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ASLA Ferrous Foundry Park | STIMSON



铸铁厂公园位于马萨诸塞州劳伦斯市北运河历史区、斯皮克特河与梅里马克河的交汇处。在劳伦斯市政府和Groundwork Lawrence的合作下,这块工业棕地用超过15年的时间转变成了一座新的公园。项目团队于2014年接触该项目时,场地内的工业用途已经终止,其独特的自生植物群落和由铸砂构成的小丘为公园的重生带来了令人兴奋的可能性。它作为城市中充满野趣的绿地,不仅展现了自身的历史和自然的力量,还以一种自发的方式为后工业场地赋予了新的生命力。铸铁厂公园是劳伦斯城市面貌的真实体现,同时也成功地证明了如何借助设计的力量,将一处被忽视的工业遗址转变为前所未有的景观体验。该公园彰显了社区参与的强大作用,在设计团队的认真聆听与耐心阐释下,原本缺少服务的社区重新获得了高质量的绿色空间。

Ferrous Foundry Park is located at the confluence of the Spicket and Merrimack Rivers in the North Canal Historic District of Lawrence, MA. The conversion of this industrial brownfield site to a public park—over 15 years in the making—was brought to fruition by a collaboration between the City of Lawrence and Groundwork Lawrence. When the design team was introduced to the project in 2014, industrial uses had ceased and the site’s unique spontaneous plant communities and mound of casting sands revealed exciting opportunities for the park to be reborn as an urban wild, celebrating its past and the power of nature to spontaneously revegetate a post-industrial site. Ferrous Foundry Park is an authentic representation of the City of Lawrence and a successful example of the power of design to transform a neglected, post-industrial site into a unique landscape experience. The Park illuminates the power of community engagement coupled with careful listening and interpretation by the design team to provide quality green spaces for underserved communities.

▲劳伦斯的社会历史:马萨诸塞州的劳伦斯市是波士顿以北30英里处的一座工厂城市。长期以来,公有和私有系统的开采活动使有色人种社区遭到隔离,同时破坏了当地环境,使其容易受到气候危机的影响。LAWRENCE SOCIAL HISTORY. Lawrence, Massachusetts, a mill city 30 miles north of Boston, has a long history of extractive public and private systems that have segregated communities of color and left the environment distressed and vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis.




1996年,一个由当地利益相关者组成的协作团队(包括纺织品制造商、业主、城市官员、社区组织和居民)与美国国家公园管理局建立了合作关系,共同致力于“Groundwork Lawrence”的工作。在可行性研究的基础上,该团队利用精确且以人为本的方法来进行绿地的选址和开发,旨在恢复城市地区的自然环境。从构思到长期的规划和管理,利益相关者在对制定社区未来发展的决策方面具备了高度的自主权。Groundwork Lawrence通过对社区历史进行坦率且透明的讨论来支持一系列项目,包括协调种植方案和开发河滨绿道等等,这样的参与模式正在重新建立居民与他们创造的环境以及自然环境之间的关系。

修复斯皮克特(梅里马克河的一条小支流)的过程表明,Groundwork致力于采取以人为本的方法来建立公民的自豪感以及他们对该地区的潜力的认可。河流目前所需解决的问题是显而易见的:这里曾经堆满了垃圾,居民们希望能够快点将其清理干净。2002年,Groundwork对斯皮克特河进行了重新组织和规划,并发起了“Keep it Clean”运动,首次对斯皮克特河开展大规模的清理工作。与此同时,Groundwork还与州和地方部门、企业主以及当地机构建立了伙伴关系,共同规划并建造斯皮克特河绿道(Spicket River Greenway):一个3.5英里长的全新河滨公园网络,在条件允许的情况下,它将由一条街外道路连通。铸铁厂公园的建立正是以上举措的成果。

在19世纪和20世纪,铁矿一直和劳伦斯的工业综合体切断了社区与梅里马克河的联系,对环境和当地居民都造成了不良的影响。在1880年代末,这个已经退化的场地成为了劳伦斯实验站(Lawrence Experiment Station)的所在地——这是世界上最早的水质测试和环境研究实验室之一。

20世纪,该场地被Ferrous Technologies铸造厂占据,他们使用砂模铸件为劳伦斯的工厂生产铁制品,并将这片土地用于倾卸烧焦的橙色砂模铸件废料。1990年代,在铸造厂停止工业经营之后,破旧的建筑和受污染的砂堆被留在了现场。

2014年,Groundwork Lawrence收购了近5英亩的土地和地役权用于修建公园,该场地在社区中的作用也随之发生了巨大的转变。Groundwork通过广泛的青年参与提高了场地的声誉,年轻建筑师(Young Architects)小组为之提出了早期的设计方案,绿色团队(Green Team)完成了快速生态评估(Rapid Ecological Assessments),此外每年还有200-300名青年参与斯皮克特河清洁活动。在公园得到开发之前,Groundwork在现场发起的青年参与活动显著提升了公众对该项目的支持意愿。






SITE ANALYSIS. The design team, comprised of the community, public organizations, landscape architects, botanists, licensed site professionals, soil scientists, and civil and structural engineers, identified key areas for preservation, clearing, and reintroduction of adapted plant communities.

服务社区:社区的目标是通过一系列面向所有人的功能方案(包括主动和被动使用)来重新与河流以及场地联系在一起。设计根植于场地的工业历史,证明了土地本身所具有的自我恢复的能力。SERVING THE COMMUNITY. The community’s goal was to reconnect with the rivers and the site through passive- and active-use programming for all. The design imagined a place informed by its industrial past that illustrates the ability of the land to spontaneously restore itself.


THE COLLECTOR. A 430-foot sediment forebay constructed with gabions and jersey barriers captures runoff from an adjacent industrial lot and site. The Collector references the site’s history of water filtration by filtering pollutants and sediments from reaching the Merrimack River.


THE SITE CONFLUENCE. A custom galvanized steel bridge spans the Collector, completing a site connection from the North Canal to the edge of the Merrimack River. A new rain garden plant community increases site diversity and habitat.

▲铸铁厂公园是位于马萨诸塞州劳伦斯市北运河历史区中心地带的一处野趣之地,其设计精准地捕捉了场地中自生植物群落的原始之美。FERROUS FOUNDRY PARK. Ferrous Foundry Park is an urban wild in the heart of the North Canal Historic District in Lawrence, MA. The design frames the raw beauty of the spontaneous plant communities.

▲社区入口路径:无障碍的通道蜿蜒地穿过天然生长的梓树、天堂树和黑槐树林。COMMUNITY ACCESS. Accessible paths wind through spontaneous woodlands of catalpa, tree of heaven, and black locust.


HEALING. Dense areas of spontaneous vegetation inspired a strategy centered around management, preservation, and expansion of these existing plant communities.


NORTH CANAL. Ferrous Foundry Park recognizes the layered histories of the community and the site, as well as nature’s ability to heal. Designed as a passive-use park for all seasons, Ferrous offers river and canal access, recreational paths, and an outdoor classroom.

▲植物园小径沿线种植着从现场发现的各类树种。这条道路勾勒出了公园北运河与梅里马克河在南北方向上的连接关系。ARBORETUM ALLÉE. A planted allée of assorted tree species found on site frames the north-south connection between the park’s North Canal and the Merrimack River edge.

团队合作:铸造厂公园的建立是设计团队、客户、承包商与劳伦斯社区努力合作的结果。来自当地的青年志愿者和设计团队参与了30英尺高的草甸山丘的种植工作。TEAM COLLABORATION. The creation of Ferrous Foundry Park was a collaborative effort between the design team, client, contractor, and the Lawrence community. Local youth volunteers and the design team participated in the planting of the 30-foot tall meadow hill.

铸铁山丘:山丘的陡峭坡地被牛毛草和燕麦覆盖,较平缓的一侧则种植着乳草、金光菊、羽扇豆和紫菀。经过修剪的之字形小路穿过授粉草地,直达山丘的顶部。FERROUS HILL. Fescue and oats cover the hill’s steep slopes, while bands of milkweed, coneflower, lupine, and asters cover the shallow face. A mown switchback path cuts through the didactic pollinator meadow to the top of the hill.

经过雕琢的地貌:冬季,积雪覆盖着山丘陡峭和平缓的两面。THE SCULPTED LANDFORM. In winter, snow cover articulates the landform’s steeply sloping sides and shallow face.

铸铁山丘的植物群落:铸铁厂公园的设计将原本用于工业的砂堆改造为30英尺高的草甸山丘,而由原生物种和引入物种组成的植被区域则突出展现了整个场地的林地更替过程。FERROUS HILL PLANT COMMUNITIES. The design of Ferrous Foundry Park celebrates the sand mound by transforming it into a 30-foot tall meadow hill, while zones of preserved and introduced vegetation highlight stages of woodland succession across the site.


A PARK FOR THIS COMMUNITY. Ferrous Foundry Park is an authentic representation of the City of Lawrence and a successful example of engaging stakeholders in a collaborative process to transform a neglected, post-industrial site into a unique landscape experience.

▲从突出的观景平台可以欣赏到梅里马克河与历史悠久的艾尔磨坊钟楼的风景。作为一处具有纪念价值的地形和社区的象征,这座山丘不论是从高速公路还是附近的水道都可以清楚地看见。PROMONTORY. Views of the Merrimack and the historic Ayer Mill Clock Tower can be seen from the hill’s promontory terrace. A and community symbol, the hill is visible from the highway and surrounding waterways.


Lawrence, Massachusetts, a mill city located 30 miles north of Boston, has a long history of extractive public and private systems that have segregated low-income communities of color and left the environment distressed and increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis. Created as a planned industrial community in 1848, Lawrence became known throughout the world for its textile and paper production. As the city rapidly industrialized in the late 1800s, it attracted immigrants from Europe and the Middle East. By the 1950s, deindustrialization had accelerated and migration from Puerto Rico increased dramatically. Today, over 40% of Lawrence residents were born outside of the United States, with a majority coming from the Dominican Republic and Central America. Most residents (82%) are people of color, including a large Puerto Rican population.


In 1996, a collaborative group of local stakeholders including textile manufacturers, property owners, city officials, community-based organizations, and residents worked with the National Park Service to create Groundwork Lawrence. Building from the foundation of a feasibility study, the group utilized a precise, people-centered model for the siting and development of greenspaces and the restoration of the natural environment in urban areas. From conception through long-term programming and stewardship, stakeholders have been empowered to collaborate and make decisions about the future of their community. In projects that range from coordinated tree planting to the development of a riverfront greenway, Groundwork Lawrence has supported projects with frank and transparent discussions about community history. This model of engagement is reestablishing residents’ relationship to their built and natural environment.

Efforts to restore the Spicket River, a small Merrimack tributary, demonstrate Groundwork’s commitment to a people-centered approach to build civic pride and recognition for the site’s potential. The immediate needs were obvious. The river had been a dumping ground, and residents wanted to clean it up. In 2002, Groundwork organized The Spicket River: Keep it Clean campaign, the first ever large scale Spicket River clean-up effort. Groundwork also developed partnerships with state and local agencies, as well as business owners and local institutions, to collaboratively plan for and create the Spicket River Greenway, a 3.5-mile network of new riverfront parks connected, where possible, by an off-street path. The creation of the Ferrous Foundry Park is the culmination of this effort.


During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Ferrous Site and Lawrence’s industrial complex severed the community from the Merrimack River, harming both the environment and the people of Lawrence. In the late 1880s, this degraded site became the home for the Lawrence Experiment Station, one of the first water quality testing and environmental research laboratories in the world.

In the 20th century the site was occupied by Ferrous Technologies, a foundry that used sand castings to produce iron products for Lawrence’s mill factories. The foundry used the land as a dumping ground for the discarded burnt orange sand castings. When industrial operations ceased in the late 1990s, Ferrous Technology left behind dilapidated buildings and a mound of contaminated casting sand.

The site’s role in the community changed dramatically in 2014 when Groundwork Lawrence acquired almost 5 acres of land and easements to establish a park. Groundwork raised the site’s profile through extensive youth engagement, with a Young Architects group creating early designs, the Green Team completing the Rapid Ecological Assessments, and 200-300 young people participating annually in the Spicket River Cleanup. Groundwork’s youth engagement at the site prior to park development cultivated strong public support for the project.


Community excitement for the project, combined with the site’s spontaneous plant communities and the mound of casting sands, revealed unique opportunities for the park to be reborn as an urban wild. The design team imagined a place informed by its industrial past that illustrates the ability of the land to spontaneously restore itself. The site’s re-birth would symbolize the community’s ability to heal and thrive.

The community’s goal was to reconnect with the rivers and the site through passive- and active-use programming for all. Prior to becoming a park, the site had been used for hikes, access to the rivers, youth group outings, and a fishing spot for the community. It had also been a place for illicit activities and dumping, and served as the location for the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District’s combined


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