Sited in southeast corner of Yuefeng Island Eco-farm alongside the Yang Cheng Lake, Kunshan,the visitor center consists of a multi-functional activity space, a pet dorm, and a preserved house used as office. Our design task is to explore how architecture should be integrated into such a context, to create a new and unique place, however harmonize with nature.
项目场地位于昆山西郊巴城县境内,紧邻阳澄湖,现状是一片空旷的有机农田. 天,云,风,水, 土地,树木,这些单纯的自然元素构造出鲜明的场地特征.而我们的课题是建筑应该以什么样的姿态介入到这片自然环境之中,与其相谐调,并最终塑造出一系列的专属于这片土地的,有意义的空间场所.
The empty flatness of the site is an essential character that we believe the design should respond to. The architecture appears as 2 horizontal translucent screens from the farm side. The first screen is made of perforated Cor-Ten steel. The corrugation reinforces the material and ultimately saves the supporting stud system at the back. The second screen surface is made of wood louver. The corridor behind it connects the three major programs of the building. Both surfaces allow the penetration of wind, light and vision. While protecting the space from the western sun, they as well establish a blurred view of farm landscape for the people in the space. The translucencies are sensitive of capturing the light, subtly shift the architectural image through the different season, weather, and the time of the day.
第一道界面是由穿孔耐候锈钢板构成,为了使它看起来更为轻透,我们采用了折弯方式增加材料本身的强度,从而省去的后方支撑的龙骨系统.紧邻屏界面后方是一条连接两端户外平台的通廊和多功能活动空间外墙. 第二道界面是由竖向木质隔栅构成,其后方的遮雨走廊将三个不同功能的建筑串联在一起.
两道界面都允许风,光线,和人的视线的穿透.在物理功能上为后方空间提供西向遮阳的同时,它们也为活动于建筑中的人在看农场的时候营造出一种经过转化的模糊风景.而从农场方向, 这两道界面也象”屏幕” 一样将建筑中的人的生活及生活空间含蓄地展示在公众视野中.在不同的季节,天气,和一天当中的不同时间,半透明材质对变化着的光线的敏感捕捉也使建筑的整体气质不断微妙地演变.
地理位置: 昆山,中国
业主: 昆山城市投资发展有限公司
建筑师:直向建筑事务所 Vector Architects
主持建筑师: 董功
建筑师: 周志敏,孔祥栋,霍然,徐风
结构: 钢结构,木结构
面积: 280 m2
幕墙顾问: 苏明幕墙公司
设计周期: 09/2010-04/2013
Location: Kunshan, China
Client: Kunshan City Investment Company
Architect:Vector Architects
Design-partner-in-charge: Gong Dong
Architects: Zhimin Zhou, Xiangdong Kong, Feng Xu, Ran Huo
Project Advisor: Nan Wang
Structure: Steel Structure, Timber Structure
Material:Cor-Ten Steel, Wood Slate, Wooden Floor
Building Area: 280 m2
Structural and MEP Engineer: Yuangui Design Institute, Shanghai
Photograph: Shengliang Su
Design Period: 09/2010-04/2013
Construction Period:02/2013-06/2014
Vector Architects
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