发布时间:2023-06-12 17:12:36 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

NIO蔚来是一家全球化的智能电动汽车品牌,它不仅专注于提供高性能的汽车产品,还在全球各地打造“NIO House”,建立起活跃的用户社群。

NIO is a global smart electric vehicle brand that not only focuses on providing high-performance automotive products, but also on creating NIO Houses worldwide to establish active user communities.

▼傍晚时分的蔚来中心,NIO House in the hush of the dusk ©聂晓聪

2018年,深圳第一家NIO HOUSE在平安中心开业。随着品牌的发展,承载着众多车主回忆的平安中心牛屋于2022年10月正式搬迁至深业上城。蔚来邀请MOC团队共同完成这一历史性的任务,既是对过往项目的总结,同时也开启对未来门店的全新标准。

In 2018, the first Nio House in Shenzhen opened at Ping An Finance Center. As the brand grew, this iconic NIO House, which held numerous memories for NIO owners, officially relocated to Shum Yip Upperhills in October 2022. NIO invited the MOC team to collaborate on this historic task. This project served as a reflection of past projects and new standards for future stores.

▼面对广场的展示面,Display area facing the plaza ©聂晓聪


The showroom takes on the name “Gallery”, drawing inspiration from the pure and minimalist aesthetic impression of an art gallery. The designers utilize clean and impactful materials to highlight the product design philosophy. The uniform overhead lighting enhances the spatial ambiance of the showroom.

▼商场内部入口,以对称的形式构建出纯粹、简约、极致的印象。 The entrance in the mall is designed in a symmetrical form to create a pure, minimalist and ultimate impression. ©聂晓聪


Within this expansive showroom, designed to accommodate all models, communal-style long benches are integrated to create an environment that encourages open and friendly communication and interaction.

▼展厅空间,showroom ©聂晓聪

▼展厅内的公共气质长条形座凳,communal-style long benches ©聂晓聪


A specific area facing the plaza is designated as the brand showcase. Apart from showcasing the latest products, it also serves as a platform for exhibiting art installations that encapsulate urban culture, thereby enriching the urban vibe of the plaza.

▼面对广场的展示面,Display area facing the plaza ©聂晓聪

▼展厅空间,showroom ©聂晓聪

▼展厅内的独立洽谈室,Separate meeting room within the showroom ©聂晓聪

▼洽谈室隔断细节,Details of partition design in the meeting room ©聂晓聪


Upon entering the user area, the material transition of sand-colored rock tiles adds a gentle texture to the space.

▼用户区概览,Overview of the user area ©聂晓聪


With a symmetrical layout and an array of grid ceiling designs, a theatrical ambiance is created, exuding a sense of ceremony. Inspired by the metaphorical significance of theaters as dream-filled havens and embodiments of a vibrant urban spirit, the space embraces the city’s ethos of “embracing dreams, vitality’s gleam.”

▼对称的布局和天花形式呈现出仪式感,Symmetrical layout and ceiling design evoke a sense of ceremony ©聂晓聪

▼咖啡吧台,Coffee bar ©聂晓聪

▼咖啡吧台,Coffee bar ©聂晓聪


Beneath the grid ceiling, an adaptable and open social space unfolds. Movable furniture adjustments cater to various usage scenarios, complemented by versatile lighting modes that perfectly match different scenario needs.

▼方格天花下的休闲场景及细节,Relaxed ambiance beneath the grid ceiling & Ceiling details ©聂晓聪

▼不同的场景模式,A variety of scenarios ©MOC DESIGN OFFICE

▼通过灯光场景模式的控制来匹配不同的使用需求,Flexible lighting scenarios to cater diverse usage needs ©聂晓聪


Notably, within NIO’s user community, an impressive assortment of exceptional photography, paintings and artwork flourishes. To cater to this remarkable collection, a purposefully crafted slot has been installed at a uniform height on the wall. Complemented by custom-made hanging accessories, the thoughtful arrangement transforms the entire space into a gallery-like setting, ideal for displaying larger-sized exhibits.

▼墙面卡槽和定制的挂件,可轻便的进行固定和组合 Convenient wall slots and custom-made hanging accessories for easy installation and combination. ©聂晓聪



On either side of the recreational area, there are different functional themed zones and rooms, including two rooms in distinct forms.

The setup of the multifunctional conference room exemplifies the dialectical relationship between enclosure and openness: during regular operations, the sliding doors are fully open, seamlessly integrating with the public area as the complementary social space. However, when hosting events or meetings, it can be closed off to become a separate space, ensuring no interference with other areas.

▼多功能会议室,Multifunctional conference room ©聂晓聪

▼多功能会议室,Multifunctional conference room ©聂晓聪


The other room functions as a private guest lounge, featuring a curved ceiling design that harmonizes with the furniture and creates a soft and enveloping atmosphere. The concept of an independent room was initially introduced by MOC and successfully implemented at the NIO house in Changsha, now recognized as the “Chamber”.

▼独立的会客室,可以举办小型的聚会等多种活动,蔚来用户可预定使用。 Independent living room suitable for small gatherings and various events available for reservation by NIO users. ©聂晓聪

与他们相对的另一侧包括一个多功能的精品展示区和名为Joy Camp的儿童区。

On the opposite side, there is a multifunctional boutique display area and a children’s play area named Joy Camp.

▼精品展示区,Boutique display area ©聂晓聪

▼考虑到儿童区的运营管理和卫生,设计师规划了登记窗口和儿童换鞋的位置 The check-in window and shoe changing spot are designed for operational management and hygiene in the children’s area. ©聂晓聪

▼Joy Camp内部场景,Interior of Joy Camp ©聂晓聪

▼Joy Camp内部场景,Interior of Joy Camp ©聂晓聪

▼洗手间细节,Details of restroom facilities ©聂晓聪


In this project endeavor, the design team employs a contemporary and understated design language to embody the brand’s DNA of “purity, humanism, refinement and futurism,” while also paying tribute to the cultural spirit of the city. Through user-centric functional planning and meticulous attention to detail, NIO’s brand principles and life philosophy are effectively conveyed.



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