新建在公园入口旁的游乐场,旨在服务于各年龄段的小朋友,设有一系列供人娱乐、攀爬和躲藏的球体设施。

A series of spheres for playing, climbing and hiding in a public park in Stockholm. A new playground is located near the entrance of the park, aimed at children of all ages.


A large orange ball has landed in the steep slope of the hill. It appears to be rolling down but is safely anchored to the ground.


The perforated metal filters the light from outside during the day, and at night the illuminated interior lets out a soft glow. In the winter it acts as a starting point for the sledding slope, and in summer it works as destination for little climbers of the hill.

▼朦胧的穿孔金属板有助于过滤刺激光线 The perforated metal filters the light from outside during the day.


The younger children in the sandbox can hide in three smaller spheres, made from solid wood and placed at a safe climbing height. One sphere has a slide, another one has a little bench and small holes for peeking out.


The wooden spheres are machined from solid pieces of fir using a large CNC router. The inside is painted orange with linseed oil paint, and the outside is treated with linseed oil to withstand the hardships of the Swedish winter.

该项目由我们与 Land Arkitektur 合作完成,Land Arkitektur 负责游乐场的整体景观设计。

The project is made in collaboration with Land Arkitektur, who has been responsible for the overall landscape architecture of the playground.

▼斜坡球体手稿 Drawing

▼实木球手稿 Drawing

山顶观景台 Vårbergstoppen Viewing Platforms


Migrating birds navigates using the peaks as landmarks, and so the area is a well-known location among bird watchers. To make the park more accessible and welcoming for all residents we worked together with the office of parks and recreation and the Stockholm Ornithological Society to develop our original brief of “hides for bird watching” into a collection of viewing platforms catering to bird watchers as well as the general public.


There is a compass rose embedded in the ground, pointing out some of the migrating birds destinations as well as local landmarks visible from the peak.

较高的北峰设有低矮的遮蔽空间,坐在这里的圆形长凳上可以欣赏对面 Mälaren 湖的风景。

On the higher northern peak is a low shelter with a rounded bench facing the view over lake Mälaren.

较低的南峰,设有景观台,可以 360 度观赏整个斯德哥尔摩南部和 Mälaren 湖及其周边岛屿。而可以近距离观察鸟类的隐蔽处则藏在斜坡上的灌木丛和高茎草中。

On the lower southern peak is a viewing tower offering 360 views over the south of Stockholm as well as lake Mälaren and the islands. Concealed in the slope is a hide with close views of the birds sitting in the bushes and tall grass.

观景台 The viewing tower

▼隐蔽观鸟处 bird watching tower


The shapes of the objects are drawn from the perfect circle, and they all share the same geometric elements. The structures are made from a bright concrete, poured on site. Details and railings are made from steel, lacquered dark green, as well as some highlights in stainless steel.


Benches are made of wood, with a rounded edge at the front.

该项目由我们与 Tyréns 合作完成,后者负责公园的整体景观设计。

The project is made in collaboration with Tyréns, who has been responsible for the overall landscape architecture of the park.

▼北峰观景台轴测图 Axonometric – Viewing tower on the higher northern peak

▼南峰观景台轴测图 Axonometric – Viewing tower on the lower southern peak

▼南峰观景台立面图 Elevation – Southern tower

▼观鸟处轴测图 Axonometric – Bird watching tower

项目名称:Vårbergstoppen 游乐场小圆球 / 观景台


社媒账号:@andrenfogelstrom (instagram)公司地址:Stockholm, Sweden


项目地址:斯德哥尔摩 维尔贝格


团队成员:Moa Andrén, Tove Fogelström, Daniel Backlund, Pär Falkenäng, Oskar Wallin, Sara Sandkvist Gustafsson

摄像成员:Clément Morin / Brendan Austin

合作方:Tyréns/Liselotte Luhr (landscape architect) AFRY/Ulrika Jansson (structural engineer)Project name: Vårbergstoppen Playground Spheres / Viewing Platforms

Office name: AndrénFogelström

Social media accounts: @andrenfogelstrom (instagram)Firm location: Stockholm, Sweden

Completion year: 2021

Project location: Stockholm, Vårberg

Program: Public park, viewing platforms

Team credits: Moa Andrén, Tove Fogelström, Daniel Backlund, Pär Falkenäng, Oskar Wallin, Sara Sandkvist Gustafsson

Photo credits: Clément Morin / Brendan Austin

Collaborators: Tyréns/Liselotte Luhr (landscape architect) AFRY/Ulrika Jansson (structural engineer)


审稿编辑 gentlebeats


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