发布时间:2023-10-19 18:03:31 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

位于Sint-Michielsgestel著名Beekvliet的翻修工程目前已经完工。该学校经过了扩建,以为学生和教师提供通往教室和其它区域更加合理的动线,这座天蓝色的场馆也构成了学校新的中心。视觉艺术家Ian Kirkpatrick的全景作品使扩建部分外立面丰富多彩,立面墙壁上的这些绘画将学校之前的毕业生、路过的人和校方成员的故事与未来的景象融合呈现了出来。

The renovation of the well-known Gymnasium Beekvliet in Sint-Michielsgestel is complete. The school has been extended so that pupils and teachers circulate past classrooms and other areas in a more logical manner, while a sky-blue auditorium forms the new heart of the school. The façade of the extension has been enriched with a panoramic work by visual artist Ian Kirkpatrick. The murals intertwine the stories of former pupils, passers-by, and board members with images of the future.

▼项目概览,Overall view © Daria Scagliola

▼周围环境,Surrounding context © Daria Scagliola

Sint-Michielsgestel的天主教中学有着悠久的历史,这里最初是一座神父神学院,后来再在第二次世界大战中称为关押荷兰政治犯的集中营,其中包括战后荷兰的首任总理“Wim”Schermerhorn。20世纪70年代时,校方买下了街道对面的作为新的校舍,学校也转型为文法学校。2016年,MVRDV和Van Boven Architecten两家事务所共同赢得了对该建筑的翻修竞赛。

The centuries-old Catholic categorical Gymnasium Beekvliet in Sint-Michielsgestel has a long history: starting as a seminary for priests, it served as an internment camp for politically engaged Dutchmen during the Second World War, including the first post-war Prime Minister “Wim” Schermerhorn. In the 1970s, new premises directly across the street were acquired, and the school transformed into a new-style grammar school. In 2016, MVRDV and Van Boven Architecten won the competition to renovate the building.

▼视觉艺术家Ian Kirkpatrick的立面作品,Work by visual artist Ian Kirkpatrick © Daria Scagliola

▼立面画作展示了多种元素,Facade paintings show various elements © Daria Scagliola


The starting point was to give the secondary school a facelift and make the building contemporary again in terms of sustainability, including by extending its lifespan. At the same time, the brief was to create more space for both regular school activities and additional art and cultural facilities.

▼入口处,Entrance © Daria Scagliola

▼入口大厅,Entrance hall © Daria Scagliola

本设计主要是对现有建筑的改造,改造过后的校园将为学生们提供具有挑战性和新鲜感的学习环境、会议空间以及互动空间。设计者通过延伸和原有的屋顶结构并降低其高度,在现有建筑前加建了一个新的场馆,内部空间的设计参考了学校“Beekvliet Stroomt”的座右铭,形成了一种流动闭合的循环。新建的建筑包括一个大型礼堂,配有观众席、厨房和灵活的舞台。主入口仍然保留在原来的位置,唯一的区别是它位于新的户型屋顶下方。

The design largely consists of renovating the existing building. This will create a challenging and stimulating learning environment for pupils and provide space for meetings and interaction. The addition of a new auditorium to the front of the building was also required. By extending and lowering the previous roof structure, the internal circulation of the school was closed in one flowing movement, a reference to the school’s “Beekvliet Stroomt” (“Beekvliet flows”) motto. The new building houses the enlarged auditorium, complete with tribune, kitchen, and flexible stage. The main entrance remains in the same place as before the renovation, the only difference being that it will now be situated underneath the new curving roof.

▼活动空间,Activity space © Daria Scagliola

▼教室,Classroom © Daria Scagliola

▼阶梯空间,Stairs space © Daria Scagliola

▼餐厅入口,Entrance of the canteen © Daria Scagliola

“能够翻新这所历史悠久的学校是一种巨大的荣幸。Theobert、Gijs和我确实想了很多方法,让这所学校既能顺应当代背景,又能保留其历史特点。Ian的绘画作品起到了很大的作用,我喜欢壁画中展现的对过去的回忆和当下的呈现。事实上,画面中展示了小镇上的每个人的一部分,这确实反映了整个Sint-Michielsgestel及其周边地区。入口大厅天花板上的‘指南针’仿佛正在直向这些故事的来源。”MVRDV的创始合伙人Winy Maas说道。 “Being allowed to renovate your old school is of course a huge honour,” says Winy Maas, founding partner of MVRDV. “Theobert, Gijs, and I did wonder how we could do it in such a way that the grammar school would respond to the contemporary context as well as the past. Ian’s paintings help enormously with that. I love that memories of students past and present are represented in his murals. Actually, there is a piece of everyone in the village in this building. It really is a reflection of the whole of Sint-Michielsgestel and its surroundings. Everything comes together in a ‘compass’ in the ceiling of the new entrance hall that points to where the stories come from in the surrounding area. ”

▼坐在窗台上休息的学生,Students resting on the windowsill © Daria Scagliola

建筑立面的作品是与加拿大著名视觉艺术家Ian Kirkpatrick合作设计的。这是一幅全景图,展示了学校在读生、毕业生、教师和校方董事会成员的记忆与经历。画面还展示了对周边环境和Beekvliet200多年的历史,描绘了学校的起源以及与外部世界的联系。这些壁画赋予了建筑物现代的外观,并使这栋建筑根植于周围环境之中。立面上的画作是通过计算机脚本技术确定的,这项技术能够将每部分插图精确定位。

The artwork on the facade was designed in collaboration with renowned Canadian visual artist Ian Kirkpatrick. Painted on the façade is a panoramic tableau showing memories and experiences of current and former students, teachers, and board members. It also contains references to the surroundings and Beekvliet’s 200-plus-year history. The paintings thus depict the school’s genesis and its connection to the world beyond. The iconographic illustrations give the building a contemporary look and at the same time anchor the building in its surroundings. The position of the illustrations on the facade were determined via a computer scripting technique linking each one back to its geographical location.

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © MVRDV

▼二层平面图,first floor plan © MVRDV

▼立面图,elevation © MVRDV

▼剖面图,section © MVRDV

Facts Project Name: Gymnasium Beekvliet Location: Sint-Michielsgestel, the Netherlands Year: 2016–2023 Client: OMO Size and Programme: 6,052m2 – Educational including classrooms and auditorium Credits Architect: MVRDV Founding Partner in charge: Winy Maas Director: Gideon Maasland Design Team: Gijs Rikken, Tobias Tonch, Thijs van Oostrum, Chun Hoi Hui, Michele Tavola, Alessio Palmieri Visualisations: Antonio Luca Coco, Angelo La Delfa, Luana La Martina, Gianlorenzo Petrini Images: © MVRDV Copyright: MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries Partners: Co-architect: Van Boven Architecten Contractor: Peters Bouw en Onderhoud Project coordination: ICS Adviseurs Structural engineer: Van de Laar Installation advisor: Becks W-installation advisor: Immens E-installation advisor: Omega Cost calculation: Multical Building physics & Acoustics: PBTA Lighting advisor: Robert Jan Vos Graphic design: Ian Kirkpatrick with Maartje Berendsen Photographs: © Daria Scagliola


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