发布时间:2022-01-20 00:37:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

壹酒店1 Hotels以自然及可持续发展为本,亚太区首家酒店落户拥有热带风光的海南岛。三亚海棠湾阳光壹酒店1 Hotel的设计灵感源自岛上崎岖而原始之美,自然光线透过天窗落在古老的青砖黑瓦上,光影斑驳,与海岸峭壁遥相互呼应。酒店整体设计以三亚地区富绕资源为基础,围绕环保理念,打造奢华静修之所,捕捉动人自然之美。

Sitting in a prime location on Hainan island’s beautiful shoreline, 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya’s design is a celebration of nature and sustainability. From dappled light filtering in through leaf-sheltered skylights to stacks of salvaged Chinese roof tiles echoing coastal cliff faces, the first Chinese resort from luxury brand US-based 1 Hotels draws its design inspiration from the rugged beauty of the island.

▼酒店外观,external view of the hotel

“三亚海棠湾阳光壹酒店1 Hotel的设计灵感深深植根于壹酒店1 Hotels的品牌愿景,秉持可持续发展理念、实用与创造性兼容,致力为旅客呈献一处贴近自然的舒适空间。”The Oval Partnership公司董事兼项目负责人郝琳博士谈道。The Oval Partnership负责该项目的建筑设计。

“Our inspiration for the 1 Hotel Haitang Bay project is deeply rooted in the vision of the 1 Hotels brand, which aspires to be a relaxed, comfortable, natural and open environment for travelers, by crafting a more tangible and imaginative sustainability that celebrates the DNA of 1 Hotels.” Oval Partnership Director and project leader, Dr Lin Hao explains. The eco-conscious architecture, designed by strategic planners Oval Partnership.

“我们被三亚肥沃的火山平原、绿色的森林丘陵、水清沙幼的沙滩和蔚蓝的海水深深吸引,希望能将岛上的特色、精神和生态的多样性融入酒店设计。”新加坡FARM资深设计师Nina Arily说道。FARM负责酒店的室内设计工作。

“We were taken by Sanya’s raw nature of fertile volcanic plains, green forested hills, sandy beaches and sparkling waters. We wanted the interiors to capture the textures, diversity and spirit of the island.” ,” Nina Arily, senior designer of FARM, which managed the interior design.


▼酒店logo,设在茂密的植物之中,hotel logo with lush plants

三亚海棠湾阳光壹酒店1 Hotel拥有294间面积达62至1,300平方米的客房、套房及复式别墅。回归自然、简约原始的设计风格,巧妙搭配多种未经抛光的当地天然石材和木材,打造浑厚多元的纹理及细腻和谐的配色,辅以原木打造的凳子、书桌、藤编地毯、融进自然的定制艺术品以及有机棉装饰等,纯粹而时尚。

1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya boasts 294 spacious and beautifully furnished rooms, suites and villas, ranging from 62 square-meters to 1,300 square-meters. Bringing a slice of island life inside, the contemporary guest rooms feature unpolished and locally sourced volcanic basalt stone and wood throughout and an abundance of natural furnishings: stools made of tree stumps, live-edge timber desks, rattan rugs, bespoke artworks made from sun-bleached driftwood, and organic cotton upholstery.

▼酒店大堂,采用石材、木材等自然元素,hotel lobby made of natural materials like stone and wood

酒店共设七家餐饮场所,包括面馆“壹面”、大堂吧“一期一会”、可以欣赏滨海美景的户外空中庭园“天空吧” ,让人尽情放松的泳池吧The Sandbox以及果汁吧“甘”。在设计上采用了各种原生及再生材料,如夯土、天然石材、铁皮、废弃船木、铁轨枕木等,打造岛上自然风光的微缩景观。

Incorporating reclaimed timber and steel from old fishing boats and authentic textured surfaces, 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya’s seven dining and drinking venues mirror the island’s natural wonder. The refined outlets offer some of Hainan’s freshest flavors, including handcrafted noodle restaurant Noodle House; breezy lobby lounge Drift; al fresco rooftop lounge Sky Bar – opening soon that offers unparalleled ocean views; relaxed pool-side bar The Sandbox; and The Juice Bar for guests on the go.

▼大堂吧,lobby bar

▼从餐厅可以欣赏室外景色,people could enjoy their meal while having a panoramic view to the nature

▼面屋,运用大量天然材料,noodle house, using a rich range of natural materials

▼可以根据不同需求布置的宴会厅,the ball which is flexible for different events

▼温室餐厅和包间,green house restaurant and private room

▼泳池边的就餐区,the sand box beside the pool

作为一个具有使命感的奢华生活方式品牌,三亚海棠湾阳光壹酒店1 Hotel精心设计的一系列设备,充分利用自然资源,将碳排放量减至最低。除使用回收和采购的本土材料外,酒店配备太阳能热水系统,水用于花园和景观灌溉,并收集存储雨水以供再利用。此外,为取代人造光,巧妙设计天窗,从而最大化利用自然光线。室内的垂直及网格化种植花园提供阴凉的遮荫处,充分利用自然通风以保持室内凉爽。

Focusing on a mission-driven luxury lifestyle, 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya is carefully designed to minimize its footprint by utilizing the natural elements. Alongside using reclaimed and locally sourced materials, the hotel features a solar water heating system, grey water is harvested for back-of-house use and landscape irrigation, and rainwater is collected and stored for reuse. Skylights and clerestory windows allow daylight to be used over artificial light wherever possible. To keep areas cool, vertical landscaping and trellising provide shade and natural ventilation systems take advantage of the sea breeze in key areas such as the guest corridors and lift lobbies.

▼项目立面使用垂直绿化,vertical vegetation is used on the facade

酒店已获得美国绿色建筑委员会的预先认证,目前正申请《LEED v4 建筑设计与施工》的银奖认证,预计将在2020年内的得到正式认证。 为了实现这一目标,酒店采取的一系列可持续措施包括将超过75%的建筑废料存放于回收中心,从而减少垃圾填埋污染。为了实现这一目标,酒店采取的一系列可持续措施包括将超过75%的建筑废料存放于回收中心,从而减少垃圾填埋污染; 采购位于800公里范围内的建筑材料,以减少运输能源; 同时尽可能使用回收材料。 此外,室内装饰使用了环保且低挥发性的材料。

1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya is working towards Silver Level certification for LEEDv4 Building Design and Construction. The property has been pre-certified by the US Green Building Council, with its certification expected by mid-2020. In order to achieve this, sustainability measures include depositing over 75% of construction waste at recycling centers to reduce landfill waste; opting for building materials located within a 500-mile radius of the site to reduce transport energy; and using recycled materials where possible. Furthermore, environmentally friendly and low-VOC materials have been used for the interior décor.

▼泳池,是项目水循环系统的一部分,swimming pool, which is part of the water circulation system

三亚海棠湾阳光壹酒店1 Hotel拥有294间面积达62至1,300平方米的客房、套房及复式别墅。面积达630平方米的会议场地及4,000平方米的草坪适合举办各式规模的活动与庆典。来自英国的 Bamford水疗中心的养生概念源于对自然的尊崇,选用经过高标准认证的身体和皮肤护理产品,设有两间双人理疗室、四间单人理疗室以及蒸汽、桑拿和活力池等热力设施。酒店茂密的园林和多样化的休闲设施包括总面积3,500平方米的五个户外泳池(家庭泳池、儿童泳池、花园泳池、成人泳池及即将揭幕的天际恒温泳池),为宾客们呈献丰富纷呈的闲适体验。三亚海棠湾阳光壹酒店1 Hotel位于风光旖旎的海棠湾,地理位置优越,距离三亚凤凰国际机场仅40分钟车程,更毗邻三亚免税城、梦幻海洋不夜城、水世界乐园、蜈支洲岛等热门旅游地标。

1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya comprises 294 distinctively designed rooms, suites and villas ranging from 62 to 1,300 square-meters with stunning views of the garden, poolside or the sea. The hotel boasts seven dining venues, 630 square-meters of meeting facilities and 4,000 square-meters of garden venues. There is also a Feature Pavilion, sunlit Sky Deck, natural farm, fitness center and 1 Hotel Spa by Bamford from the UK. The five swimming pools mark another highlight of the resort, including the Family Pool, Children Pool, Sky Pool – opening soon, Lagoon Plunge Pool and Adult Pool – opening soon. 1 Hotel Haitang Bay, Sanya is conveniently located on the beautiful shore, just 40 minutes away from Sanya Phoenix International Airport. It is also close to a number of leisure, recreation and entertainment attractions such as Haitang Bay Duty Free Shop, Fantasy Town, and Water Park.

▼带有水池的家庭套房,lagoon plunge pool family suite

▼可以欣赏花池的客房,botanic pool view room

▼海景房,ocean pool view room

▼海景套房,ocean pool view suite room

▼按摩室,SPA treat room


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