Manuel Alvarez Diestro
Appreciation towards
Manuel Alvarez Diestro
for providing the following description:
香港由香港岛,九龙,新界三部分组成,是一个世界级的高密度大都市,同时也拥有保护相当完好的绿色区域,比如新界。这系列的照片是摄影师Manuel Alvarez Diestro在新界拍摄,框住香港高密度楼宇与新界繁茂自然相碰撞的点,展现出超现实场景。
Manuel Alvarez Diestro拥有表达亚洲高密度城市的另类角度,他没有直接拍摄那些让人叹为观止的香港密度楼宇。在他的照片中,高塔只占据照片中的一小部分,其余部分这是郁郁葱葱的绿化,这成为人类与周边世界联系不够紧密的一个隐喻。
In the margins of Hong-Kong I have photographed those locations where the New Towns encounter nature. In the intersection of the two the resulting landscape turns surreal.
I wanted to portray another story about high density in the Asian Metropolis without concentrating on the ultra-dense facades. Instead, I shifted the composition towards the mountains with its lush and intricate greenery.
The vertical towers occupy a small part on the photo, almost anecdotal, and become a metaphor of human isolation and lack of connection with the world that surround us.
— Manuel Alvarez Diestro
Manuel Alvarez Diestro