In 2020, we were apart for such a long time that we realized two things. The first thing is that it’s great to have people around. The second is that creatives in Russia need to stick together, share their experience and unite. This is how CREACHELLA was born. An absolutely new event format — not a festival or a marathon but a marafest.
Marafest got the best of both formats. It got lectures, public talks and the final party from a festival. From a marathon, it took the format of every guest having an itinerary and visiting three locations at most.
We integrated the faces of all organizing participants into CREACHELLA’s branded style. Then we went even further by making everything out of skin — from creatives to merch because every idea, video and even object is made by real people and literally laced with their skin. The virtual tattoos we placed on the organizers& faces became a separate visual element — we used this concept to show the speciality of these agencies and their logos, to point out notable cases and partner brands.
We took Arial as basis for the CREACHELLA font but made it more lively and less basic by adding some peculiarities like a broader «K» and a skinnier «L». Neutral and laconic, it balances the layouts of faces and 3D graphics that we used in the visual. This is the font we used to write the virtual tattoos, the logo, the motto and the whole branded message of the marafest.
There were 18 locations in total, which could host 30 to 70 people at a time, and up to 200 people could visit a single agency in one day.
CREACHELLA helped us unite agencies that normally compete with each other. We managed to show how the industry works and familiarize the general public that has a hard time getting here with what we do.
> 850 Creachellans became CREACHELLA guests
18 independent creative agencies
200 people could visit an agency in a day