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照片 © Inter_mountain images

Interior Designers:杜兹设计

位置:Shanghai, 中国


Architect in Charge:Ling Zhong

Design Team:Tao Wan, Yingqi Hu, Arnaud Rossocelo, Feng Dong, Xiaofeng Chen

近日,DUTS杜兹设计的国际竞标作品 “海尚世界智慧天地园区”项目在历时五年后建成竣工。该项目位于上海市杨浦区大五角场知识创新城区,项目建成后将服务于西北角的新江湾城国际社区和东面的中原地区,包含办公,商业及康养等业态。 结合“创新杨浦”的城市肌理,传承城市文化与历史,DUTS杜兹设计通过开放与互动的“城市捷径”,创造出更具利他性与复合性的新型城市产业园区。远远看去,园区内独特的海岛式独栋建筑形态,生态化的景观及屋顶立面,在都市中形成一片充满智慧之美与人文魅力的“ 海上绿岛”。 1929年公布的“大上海计划”,将引翔 、殷行 、江湾三区的交界处,也就是如今的五角场地区为上海的市中心区域,并在1930年按计划筑成了以特别市府大楼为中心的蛛网型道路,先后建造了若干市政及文化建筑。 如今,昔日“大上海计划”中的市中心已转变成了一个融大学城 、知识产业园区 、现代生活区和商业区为一体的五角场上海城市副中心,杨浦区也已经成功实现了从“工业杨浦”到“知识杨浦”再到“创新杨浦”的转型升级。 本项目位于大五角场知识创新城区,为维持原有历史街区的尺度,整体园区设计为小体量,高度不超过24米的多层建筑群体。面对如此高密度的园区项目,如何为办公空间释放出“呼吸感”,同时也能更好的服务周边社区人群,承载城市职能和社会责任,沿袭历史街区人文气息,成为了建筑师的思考。 “我们对原有的城市肌理进行了重新的梳理,从理性的层面来说,我们希望能结合城市的历史,打通园区空间,让它更好的与城市链接,更好的服务周边社区,也促进市民与周边都市环境的互动。同时感性层面,我们也希望能为城市的未来带来更多的想像,利用开放,互动的“城市捷径”,创造生态化的立体社区,打造出具有利他性,人文美感与复合业态的新型城市产业园区。”杜兹设计创始人,建筑师钟凌这样提到。 通过Zoom out到宏观的城市肌理与 Zoom in到周边社区人群的行为需求进行的研究,DUTS的建筑师在园区内部创造出了一条“下穿的城市捷径”,将城市功能打通,让园区能更好的为周边服务。通过更有“漂浮感”的独栋海岛式建筑形态,在建筑立面局部平台与屋顶“第五立面”设置绿化,创造出更生态化,让办公人群与园区使用者,及其周边社区居民都能放松身心的立体公园式办公园区。 一条连接闸殷路与世界路的“城市捷径”,成为了公共人流穿行与停留的快速通道,利用自然汇聚的人流与合理布局的商业空间,创造出下沉式的城市休闲商业广场,不仅丰富了园区的业态与生活体验,也能更好地为社区生活圈及周边居民的休闲购物提供便利。 下沉的商业庭院也为办公园区的内部空间创造出更丰富的层次。下层的商业空间与上层庭院式的办公空间,让办公人群与休闲人群活动于不同高度的空间,巧妙实现了园区中动静的分区。 一静一动的结合,为园区带来更多活力与互动。 项目位于杨浦城市风貌保护区内,考虑到城市风貌的统一性,园区内建筑采用与周边相近与友好的色彩与材质,方正形体的建筑通过不同色彩的形体穿插,消弱整体压迫感,让整体更加丰富,尺度更加人性化,既有当代特点,又与周边建筑友好协调。 主体建筑采用了与南侧的保护建筑国立音乐学院一致的方窗作为本地块立面设计的基本元素。立面材质选择与国立音乐学院旧址相同的深红色色彩的陶板,以及与周边建筑相协调的白色作为主色调,确保与城市历史文化风貌相协调,同时调和了相邻建筑的关系,也为园区创造出更加人文的氛围。 Through the undulating shapes and simple vertical separation, the architects create a contrasting architectural space environment for the park, and through the changes in the architectural shape, the balconies, walkways and other spaces are reasonably set up. People's walking experience and indoor experience in the park buildings have been greatly improved, and the overall spatial quality of the building has been improved. The "grey space" formed by openings on the regular building shape creates the possibility of rest, activity and leisure for people, brings vitality to the office space, and allows people in the park to relax. Street facade: There is a large street facade on one side of the park. For the buildings along the street, it is very important to deal with the relationship between the building and the city, organize and plan the direction of the flow of people, and deal with the opening of the building. The architects made use of the interspersed blocks and the contrast of materials to make the facade along the street of the buildings in the park changeable, which is visually comfortable and pleasant. Regarding the material selection of the building facade, there are two floors at the bottom of the building along World Road and Zhayin Road. The dark part is partially made of reddish-brown aluminum plate, the large-area part is made of reddish-brown ceramic plate, the light-colored part of the upper part is made of light yellow stone, and some parts are perforated with silver metal plate embellishment. The dark part of the interior office is red-brown ceramic board, and the light part is light yellow stone. The "three-dimensional park-like" office park brings people a more comfortable and ecological experience. The park not only arranges a large area of green space and squares, but also fully greens the roof to create an ecological "fifth facade". The roof garden and the platform greening of the building facade, as well as the green spaces of different heights in the park, create a three-dimensional and varied ecological landscape. The CoscoShipping Park has followed the guidance of the latest energy-saving standards from the beginning of its design. As a modern and ecological industrial park, it integrates the concept of sustainable development, uses a large number of recyclable materials, maintains a high greening rate and has obtained the LEED green building three-star certification with resources saving system, healthy, comfortable and efficient space and buildings coexisted in harmony with natural environment. From "Great Shanghai Era", "Industrial Yangpu", Knowledge Yangpu to "Innovative Yangpu", the city has become more open, altruistic, and more dynamic. The production of enterprises, the life of residents, and nature are combined in a more sustainable way, and the environmental, economic, social and humanistic aesthetics develop in the fusion. The intellectual beauty, passed through centuries, still likes mist o'er mountains driven, or moonlight on a midnight steam, give grace and truth to the city.


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