发布时间:2022-02-03 08:50:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

黑诺拉高中是由 Lahdelma & Mahlamäki 建筑事务所受托设计的多功能教育项目。学校所在的 Seminaari 区拥有巨大的文化和历史价值,早在 1899 年,黑诺拉已有专门的教师培训机构。从更广泛的意义上说,黑诺拉高中扮演着公共建筑的角色,因其还容纳了大礼堂和体育馆等多处文化设施,对城市有着十分重要的意义。

The Heinola Upper Secondary School is a multi-purpose educational building designed by Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architects, based on the winning proposal of an invited competition. It is located in the Seminaari area, which is of great cultural and historical value and is partly protected, and where teacher training started as early as 1899. The Heinola Upper Secondary School is a public building in a broader sense, as it also houses other cultural facilities important for a small town, such as a large auditorium and a sports hall.

学校外观,Exterior view©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


场地平面图,Site plan© Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects

学校建筑坐落在风景如画的黑诺拉市中心,与 18 世纪的 Maaherranpuisto 公园相邻。场地周围的建筑包括建于 1939 年的功能主义教学楼以及 19 世纪末及 20 世纪初的数座大楼,后者受到瑞士别墅和旧时斯堪的纳维亚装饰品的影响——这使该地的历史背景进一步得到加强。黑诺拉高中以自由的形式分布在公园般的历史环境中,与其周围的城市网格形成了鲜明的对比。

The building is located in the heart of the Heinola, next to the 18th century Maaherranpuisto park. The historic context of the site is further enhanced by the functionalist educational building from 1939, which stands next to the Upper Secondary School, and the educational buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which are influenced by Swiss villa architecture and ancient Scandinavian ornaments. The Heinola Upper Secondary School was freely placed in this park-like and historic setting, in contrast to the surrounding urban grid, which underlines the School’s status as a locally significant public building.

Context©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼学校与周边建筑,The school and the adjacent builings©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


The Heinola Upper Secondary School is a major project for the town and a landmark building that stands out clearly from other school projects in Heinola at the same time. It is a public building in a broader sense than just a school, as it houses a number of activities important to the community in the centre of the town. These include youth service facilities, a large auditorium and a sports hall, which will extend the use of the School for performing arts, events, social interaction and sports. Therefore, the Heinola Upper Secondary School can rightly be called the town’s cultural centre.

View from the street©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼建筑立面,Building facade©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


In its appearance, too, the Heinola Upper Secondary School is much more than an ordinary school building. Its multifaceted massing is not limited to a rectangular design language, but is inspired by the free arrangement of the building and the idea of a campfire circle around the central lobby. The facades of the building are divided horizontally into two parts, with brick pilasters and high glass surfaces alternating on the two lower floors, while the top floor is clad in perforated metal. This twofold look is inspired by the old educational buildings in the area, with a plastered brick ground floor and a wooden second floor. The brick pilasters and the lace-like nature of the perforated metal give the facades depth and ever-changing shadows. Through the two-storey high glass surfaces, the townscape becomes part of the interior of the School.

▼在底部两个楼层,砖砌壁柱和玻璃高窗交替出现©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio Brick pilasters and high glass surfaces alternating on the two lower floors

▼外观细节,Detailed view©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


从附近公园望向建筑,View from the green area©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


▼功能布局示意,Diagram© Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects

The functional solution for the Heinola Upper Secondary School is simple and easy to understand. The architectural concept was inspired by the shape of the site and is based on the idea of the building as a warm campfire circle. In practice, this is reflected, for example, in the layout of the spaces around the central lobby. The lobby dominates the spatial ensemble while emphasising the coherence of all parts of the building. From the users’ point of view, the lobby creates a meeting point with access to all parts of the building.

▼中央大厅,Central lobby©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼大厅创造了一个可以通往建筑不同区域的聚集点©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

The lobby creates a meeting point with access to all parts of the building

楼梯细节,Staircase detail©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼大厅窗户和天花板细节,Window and ceiling detail©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


The school facilities are spread over three floors, which are divided into different use zones. Nearest to the busy central lobby are spaces for informal study and lounging, while further out are quieter spaces for more focused learning. The different types of educational spaces form clusters of cellular units, each with a common learning area at its centre. Instead of large open spaces, the emphasis is on spaces of different shapes and sizes, which can be combined as required. Glass walls between classrooms and lobbies contribute to a sense of cohesion within the school.

非正式学习和休息空间,Spaces for informal study and lounging©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼休息室,Lounge©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼娱乐室,recreation space©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼教室,Classroom©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼体育馆,Sports hall ©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


Given the importance of the Heinola Upper Secondary School, it was decided to invest in high quality materials, and the original design was not discounted in the process. The exterior architecture features brick and metal, while the interior uses materials such as wood panelling, mosaic concrete and patinated metal. Wood is particularly prominent in the building’s most public spaces, such as the central lobby. For the interior, particular attention was paid to the choice of materials for the auditorium, in order to achieve a high acoustic and visual quality. Thus, the multi-edged and adaptable acoustic surfaces of the walls were clad with a gauzy steel mesh, creating an oval shape and a calm atmosphere in the auditorium.

▼礼堂,Auditorium©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

室内细节,Interior detailed view©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio


As a multi-purpose building, the Heinola Upper Secondary School’s facilities are designed for all town residents. For example, the town’s youth service facilities, which serve not only the students but also other young people in the town, are housed in this building. The ground floor forms a spatial and functional whole, with the visual arts and music rooms, the auditorium and the sports hall connected to the central lobby. These facilities allow for a wide range of civic and cultural activities and events to take place outside school hours.

学校夜景,Night view©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼夜间整体鸟瞰,Aerial overall view by night©Kuvatoimisto Kuvio

▼首层平面图,Plan Ground floor© Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects

二层平面图,Plan 1st floor© Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects

▼三层平面图,Plan 2nd floor© Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects

顶层平面图,Plan attic© Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects

▼西南和东北立面图,Facade southwest and northeast© Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects


Heinola Upper Secondary School

Location: Heinola, Finland

Year: 2021

Total area: 5,200 m2

Client: City of Heinola

Program: Upper secondary school, sports hall, auditorium, youth service facilities, recreational courtyard

Credits (competition phase)Authors: Ilmari Lahdelma ja Rainer Mahlamäki

Team members: Tarmo Juhola, Jukka Savolainen, Shaun Leung

Learning space experts: Raila Oksanen, FCG Konsultointi Oy

Credits (design and construction phases)Principal Designer: Ilmari LahdelmaProject Architect: Marko Santala (design phase), Timo Jyrinki (construction phase)Responsible Interior Architect: Minja Hildén

Team members: Heidi Siitonen, Olli Aarnio, Anna Wawrzyniak

Other designers: Tuomas Ikäheimo, Nina Vehviläinen



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