发布时间:2019-04-13 11:07:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

本案对上海嘉定京沪高速旁一组上世纪 90 年代的工业车间和辅楼进行了全面的改造与更新。方案取“素胚瓷片”为概念,抽离出来的片状弧面形成了建筑外立面的原型母题和主展厅的基本语汇。设计保留了原有的建筑结构和场地关系,但通过内部钢结构夹层的增量,原空间的工业属性被赋予了新的艺术氛围及业态内容。封闭而进深的庞大车间体量被打开,新置入的景观连廊和玻璃天棚让园区的前后场地得以被连接,室内空间得以更好地被入驻企业及人群所使用。

Located in Jiading District of Shanghai along Jinghu Highway, the project is a renovation and regeneration of a series of decommissioned industrial factories and annexes from the 1990’s. The design adopts the idea of “unglazed fragments of porcelain” to generate the formal language of the façade intervention as well as the interior spaces. Preserving the structure and the relationship with the site, the design brings a creative atmosphere and new types of programs by adding steel structures within the original industrial spaces. The large volume of enclosed and deep factory spaces is opened up by a newly inserted landscape corridor with a glass canopy to connect the front and back sides of the site, maximizing the usage of interior spaces for people and businesses.

▼建筑北立面,north elevation


The project site is located on Huajiang Road in Jiading District, Shanghai, based in the North Hongqiao area. This land of factories retaining typical industrial heritage, is in urgent need of renovation and regeneration to adapt to the latest urban development, when Jiangqiao Town is being integrated with the Hongqiao business district.

▼鸟瞰图,aerial view


One of the factories is a “production complex” consisting of an office building, two groups of large-span workshops and several small annexes. The other one is a multi-storey dormitory which originally was built as a multi-storey factory. The complete structural framework was preserved on site with a sense of industrial order and a strong sense of space in a large-scale production workshop. The design challenge here is to inherit the structure of the original large factory, bring in new functions, and transform the original old iron foundry into a creative art park for displaying ceramic art works.

▼园区入口,campus entrance

▼北立面整体,north elevation overview

▼北立面局部,north elevation partial view

▼北立面局部,north elevation partial view

▼户外交通路径,outdoor circulation

▼檐下空间,the sheltered space


Starting from the dialogue with the original architectural space and structure, we dig into the theme features of the newly-placed functional space, which are well-organized and at the same time intertwining with the original structural system. Finally, we expose the structural system with a sequential sense of urban space, by partially conceding, wrapping or reinforcing the original structure.



We use the combination of orthogonal and curved lines as an abstraction of “unglazed fragments of porcelain” to form three different series of interpretations according to different architectural parts: concave vestibule, window casings adapting to different scales of space and the steel-plate curtain wall connecting the upper and lower layer of balconies. These systematically organized round surfaces are scattered as components at various locations on the façade of the factories, creating a unique architectural expression for the building facade.

▼东立面,east elevation

“素胚瓷片”被抽象为片状弧面,the combination of orthogonal and curved lines asabstraction of“unglazed fragments of porcelain”

▼南立面:适应不同空间尺度窗户的弧面窗套,south facade:window casings adapting to different scales of space


Design of the large-scale vestibule at the main entrance of south façade extends the unique spatial feature of the factory to the outer façade. The space of vestibule exposes a single column with a high structure, revealing the interior space forthe curiously-minded.

▼南立面,south facade

▼立面细部,detailed view

▼门斗空间裸露出通高结构的单柱,the space of vestibule exposes a single column with a high structure


The protruding wall and roof on the west side of the factory were demolished to completely expose the structural skeleton made of reinforced concrete, as creating a key element of industrial heritage and landscape device connecting phase 1 and phase 2 of the project. Wrapping the original structure forms a clear relationship of the building volumes. The introduction of Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic grating curtain wall system keeps a complete volumetric form, increases interior lighting, and offers a richly textured façade.

▼西南向视角,view from the southwest

▼西立面完整地露出钢筋混凝土的结构骨架,the structural skeleton made of reinforced concrete wascompletely exposed on the west facade


We reconfigured the internal masses of the factory, flexibly set and created multiple display spaces of different scales in the original large-space structure. Paying attention to create fun in space while satisfying the function, it is transformed from the original “production complex” into an “art complex” for exhibitions, workshops, trainings and so on.

▼在原有的大空间结构中灵活地设置并创造不同尺度的多重展示空间,the designflexibly set and created multiple display spaces of different scales in the original large-space structure

▼中心区域,central section

西侧主体厂房内部增加了钢结构来划分出三层主要空间:在公共走廊区设置一组顺应结构的长天窗以及三组方形天窗,将光线引入室内穿透至各层;错落布置玻璃钢格栅++ 钢化玻璃楼面,更多的光线被引入厂房的中心区域,光线透过玻璃钢格栅被细分成小尺度的方格形状,在平静的办公空间中与使用者产生互动,感受光线的流动;公共走廊两侧的房间内,置入半透明的阳光板++ 玻璃的双层隔断,改善原来空间的采光缺陷又满足艺术空间需要的安静。

公共走廊概览,overview of the common corridor area

In the west side of the main factory, we added a steel structure to divide it into three main spaces: a set of long skylights adapting to structure and three sets of square skylights in the common corridor area, invite light inside and penetrate all the layers; scattered layout of FRP grating and reinforced glass floor, introduce more light into the central area and subdivided into small-scale square shapes, interacting with users to feel the flow of light in a calm office; double-layer partition made of translucent polycarbonatepanel and glass are placed in the rooms on both sides of the common corridor, which solves the lighting problem of the original space and meets the need of quietness for art spaces.

▼一组顺应结构的长天窗以及三组方形天窗将光线引入室内穿透至各层,a set of long skylights adapting to structure and three sets of square skylights in the common corridor area

走廊两侧的房间置入半透明的阳光板++ 玻璃的双层隔断,double-layer partition made of translucent polycarbonate panel and glass are placed in the rooms on both sides of the common corridor


我们将逐步完善在建筑中置入的光井设计,灵动的处理采光与通风问题:穿越各个楼层的“瓷片”内部有楼梯或电梯,隔墙由白色墙体或 U 型玻璃组成,“光线、弧线、质感”无不让人产生对陶瓷艺术的浓厚兴趣。

▼光井爆炸图,sky well explosive

We proposed large light wells as abstract “ceramic pieces” to resolve the problems of light and ventilation in the large interior spaces. Stairs and glass elevator inside the “ceramic pieces” go through each floor; partition walls are made of white walls or U-channel glass; “light, arc and texture” all aims to inspire people’s strong emotion in ceramic art.各个楼层的“瓷片”内部有楼梯或电梯,stairs and glass elevator inside the“ceramic pieces”go through each floor


The receding of interior programs allows the preserved structure to be exposed to the sky. Among the newly-placed functions, the space for an atrium is createdto breakthemonogamousvolume. We further removed theconnectingpart of the factorycomplex to create a semi-outdoor space. The towering space and the intact pre-supporting truss roof structure both bring a strongvisual impacttothevisitors. The external landscapeis connected from between front and back sides and divides the buildings into the east and west wings, relieving the pressure of having a large building footprintandfacilitating a rhythm of internal programs. At the same time,the semi-covered landscape atrium helps to bring in the much-appreciated natural light and greenery into the deep part of the interior spaces.

▼外部景观从前场穿越至后场,the external landscapeis connected from between front and back sides


▼半室外的空间体验,an semi-outdoor spatial experience


▼申窑北广场轴测,north square entrance axon

Faced with the prospect of future development in this area, the project sought to transform the former industrial compound into a new art and creative hub for the public by integrating closely to the new boutique hotel and office addition of the phase 2, incorporating the surrounding neighborhood such as the adjacent retail complex and the open landscape park, ultimately creating a new cultural landmark in the North Hongqiao area.

▼未来的北广场入口,northsquare entrance concept

▼申窑爆炸图 1,explosive view 1

▼申窑爆炸图 2,explosive view 2

▼功能轴测图 1,function diagram axon 1

▼功能轴测图 2,function diagram axon 2

▼总平面图,site plan



▼扁钢幕墙细部,flat steel curtain wall plan & section

玻璃钢格栅幕墙,fiberglass curtain wall

▼光井&楼梯详图,Light Well&Stairwell

▼三层走廊剖面&天窗,section of 3rd floor corridor & clearstory

项目名称:申窑艺术中心(一期)项目地点:上海市嘉定区华江路项目类型:展示、工坊、培训基地面积:15,765 平方米建筑面积:14,440 平方米设计时间:2014 – 2016 建设时间:2016 – 2018 设计单位:刘宇扬建筑事务所主持建筑师:刘宇扬项目主管/项目建筑师:吴从宝设计团队:王珏、陈卓然、陈晗、朱成浩、胡启明、文天启、周斯佳、宣佳丽、马腾、王军、杨一萌、周哲、林璨、贺雨晴驻场建筑师:林益洪设计范围:园区规划、建筑(改扩建)、室内(公区及展厅),场地景观建设单位:上海申窑文化艺术发展有限公司上海歆翱实业有限公司结构顾问:张准机电顾问:高新太、郁利华、苟少波施工单位:上海歆翱实业有限公司结构类型:钢结构主要建筑材料:氟碳喷涂钢板、玻璃钢格栅、真石漆涂料主要室内材料:阳光板、镀钛不锈钢板、现浇水磨石主要景观材料:陶土砖、劈开面弹格石(中国黑)、火烧面花岗岩(芝麻灰)摄影:朱思宇


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