发布时间:2022-07-09 00:59:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


In late 2018, CLAB was commissioned by the Chongqing·LAB Art Museum to design a collection in Chongqing’s Wulong Fairy Mountain for a contemporary art work by French national treasure artist Christian Boltanski. This piece collects the human heartbeat, and this museum was named ” The Heart Pavilion. ”

▼波尔坦斯基站在心跳博物馆的屋顶上,Christian Boltanski stood on the roof of the Heart Pavilion


The challenge of this project is how architects can maintain the uniqueness and creativity of the architectural discipline while retreating behind the artist’s work to fully express and present the artist’s work. Our work was always in close communication with Christian Boltanski from site selection to design, and the conceptual starting point of the architectural proposal came from the architect’s recognition and re-creation of the artist’s work.

▼心跳博物馆外观,external view ofThe Heart Pavilion




There are several key perceptual cognitions that form the undertone of this architectural work:The first is that we want the building to be opened in a way that is auditory, not visual.

The second recognition, the flat form of the building, comes from the meditative picture produced by the architect when reading the work “Heartbeat Archive”: the ripples of time and space triggered by the heartbeat.

The third realization is that the material of this building will be concrete. The power of concrete sinks, deep into the land, asChristian Boltanski expounds on his creative experience: from suffering, toward death.

▼心跳博物馆和仙女山和尚岩,The Heart Pavilion and Fairy Nun Mountain monk Rock

博物馆近景鸟瞰,closer aerial view of the pavilion


Boltanskiand His Heart Archive




Born in 1944 in Paris at the end of World War II, Christian Boltanski was a famous French sculptor, photographer, artist, painter and filmmaker. His father was Jewish, and massacres, disappointments, fate, and memories have always been at the heart of his work.

Christian Boltanski was born in Paris, 12 days after liberation from German occupation in 1944. His father, Jewish, hid in his family’s basement for months during World War II. The shadow of war accompanied Christian Boltanski’s childhood and later, prompting him to respond to the ultimate question of life and existence in the form of artistic creation.

Beginning in 2008, French artist Christian Boltanski began collecting people’s heartbeats around the world and established the heartbeat archive, and so far, he has collected the heartbeats of 120,000 people and stored them on Toshima Island, Setouchi, Japan.

位于濑户内的心跳档案馆,The Heart Archive



The most important space in the Heartbeat Archive is the “ventricle” of the museum. In the middle of the ventricle hangs an incandescent lamp, and the strobe of the incandescent lamp is synchronized with the heartbeat of someone currently playing. In the dark space, accompanied by the sound of heartbeats that are magnified several times to deafening, and the strobe of lights, Christian Boltanski hopes to summon people’s perception of life in this way.

Eight years after the completion of the Heart Archive in Japan, Christian Boltanski accepted the invitation of the Chongqing·LAB Art Museum to set up the Heart Pavilion, Wulong, Chongqing, China, to continue to collect the heartbeats of people living in this world.


the Installation: Heart Room, Flashing Bulb with Heart Beating


Searching Area of the Heart Archive and The Heart Archive, isitors record their own heartbeats in the artist’s heartbeat archives


"The Heart Pavilion

Designed by CLAB Architects



The Heart Pavilion project is an important sub-project of the LAB Art Season. The LAB Art Season is located on a terrace in Wulong Fairy Mountain in Chongqing. The projects built at the same time also include the Chongqing·LAB Art Museum and a number of small buildings. The ground is backed by a monk rock with a vertical drop of 800 meters, facing the Wujiang Grand Canyon.

Our work included site selection for The Heart Pavilion. Out of understanding of the artist’s work, we chose a piece of land that was located on the edge of the terrace, away from the festival tour initiative. The construction base faces the canyon, and the distant mountains and clouds can be seen in full view. The base and the main road are separated by a large wood. When choosing a site, the idea of “opening the building with the sound of a heartbeat” gradually took shape. After communicating with the artist, the site was finalized.

▼心跳博物馆选址,site of The Heart Pavilion



The Heart Pavilion in Wulong, Chongqing, is the successor to the Setouchi the Heart Archive. Its creation maintains full respect for the creative thinking of the artist’s work, following a series of arrangements for the function and exhibition route of the artist in the Heartbeat Archive; At the same time, it also has no shortage of creative shining points.

The layout provided by the artist is based on a modification of the Setouchi ” The Heartbeat Archive”, which changes the installation “ventricles” into a circle. The artist wanted it to be a space with blurred edges and corners.The architectural plan of The Heart Pavilion maintains the layout function of “The Heartbeat Archive” in Setouchi, and the streamlines are reorganized with new geometric relationships to give a more interesting plane.


functional layout plan provided by the artist and the manual conceptual model

▼建筑概念手稿(和艺术家的沟通稿),Architectural concept manuscript (communication with the artist)


The architectural plan comes from a brain hole in the understanding of the artist’s creative ideas:A Square Cut from the Space-Time Ripple of Heart Beating. The final set of circular plane combinations gradually became clear. On the perceptual level, the flat form of the building comes from the imagination of the sound of a heartbeat: “ripples of time and space triggered by a heartbeat”. On a rational level, these overlapping circular rooms distinguish between light and dark partitions according to functional requirements, and connect a complete experience streamline that connects end to end.

▼平面概念,concept of the plan


Like The Heart Archive, which is hidden in the woods by the sea, the artist hopes that the Heartbeat Museum will also be “hidden.” The site of the building is located on the side of the mountain in the canyon, and the architects sink the entire building into the mountain.and only through a curved road in the woods can you enter The Heart Pavilion. A road winding from the woods into the Heartbeat Museum, with the sound of synchronized ventricle heartbeats in the woods on both sides of the road.

▼总平面图,site plan


The façade on the south side of the building consists of several complete cylinders and two cylindrical masses that have been cut. The cut cylinder is shown by the white wall “indoors”. Light and shadow freely change the façade expression of the building.

▼切割后的外立面以白墙示人,white wall of the facade cut by the cylinders


details of the cylinders


The path from the main road to The Heart Pavilion. The building sank into the mountain and was obscured by woods. Visitors will first hear the heartbeat coming from deep in the woods and walk into the grounds of the Heartbeat Museum in the direction where the sound is emitted. Through winding paths through the woods, the experiencer sinks from a staircase and building into the mountain.Turning around the corner of the building, there is a view of the distant canyon cut out of the building and the mountain. At the end of the road is the entrance to The Heart Pavilion. In the entrance area of the building, there is a heavy concrete stone door that responds to the artist’s creative experience of life and death. It is a ritual process in which the senses are constantly amplified. What the architects wanted to present to the visitor was first and foremost one side of the artist’s work, not the exterior of the building. Hopefully, this process is both a process of shaping the ceremony and a process of abandoning form to give the visitor a preconceived visual image.

▼下沉入山体的楼梯,stairs sinking into the mountain

▼嵌入山体边界的木质扶手,wooden handrails embedded in the mountain boundary

▼远处峡谷的风景,view of the distanced gorge


entrance with a heavy concrete door


Enter the building and come to the reception room of The Heart Pavilion. The reception desk and the document desk are also made of concrete. A small door on the side of the reception room leads to the recording waiting area.The recording waiting area is a space where the inside and outside are intertwined. Light illuminates this space with ever-changing images. The circular plan of the building is perceived here.The recording waiting area connects three recording studios where visitors record their heartbeats and keep their heartbeats permanently in the artist’s heartbeat archives.

接待区,reception area

▼录音等候区,waiting area for recording


the recording studio is an enclosed circular room for two people to sit facing each other. Volunteers record heartbeats for visitors


The other side of the reception room is connected to the search area. The search area is the most scenic room in the whole building, facing the gorge. The search area is used by all visitors, where visitors search for all the heartbeat data entered into the heartbeat file, including the entered visitor’s own heartbeat data. Visitors send the heartbeat data they searched for to the device in the “ventricles” and enter the “ventricles” to listen and experience.

▼从等待室看向搜索区,perspective from the waiting area to the searching area

▼搜索区,searching area

▼搜索区面向峡谷景观,the search area faces the canyon landscape


The waiting area faces the other side of the canyon and is also the most scenic area in the whole building. The entire building area is small, and the waiting area is set up to facilitate the control of the number of visitors entering the ventricles. Through the waiting area, the specially designed light-absorbing room enters the very core of the entire building, the artist’s installation: “the ventricle”.


look out of the light room into the waiting area, the closed light chamber has two linked doors, and after closing the first door, the second door is opened to ensure an all-black environment in the ventricle


The ventricle is a circular space, and a flickering incandescent lamp hangs at the center of the room, and the frequency of the light flickering is the frequency of the heartbeat that plays at the same time. Above, Christian Boltanski’s heartbeat device at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai shows Christian Boltanski’s own heartbeat.

▼心跳博物馆的心室,Heart Room of the Heart Pavilion


The installation chamber of the ” The Heart Pavilion ” consists of a strobe incandescent lamp hanging in the center of the room and a wall surrounded by black mirror acrylic panels. Unlike the square ventricles in the Toshima Heartbeat Archive, the circular plane in The Heart Pavilion offers a unique spatial experience: all the black mirrors point to the center of the room. Visitors are in the center of the room, accompanied by the sound of this heartbeat and strobe lights are countless reflections of themselves appearing in the black mirror. These reflections also follow the rhythm of the heartbeat.

▼心室剖面,section of the Heart Room


About the construction and opening of the museum


Construction of The Heart Pavilion began in April 2019, and this small building is also the first project of the Company to start construction in 2019. As of June 2019, The Heart Pavilion has completed the construction of the main building and opened on 2019.08.03 together with the opening day of the LAB International Land Art Festival.


"Death is not the end of life, forgetting is." The sound of a heartbeat that proves to be alive should be recorded, stored, amplified, and heard by loved ones." The Heartbeat Museum will accompany everyone to record, store, enlarge and listen to life for a limited period of time in an infinite river of time.

▼合造社设计的“心跳博物馆”平面,plan of The Heart Paviliondesigned by CLAB

▼剖透视图,sectional perspective














Project Name: The Heart Pavilion

Design: CLABDesign Time:2018.12-2019.05Construction Time: 2019.06

Main Architect: Xu Lang

Project Director/Project Architect: Xu Lang

Architectural Design Team: Xu Lang,Chen Dongxu,Qin Xiaoyan

Project Location: Xiannu Mountain, Wulong District, Chongqing

Gross Built Area: 195 square meters

Photo Credits: CLAB,Chongqing·LAB Art Museum

Architectonics: Ran Jintao

Clients: Chongqing·LAB Art Museum,Program: Cultural Architecture


心跳博物馆 / 合造社
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