Ilcsi is a family run business that specialise in all natural products. The products are created using the power and richness of nature and contain natural ingredients which are sourced from a wide selection of plants. These products are sold not just in Hungary but throughout the world.
The site is located in the heart of Buda, in an over 100 years old civilian tenement house at the base of Buda castle. The architectural concept is built on the contrast between the brutality and raw beauty of the existing building, and the simple wood and illuminated plexiglass boxes. The relationship between the rustic, industrial materials and the simple, geometric shape of the “boxes” create a dynamic, yet harmonic world/atmosphere.
▽ 从街上看商店, street view
▽ 从阳光满满地接待空间看入口,右侧是下沉花园,view from the reception to the entrance, sunken garden to the right side
▽ 从入口空间看接待区和样品陈列柜, view from entrance to reception and the display cabinet
After getting rid of the unnecessary structures, plastering, fittings of the old, significantly deteriorated space, taking advantage of all the structural beauty of the old house, we ended up with a simple, elongated space with high ceilings. After thoughtful considerations, the location of the cosmetic space was designed to have a required intimacy, with a division from the rest of the building, yet by maintaining a hall-like character.
The function is related to beauty. First of all female beauty. Everything associated with beauty: hairdresser, massage, manicure, pedicure, facial mask, beauty treatments, and of course a ILCSI sample store. The complex function required a complex spatial placement, but within a simple concept. In the cleaned, rustic space the various treatment units, the function boxes are made from wood and plexiglass to create a contrast in a linear placement, forming a unified yet varied spatial composition like a mini building complex, house in a house. These function boxes are accessible on both sides.
▽ 空间容纳在木材方体中, function boxes
▽ 统一的语言。老材料与精选的新材料形成鲜明对比。consistent architectural language, contrast between the new and original materials
Each function requires different levels of intimacy, which is easy to achieve by this design principle, a more open hair dressing salon as well as a closed, more private massage room.
▽ 理发区, hair dressing salon
▽ 洗发区,hair washing area
▽ (左)修指甲区, (left) nail styling;(右)按摩区, (right) massage room
▽ 美容区, beauty section
The sun sweeps the front façade of the salon in the afternoon from the direction of Vérmező.
The sun seamlessly flows into the building through the large glass surfaces. Through the bridge over the sunken indoor garden we arrive to the reception area, the ILCSI showroom. The garden features the plants used by ILCSI.
▽ (左)下沉花园, (left) sunken garden;(右)入口夜景, evening view of the entrance
▽ 室内夜景, interior at night
▽ 1F
▽ -1F
▽ 剖面 Section
location: Attila út 79, I. Budapest HUNGARY
client: ILCSI Szépítő Füvek Biokozmetikai Kft.
project year: 2014-15
budget: 150M HUF
architects: sporaarchitects_Ádám Hatvani, térhálózat_Attila Korompay,
visuals: Bence Várhídi
associate architects: Nóra Németh
electrical design engineer: PT-Engineering
mechanical design engineer: Miral_ Márk Paumann
lighting: Erco_ János Farkas
garden: Tibor Varga, Blanka Kiss
model: Martin Courdevey
photography: Balázs Danyi
building contractor: Gall- Mű Kft
woodworks: Pavlicsek és Fia
plastic works: Kerttrade Kft.
locksmith: Tamás Gatyás
glass: Kovács üveg Kft.
decorative painting: Tamás Slavei