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△ “森林的邀约”实景  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影

△ 门厅接待区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影设计单位  上海澳锘建筑规划设计有限公司项目地址  上海青浦建成时间  2022年占地面积  72149平方米

项目由「SPACE内外」首发,媒体编辑和排版澳锘设计供稿:田小萌、陈述、王依群、李玉贺、秦飞飞项目介绍光华教育集团旗下的光华启迪是国内率先提出“个人学校”教育理念的国际化教育机构。其淀山湖校区于近期完成了面向未来的、可持续的教学空间及室外景观场地的更新,让这所致力于培育国际化精英的校园,具备了与教育理念相呼应的自然校园空间及充满创造力的教学环境。Guanghua Qidi College is a personalized academy as the subsidiary of Guanghua Education Group which has accumulated experience in cultivate international young elites. Guanghua Qidi College Dianshan Lake Campus has recently completed its improvement of teaching areas and outdoor environments to reinforce college’s creative thinking and future-oriented/sustainable educational theory.

△ 校园总体鸟瞰  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影项目紧邻上海青浦淀山湖,原场地为森林度假村,拥有得天独厚的生态资源,是校园重建的有利自然条件,这促进以校园环境搭建人与自然连接的可能性;因此在保持自然植被基底以及不打破建筑格局的基础条件下,团队完成了校园整体环境设计结合户外营地教育的统一改造,积极探索创新高品质教学空间。The project is close to Dianshan Lake in Qingpu, Shanghai. The original site is a forest resort owns very unique ecological resources, which has become a favorable natural condition for the campus reconstruction. This promotes the possibility of building the connection between man and nature within a education environment; therefore, while maintaining the natural base and not breaking the architectural pattern, our team completed the unified transformation of the overall campus environment design combined with outdoor camp education, and actively explored the innovation of high-quality interior teaching space.

△ 校园印象  ©光华教育集团林野游学—生长中的校园景观全新的校园景观提供了社交、集会、运动、文化展示、自然教育及充分享受校园生活的独特体验机会。A distinctive experience opportunity for socializing, gathering, sports, cultural display, natural education and full enjoyment of campus life is provided by the new landscape . 设计团队在尊重场地现状的基础上,强调场地的自然文脉特征与多元包容的校园理念,激发每一位校园使用者之间的创造性互动,打造能够与学生共同成长的品质景观,鼓励学习生活场景从传统的空间维度过渡到自由、和谐、亲切的自然环境维度,以提高校园吸引力。On the basis of respecting current situation, our team emphasizes the original natural characteristics and the school’s concept of diversified and inclusive, in hence to stimulates the creative interaction between each campus user, and brings about a quality landscape that can grow together with students; improving the attraction of the campus by encourage the transition of learning and living scenes from the traditional spatial dimension to the free, harmonious and friendly natural dimension. △ 总平面图  ©澳锘设计设计合理利用场地原有条件带来的空间特质,如废弃的跑道、葱郁的密林、多样化的植被、半开放空地等,丰富了使用者对校园场地的探索。设计团队以原有特质将园区划分为“燃烧的赛场”“森林的邀约”“星空派对”等多个主题分区。每个分区的位置选址都全面考虑了场地植物种植、交通流线、场地功能及周边建筑开发计划,保证使用者获得理想的使用体验。Unique feature such as abandoned runways, lush forests, diversified vegetation, semi open spaces etc from the original c the campus into multiple theme zones such as Burning stadium, Forest invitations, Star party, etc. The location selection of each zone fully consider the planting, traffic flow, activities functions and the development plan of surrounding buildings, so as to ensure that users can obtain reasonable site use experience. 

△ 主题活动分区  ©澳锘设计

△ 设计策略分析  ©澳锘设计


主入口是迈入自然校园的第一场景。在不改变大门及岗亭基本空间结构的同时,设计抽象提取了密林形态用于入口处,使之成为有趣又统一的外立面结构。头顶树荫连绵,脚下树影斑驳,设计营造出自然的入校体验。Our team retained the original spatial structure of the main gate and form the overall gate design by abstract the shape of the forest behind the entrance, which bring this harmonious and interesting image of the main entrance. Students shall have this natural experience walking into the campus with the tree shade above the head, and the sunshine under the foot. △ 大门  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


此处是原场地废弃的卡丁车赛道,被翻新成多元运动场。设计通过组合场地,提升场地利用率,不仅整合篮球、排球、羽毛球、乒乓球场地以及250米环形跑道,还结合码头功能,开展皮划艇、板桨等水上运动。四周的林地植被让这处运动蓝湾成为天然的健康氧吧。The abandoned kart racetrack in the original venue has been renovated into a multi-functional sport field. By improving site utilization through the space combination , creating basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis venues and a 250m circular runway, as well carry out water sports such as canoeing and paddling with the good use of dock functions. The surrounding forest vegetation provides a natural and healthy oxygen bar for this blue sports field. △ “燃烧的赛场”鸟瞰渲染图  ©澳锘设计

△ “燃烧的赛场”渲染图  ©澳锘设计

△ “燃烧的赛场”实景  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


在这里,设计结合丰富的植被与林下空间,创造了一个林间剧场,供学生进行户外演艺及观览活动。设计团队保留了高大乔木而清理了中下层植被,通过动线引导打造出通透半开放的自然共享空间:地面活动区域铺设松树皮,林下的非活动区局部种植耐荫、驱蚊类植物。Design creating a forest theater combining the rich vegetation allowing students to perform outdoor performances and sightseeing activities. Our team retained tall trees, cleared the middle and bottom vegetation through flow-line guidance, bring into a broad and semi-open natural shared space: outdoor paving material of pine bark was laid on the activity  ground, plants of shade tolerant and mosquito repellent were locally grow in the non activity area.林中还设置了舞台、露营木平台及杉木桩矮围墙;北部林下空间则作为荧光森林剧场,满足校园户外音乐节、露天电影、小剧场活动以及写生露营等功能需要,同时又可作为小型集散场地。Set up a performance stage, a wooden camping platform and a low China fir pile fence; The fluorescent theater in the north of the woods can meet the functions of campus outdoor music festival, open-air movies, small theater activities, sketching and camping, as well as be used as a small collection and distribution site. △ “森林的邀约”渲染图  ©澳锘设计

△ “森林的邀约”实景  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


考虑到室内外空间联动,在校园餐厅外,设计围绕现状泳池营造出一方休闲派对场地。中心活动场地为使用者带来充满艺术感的集会空间;星光T台广场作为星空水景与餐厅之间的连接;泳池旁的休闲桌椅则成为户外交流与休憩场所。To ensure the continuity of indoor and outdoor space, our team conceived a leisure party field around the existing swimming pool. The central activity area behind the school dining room brings users a gathering space full of artistic sense: Starlight T Platform Square is the connection between the starry sky waterscape and the restaurant; The leisure tables and chairs on the side of the pool become an outdoor communication and rest place. △ “星空派对”渲染图  ©澳锘设计△ “星空派对”实景  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影融于自然、寓教于乐、与景观环境共生长的校园文化是更加人性化的积极教育导向,也是改善传统教学环境的趋向性表达。与此同时,打破边界的开放性教学场景怎样更加符合当代师生的学习生活需求?设计团队在此问题基础上提供了一个多元的空间解决方案。Blending with nature, combines education with recreation, growing together with landscape, the campus culture of which is a more humanized positive education guidance, and also a trend expression to improve the traditional teaching environment. Meanwhile, our team provided a diversified space solution to the question that how the boundary-breaking open teaching scene could better meet the learning and living needs of contemporary teachers and students. △ “星空派对”实景  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影无界想象—开放交融的多义空间我们认为,包含温度的内凝叙事,更能诠释学校在时间沉淀下的内核理念。We believe that cohesive narration with temperature can better interpret the core idea of school under the precipitation of time. 设计团队以内敛的空间设计手法,营造富有延展力的精神性场域。巧妙借景移情,模糊内外边界,让学校空间不仅作为符合Z世代特征的成长性空间,同时也成为学生情感寄托的有形载体。Our team have tried to create a spiritual field full of extensibility with implicit space design by taking advantage of a scene to express emotion and blurring internal and external boundaries, which let the school space serve the purpose of the tangible carrier of students' emotional sustenance. △ 室内空间印象  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影不被传统学校的室内布局所定义,该校区旨在重新思考化繁为简的现代校园设计理念。在室内空间的主题色选取上,我们将带来无尽想象力的白色赋予空间,容许创造力自由成长,打造沉浸式校园叙事场所,给予年轻人无边界的多义空间。Instead of being defined by the traditional indoor layout of schools, the campus aims to reconsider the modern campus design of simplify what is complicated. In terms of theme color selection of interior space, we endow white to endless imagination, in which allowing creativity to bloom and free growth without gravity, achieve an immersive narrative environment that giving young people boundless polysemy space to learn and create. △ 设计愿景  ©澳锘设计设计团队重新梳理原建筑空间,按照教育指标,将建筑分为ABCDF楼区域。各个区域通过连廊走道连接在一起,形成了相互独立而又紧密联系的整体空间秩序。Our team reorganized the original construction space, divided the building into ABCDF sections according to the education indicators, and connected each section through corridors to form this independent and closely connected spatial order.


门厅接待区被打造成一幅绿水葱郁中的银白画卷,大面积空白墙面留给师生展示教学及生活点滴。可自由组合的家具配套便于创造灵活多变的空间,使此处成为学习沙龙、艺术展示、特色主题等活动的集合地。The lobby reception area is built into a gray and white picture among green landscape, the large area of blank wall is reserved for teachers and students to show themselves. The furniture that can be combined freely is convenient for creating flexible space, making it a gathering center for learning salons, art exhibitions, characteristic themes and other activities. 

△ 门厅接待区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影

△ 室外空间作为室内空间的延续  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


此处保留了原装饰拆除后的墙面肌理和暴露的设备管道,营造出开放自由的视觉体验。大面积窗景,最大限度地保证了视线的通透性及自然光线的渗透。混凝土肌理涂料和白蓝色家具搭配,使得室内氛围静谧而亲切。The void activity area restains the wall texture and exposed equipment pipes after the original decoration is removed, bring about a visual experience of rough and free. Collocated with the large windows, ensures the visibility and natural light penetration to the maximum extent. the line of sight passes through from one space to another may can fully enjoy the changes of indoor light and shade as well as the switch of the scenery of the four seasons.视线从一个空间穿越到另一个空间,能看到的除了室内光影的变化,也有四季风景的更迭。The combination of concrete texture coating and white blue furniture makes the indoor atmosphere quiet and close. △ 挑空活动区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


随着大众对“情感教育”的诉求变得更加复合,教学空间不再局限于封闭的四面墙壁与满堆的课桌椅,环境也可以成为更加舒适的、促进交流和积极创造的教学工具。With the demand for "affective education" appeal of the education has become more complex, the teaching space is no longer limited to the closed walls and full of desks and chairs. The space can also become a more comfortable, diversified teaching tool to promote communication and actively create. 

 公共教学区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影

为了适应教学需求,设计团队在场所设计中,对色彩和光线的明亮度有一个整体的把握。 In order to adapt to teaching, our team has an overall grasp of the brightness of color and light in design process. 浅色调的平和与深色系的沉静在跌宕的光线中互为加持,宽大的落地玻璃、纯色的墙面及简洁的家具,皆体现设计中对光线、材质和色彩的不同层次细节的考量。色彩和光线丰富了室内空间表现力,引导学习氛围在简单纯粹又丰盈的教学环境之中悄然形成。 The peace from light colors and the silence from dark are mutually balanced in the tumultuous light. The wide floor-to-ceiling glass, solid color walls, and simple furniture all reflect the consideration of different gradation of light, material and color details in the design, enhance to enrich the indoor space expression, and enables the learning emotions grow quietly among simple, pure and rich teaching environment. 

△ 公共教学区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影

△ 阶梯教室  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


休息区为学生提供课下休息、讨论功课、谈天说地的放松天地。公共空间内预留了大量未作装饰的墙面,等待着师生一起布置展示,让空间随着时间推移有机成长。The rest area provides a relaxing place for the young people to rest and social after class, discuss homework and talk of everything under the sun. A large number of unmodified walls are reserved in the public area waiting for teachers and students to display and arrange together, so that the space can grow organically with time. 

△ 学生休息区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


自然光线经由高大的落地窗过滤,以更柔和的语言描绘空间,贴近“居所”的感觉,牵引出饱满的生活颗粒感。白色柜子、木色墙板打造出简约温和的舒缓氛围,组成温馨的生活栖所。The natural light is filtered through the tall french window, which depicts the sense of "residence" in a softer language, drawing out a full texture of life. The white cabinet and wood wallboard simply mellowed the space atmosphere so that form a warm living habitat. 

△ 学生宿舍  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


别具一格的环形餐厅亦可做为校园讲座厅及课间咖啡馆,白色金属网吊装既遮蔽了顶面繁杂的管道,又强化了圆形空间的仪式感。餐厅包间强调将室外窗景引入室内,融于自然又保持私密。The unique ring dining room can also be used as a lecture hall or a coffee house. The white metal mesh hoisting covers the complicated pipes on the top while strengthens the ritual sense of the circular space.The private dining room emphasizes to bring the outdoor view inside to blend in with nature. △ 学生就餐区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影△ 餐厅包厢一角  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影


△ 教师开敞办公区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影该项目设计时正值2020年疫情形势严峻期间,在城市大面积停摆之下,一体化设计如期落地且效果俱佳。团队成功的线上工作过程,也为探讨“线上-现场”设计新模式提供了案例。This project was carrying out at 2020 while the epidemic situation was severe. When it was difficult to promote the field work,as a project that duly completed the construction with a fine effect, the team's successful online working mode also provides discussion value for the new form of "online- offline" design. △ 教师办公区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影

△ 挑空活动区  ©陈铭-上海木隼建筑空间摄影

设计图纸 ▽

△ ABCD楼一层总平面图  ©澳锘设计

△ A楼二层平面图  ©澳锘设计

△ A楼三层平面图  ©澳锘设计

△ D楼二层平面图  ©澳锘设计△ F楼一层平面布置图  ©澳锘设计△ F楼二层平面布置图  ©澳锘设计完整项目信息项目名称:光华教育集团·光华启迪淀山湖校区项目类型:校园更新设计设计单位:上海澳锘建筑规划设计有限公司













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