Field Operations 为芝加哥古老的海军码头重塑新颜,让这个早已名声在外的游览景点能够为游人们带来跟为现代简洁的空间体验,同时也加强了其与湖水的联系。极富吸引力的社交空间、现代建筑、水景元素、朦胧的灯光、游乐园以及随着四季变迁变换面貌的植被打造出一系列主题、功能各不相同的场所,码头的南船坞如同一条绿轴般,联系起密歇根湖与城市空间。南船坞与相邻的Polk Brothers 公园、码头公园、East End 公园以及水晶花园让海军码头成为了世界一流的标志性景观空间,同时也是一个代表着当代芝加哥真正特质,活力十足的文化中心。
For Chicago’s historic Navy Pier, Field Operations has designed a contemporary “pierscape” that will renew the popular destination’s experience and connection to the water. Re-imagined as a green spine that extends from Lake Michigan back into the city, the Pier’s South Dock will anchor a series of thematic rooms filled with engaging social spaces, contemporary architecture, stunning water features, atmospheric lighting, amusements, and seasonal plantings. The new South Dock and adjoining Polk Brothers Park, Pier Park, East End Park, and Crystal Garden will make Navy Pier not only a world-class icon, but also a center of activity and culture that is reflective of an authentic, contemporary Chicago identity.
▼ 从码头望向城市与湖泊,view from the pier to the city and Michigan Lake
Polk Brothers公园将城市与码头联系在了一起。全新的人行路径与交通空间格局为步行者和骑行者带来了更安全舒适的进入方式。巨大的喷泉占据了Polk Brothers公园喷泉广场的中心,带来丰富的空间层次与体验。在冬季,这里也将摇身一变,成为极富吸引力的溜冰场。全新的灯光照明设计让入口处的古老标志性建筑焕发了新生,以崭新的面貌出现在众人面前。
Polk Brothers Park establishes strong connections between the Pier and the City. New crossings and reconfigured traffic patterns assure a safer and more welcome arrival for pedestrians and cyclists visiting the Pier. The Polk Brothers Park Fountain Plaza features a dramatic water fountain with a complex geometry of dynamic water jets. In winter, this area transforms to a skating rink. Architectural lighting of the historic Headhouse façade brings new attention to this important existing Chicago Landmark.
▼ 入口处的古老标志性建筑,the historic Headhouse / 滨海大道入口,entrance of the Promenade
▼ Polk Brothers公园与喷泉广场,Polk Brothers Park and Fountain Plaza
An interior South Arcade hosts new Chicago food venues, spaces for community meeting and gathering. A curvaceous “Wave Wall” lets light and movement into the interior South Arcade while coalescing to create a grand south-facing stair, moving upwards and on axis with the new Ferris Wheel.
The new Ferris Wheel is bigger, better, and capitalizes on the latest innovations in amusement design—a 21st century icon for the city where the Ferris Wheel was invented.
The South Dock Promenade ties all these various places and experiences together in one journey. The Promenade features new herring-bone paving, large shade trees, grass and perennial plantings, social furniture and beautifully reflective kiosks and Lake Pavilions.
▼ 在树荫下歇脚的人们,visitors sitting by the trees / 凉亭上倒映着粼粼的水光,beautifully reflective Lake Pavilions
▼ 全景鸟瞰,bird view
▼ 总平面图,site plan
YEAR: 2012-present
SIZE: 24 acres
ROLE: prime; landscape architecture; urban design
SERVICES: Landscape Architecture; Public Realm; Project Management; Master Plan; Concept Design; Schematic Design; Design Development; Construction Documents & Constriction Administration Services
BUDGET: $55M (Phase 1), $22M (Phase 2), $44M (Phase 3)
COMPLETION: Phase 1: Summer 2015
Phase 2: Summer 2016
Phase 3: TBD
CLIENT: Navy Pier Incorporated
James Corner, RLA, Founding Partner, “Design Director”
Keith O’Connor, Principal, “Principal-In-Charge”
Sarah Weidner Astheimer, Senior Associate “Project Manager”
Eric Becker, Associate, “Project Designer”
David Christensen, Associate, “Project Designer”
Kim Cooper, Associate, “Project Designer”
Ksenia Kagner, Associate, “Project Designer”
James Tenyenhuis, Associate, “Project Designer”
Alejandro Vasquez, Associate, “Project Designer”
Chunjin Lee, “Designer”
HaeMee Han, “Designer”
Autumn Visconti, “Designer”
James Corner Field Operations
James Corner Field Operations