发布时间:2019-07-12 14:21:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Carve: Fantastic play cloud structures have arisen in the city of Istanbul. They are the iconic landmarks of a new open air playground on the roof park of Marmara Forum, a shopping centre in the Bakirköy district. The windows of the clouds magically change colours as daylight changes throughout the day. While in silence at the moment, soon the happy sounds of excited children will be covering the site.

焕发新魅力 new allure

Carve 受委托为高出街道 24 米的马尔马拉屋顶平台上的操场做一个设计。为了将该广场重新打造成一个著名的购物中心,设计师已经更新了其露台和美食广场,现在万事俱备,只需一个新的游乐场来唤醒它的魅力。

Carve was asked to make a design for the playground on the rooftop terrace of Marmara Forum, 24 metres above street level. The terrace and the food court had been renovated to re-establish the Forum as a prominent shopping centre, and it needed a new playground that matches that allure.

设计概念 concept

操场上划定了不同年龄层的活动区域。Carve 旨在通过形式和体验在设计中建立联系:约 8 层楼高的云触摸体验。

The playground has areas designated to different age groups. Carve aimed at making a connection in the design through both form and experience: the experience of touching the clouds, being about eight storeys above the ground.

▼设计灵感 Concept Sketch

▼装置结构形式演变 Evolution of playground form

引人注目的智能游乐场 high profile and intelligent playground


The given assignment was to design a high profile playground, fitting to the renewed shopping centre. Children should be able to play in the shade if the weather is warm and sunny, and play under a shelter when it’s raining. In commercial areas and terraces often only limited space is available. This conflicts with the high number of children that visit these types of playgrounds, especially during peak hours. For that reason one of the starting points was to think in tall structures with big volumes, fully playable from the inside.

▼内部功能空间设计 Play Functions

▼大型建筑般的游戏空间 Large architectural play space

从小到大 from small to tall

游乐场由四个适合不同年龄层的人使用的区域组成:从小到大,一个蹒跚学步的幼儿空间,一个攀爬圆顶,一个大型球类空间,还有一个近 8 米高的带内部滑梯的攀爬塔。云团内部空间配备了各种游戏元素:孩子们可以在吊床林中攀爬、滑行、休息,从窗户后面俯瞰城市的天际线,或透过攀爬网往下看,体验其高度。

The playground consists of four areas that cater for different age groups: from small to tall there is a toddler space, a climbing dome, a larger ensemble of spheres and a near eight metre tall climbing tower with an internal slide. The interior of the clouds is completely furnished with play elements: children can climb, slide, lounge in a forest of hammocks and experience height from behind a window looking at the city’s skyline or by looking down through the climbing nets.

云团内部空间配备了各种游戏元素 The interior of the clouds is completely furnished with play elements.

色彩 colours


The white paint of the play clouds was chosen to adapt to the weather changes: it appears bright white on a sunny day and more grey on a rainy day. Often adults tend to think a playground needs to have an abundance of colours, but it is the children that give colour to the playground. The dichroic windows colour the in- and outside of the play clouds and also give extraordinary colours to the world you see through the windows from within. Magical realism experienced by children in real life.

▼不同天气呈现不同颜色的材料 Materials with different colors in different weather

▼二向色的窗户为人们眼里的世界赋予了不一样的色彩 The dichroic windows give extraordinary colours to the world you see through the windows from within.

时间限制 time frame

通常像这样的项目,并不是简单的现成设计,而是需要花很长时间来设计、施工和落地的。一个好的项目背后必有一个好的客户。马尔马拉广场的背后就是一个有远见的客户,他们知道自己想要哪些特别的东西。其中最令人印象深刻的是,所有相关各方都在进行建设性地工作,朝着同一个方向共同努力,使这个项目充满活力。只有这样,才有可能在 6 个月的时间内完成这样一个从最初的草图到最终实现的项目。

Typically projects like this one, that are not off-the-shelf designs, take a long time to be designed, engineered and realised. A project is as good as its client. Behind Marmara Forum is a visionary client that knew they wanted something special. It is impressive to see how all parties involved have been working constructively, moving together in the same direction, to make the project come alive. Only in this way it was possible to complete such a project from the first sketches to realisation within a six months time frame.

原因 consideration

过去的操场大多是由当地市政当局提供便利,而现在,在这个 (半) 公共和可自由进入的游戏场所领域,商业团体往往是采取主动,真正敢于为孩子们提供精彩事物的一方。马尔马拉广场就是这一倡议的一个很好的例子。

Where in the past playgrounds were mostly facilitated by local municipalities, nowadays often commercial parties are the ones to take initiative in this field of (semi)public and freely accessible play spaces. Parties that really dare to offer children something spectacular. The playground of Marmara Forum is a fine example of such an initiative.

技术挑战 technical challenges

我们在设计和工程过程中遇到了许多技术难题。例如,最大的 8 米高建筑的尺寸和现有屋顶的负荷限制。但最后我们通过在构造点的顶部加上一个自支撑结构来分散载荷,创造性地解决了这个问题。另外,所有云团的球体都由六边形和五边形的面板构成,我们在其中一共使用了 275 个不同的面板。

There were many technical challenges during the design and engineering process. For example, considering the size of, in particular, the largest eight metre tall construction and the load limits of the existing roof. This issue was creatively solved by designing a self-supporting structure on top of a constructive point, spreading the loads at the same time. The spheres of all of the play clouds together are constructed out of hexagonal and pentagonal panels, 275 different panels in total.

▼施工过程 Construction Process

▼在夜晚发出闪耀的光芒 Shining in the night

当地合作伙伴 local partner


Local craftsmen produced, assembled and installed the double curved stainless steel panels with incredible precision. The importance of working with local partners but more over stimulating local economy in a globalized world is evident to Carve. Making use of these locally embedded partners and their networks was key to a superb and timely realisation.

一些幻想 head in the clouds

从 24 米下的街道往上看,你可以看到太阳在云团装置上闪耀。夜晚,白色的云团从窗框后放射出白光,它形成的迷人灯光奇观,便是马尔马拉广场周围地区皆可见的灯塔。我们敢打赌如果不是因为现在土耳其所有的游乐场都被封锁了,伊斯坦布尔的孩子们绝对已经占领了这个地方,让他们沉浸在云霄中了。

Looking up from street level 24 metres below you can see the sun glitter on the play clouds. At night the clouds, with white light radiating from behind the window frames, are a beacon that can be seen from the surrounding areas of Marmara Forum, making an intriguing spectacle of lights. If it wasn’t for the current lockdown of all playgrounds in Turkey, we bet you that the children of Istanbul would already have occupied this place to get their heads in the clouds.

▼效果图 Perspective

▼游乐场平面 Plan

▼各结构模型 Close up structure

▼施工图 Technical drawing


设计周期:2019-2020 年

竣工日期:2020 年 5 月

Carve 客户:Playdium


主要客户:Multi(土耳其)地点:伊斯坦布尔 马尔马拉购物中心


Name of the project: Marmara Forum Cloud Playground

Date of design: 2019-2020

Date of completion: May 2020

Client: Carve Playdium

Manufacturer: Playdium

Main Client: Multi (turkey)Location: Marmara Forum Shopping Centre, Istanbul

Photography: Asli Dayioglu


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