发布时间:2024-01-31 05:43:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Chappe是一座全新的三层海滨艺术之家,位于芬兰南海岸的历史名城塔米萨里(Tammisaari ),始建于1546年,城里的木结构建筑可追溯到18世纪。作为夏日度假胜地,塔米萨里因其文化博物馆,画廊和始于1912的电影院而声名远扬。

Chappe is a new three-storey art house by the sea located on the southern coast of Finland in the historic town of Tammisaari founded in 1546 and known for its timber architecture dating back to the 18th Century. A popular summer destination, Tammisaari punches above its weight in terms of its cultural offer with museums, galleries and a cinema dating from 1912.

▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view of the site ©Hannu Rytky


Located in the museum quarter in the heart of Tammisaari’s old town, Chappe is a 1,210 sqm addition to this mix of cultural attractions. In fact, an essential element of JKMM’s brief in designing the art house was to connect it to the existing art complex set in and around the regional Raseborg Museum. Physically, this is achieved through an underground link from the basement level of Chappe and through a shared museum garden.

▼建筑鸟瞰,Overview of the building ©Tuomas Uusheimo

Chappe艺术之家主要通过每年两届大型展览展示当代艺术。它的名字——Chappe来源于捐赠创始人Albert de la Chapelle教授 (1933–2020),多亏他的支持该项目得以实现。De la Chapelle曾经是一名医学博士和分子遗传领域的著名研究人员,同时也是一名北欧艺术品的忠实收藏家。他在距离塔米萨里约20km的林德(Lindö)长大,因此Chappe与他的家族历史紧密相连。

The Chappe Art House is focused on exhibiting contemporary art with a programme of two main exhibitions per year. Its name – Chappe – is derived from its founding donator Professor Albert de la Chapelle (1933–2020) whose support made this project possible. De la Chapelle was a medical doctor and prominent researcher in the field of molecular genetics in addition to being an avid collector of Nordic art. He grew up in Lindö some 20km from Tammisaari, so Chappe is very much a project that is rooted in the family’s history.

▼街道视角,Street perspective ©Hannu Rytky

▼城市立面,Urban facade ©Hannu Rytky

“Chappe对塔米萨里而言十分重要,它为这片传统季候性滨海旅游胜地带来了全年的文化魅力,从而对该地区的社会和经济活力作出了重要贡献。” ——Albert de la Chapelle艺术基金会主席,Henrik de la Chapelle “Chappe is an important addition to Tammisaari, bringing year-around cultural interest to a traditionally seasonal seaside destination and thereby making a significant contribution to both the social and economic vitality of the region.” —The Chairman of the Albert de la Chapelle Art Foundation, Henrik de la Chapelle

▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Tuomas Uusheimo



▼建筑外形,Appearance of the building ©Hannu Rytky

The black spruce clad elevations of the new art house play on traditional Finnish timber architecture. The detailing of the elevations emphasise the importance of craft and how this works its way into a wholly contemporary architectural idiom. Inside the building, JKMM’s lofty spaces recall the notion of the hall as a building typology. This has been an important aspect for Chappe as the building will also host events and community uses in addition to housing museum grade galleries.

▼屋顶特写,Close-up of the roof ©Hannu Rytky

对于JKMM的创始合伙人兼Chappe项目负责人Asmo Jaaksi而言,博物馆和展览建筑的文化语境十分重要,因为他亲眼看到了这一点对赫尔辛基Amos Rex艺术博物馆项目的成功是多么重要,该项目被广泛称赞为“本土之星”。

For Asmo Jaaksi founding partner at JKMM and project lead on Chappe, the contextualisation of museum and gallery architecture is of particular interest, having seen firsthand how important this was for the success of the practice’s Amos Rex Art Museum project in Helsinki that was widely celebrated as a “homegrown star”.

▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade ©Tuomas Uusheimo

“在我们的建筑中,我们想要关注的是博物馆或任何艺术相关的建筑空间如何影响场所中的实际体验,我们希望将本质的感受与全新的体验加入其中,为当地社区注入活力。这一点,我认为对于文化建筑尤其重要,因为正是这些空间将人们聚集在此并赋予了场所身份,但前提是必须让人们获得舒适感和主导性。” ——Jaaksi  “In our buildings, we have wanted to focus on how museum or for that matter any arts space architecture relates to the immediate experience of place, adding both a sense of rootedness and also something wholly new that brings about vitality to the local community. This, I feel is especially important for cultural buildings, as they are the very things that give places identity by bringing people together, but only if people feel welcome and can take ownership of them.” —Jaaksi

▼入口特写,Entrance ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼窗洞特写,Close-up of the fenestration ©Tuomas Uusheimo



JKMM have expressed the timber structure of the building on its upper levels as a way of introducing tactility and warmth into the galleries. The main exhibition galleries are located on the top of the building on level two. On level one – in Finland, the ground floor – the key spaces are the main entrance and a generous multi-purpose foyer connected to a picturesque museum garden shared with its neighbouring institutions.

▼展厅概览,Overview of the interior ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼温润的质感,Tactility and warmth into the galleries ©Tuomas Uusheimo

JKMM与艺术家紧密合作,创作了Chappe建筑的一部分作品。例如,门厅中摆有由Karin Widnäs设计的大型陶瓷作品和Petri Vainio设计的灯光装置,作为建筑师, Petri Vainio曾与JKMM合作设计了赫尔辛基的Amos Rex艺术博物馆。JKMM的Asmo Jaaksi说“与艺术装置的融合是早期现代主义的先例,我们欢迎将其运用到自己的建筑设计中来。Chappe项目中与芬兰艺术家的合作很好地延续了这一传统。”

JKMM has worked closely with artists on pieces that work as part of Chappe’s architecture. For example, in the foyer there is a large ceramic work by Karin Widnäs as well as a light installation by Petri Vainio with whom JKMM also collaborated as architects of the Amos Rex Art Museum in Helsinki. JKMM’s Asmo Jaaksi says that “The integration of art installations is a precedent from early Modernism that we welcome in our work as architects. Collaborating with Finnish artists at Chappe has been a good way to continue this tradition.”

▼空间与光影,Spaces and the lights ©Tuomas Uusheimo


JKMM also collaborated with a local carpenter to create furniture including benches for Chappe and worked with a local contractor. This notion of locality is an essential part of Chappe’s architecture with the sculptural form of the building woven into its neighbourhood creating a distinctly contextual landmark. The carefully considered views from within the building also tie it to its setting with their framed vistas of the sea and the old town.

▼视野与景色,Views and vistas ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼通高空间,Atrium ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼极简的空间,Minimal design ©Hannu Rytky


Inside light levels can be controlled to achieve optimum conditions for the preservation of art works. Humidity control, too, is conceived in a way that meets the conditions required by insurers and conservators for the loaning of art works. Moreover, the building’s structure is engineered to carry significant loads to support, for example, the exhibiting of sculptures. It has also been designed to support unassisted access for the public including the use of pushchairs throughout.

▼展览,Exhibition ©Hannu Rytky

▼材质搭配,Materials collocation ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼金属天花特写,Metal ceiling ©Hannu Rytky


Chappe将会同时开放三个展览。分别是1) 《Barösund 1870 -> 2023》,这是受de la Chapelle的收藏品启发而举办的系列展览中的第一个。2) 《神奇与不可思议》回溯了Chappe创始人和新建筑的建造故事。3) 名为《气候与艺术——剑走偏锋》从文化角度向观众介绍生态重建。

There will be three coinciding opening exhibitions at Chappe. They are 1) Barösund 1870 -> 2023, the first in a series of shows inspired by the de la Chapelle collection 2) The “Amazing and Magical” exhibition that recounts Chappe’s founder’s story and the making the new building 3) An exhibition called “Climate and Art – Alternative Approaches” that introduces audiences to a cultural perspective to ecological reconstruction.

▼独特的楼梯,Particular staircases ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼左:楼梯西部,Left:details of the staircase ©Tuomas Uusheimo 右:精致的收口,Right:delicate technique ©Hannu Rytky


Entry to Chappe is ticketed at 12/9 euros. Tickets can be purchased at Chappe or via Raseborg Museum that also houses a café and museum shop both of which are accessible for visitors to Chappe.

▼夜景,Night view ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼总平面图,Masterplan ©JKMM Architects

▼地下一层平面1:250,Underground floor plan 1:250 ©JKMM Architects

▼一层平面1:250,First floor plan 1:250 ©JKMM Architects

▼二层平面1:250,Second floor plan 1:250 ©JKMM Architects

▼屋顶平面1:250,Roof plan 1:250 ©JKMM Architects

▼地下一层平面1:150,Underground floor plan 1:150 ©JKMM Architects

▼一层平面1:150,First floor plan 1:150 ©JKMM Architects

▼二层平面1:150,Second floor plan 1:150 ©JKMM Architects

▼屋顶平面1:150,Roof plan 1:150 ©JKMM Architects

▼轴测图,Axonometric ©JKMM Architects

▼城市北立面,North urban elevation ©JKMM Architects

▼城市西立面,West urban elevation ©JKMM Architects

▼东立面,East facade ©JKMM Architects

▼北立面,North facade ©JKMM Architects

▼南立面,South facade ©JKMM Architects

▼西立面,West facade ©JKMM Architects

▼剖面AA 1:150,Section AA 1:150 ©JKMM Architects

▼剖面EE 1:150,Section EE 1:150 ©JKMM Architects

▼墙体细部1,Wall details 1 ©JKMM Architects

▼墙体细部2,Wall details 2 ©JKMM Architects

▼墙体细部3,Wall details 3 ©JKMM Architects

KEY DATA Location Tammisaari Typology Museum/ Art House Area 1 210 brm2 Invited Competition 2018 Completion Date 2023 Client Albert de la Chapelle Foundation End-user: Albert de la Chapelle Foundation / Raseborg Museum Contractor: K. Jousmaa Oy Architecture: JKMM Architects Interiors / art integration JKMM Architects

JKMM ARCHITECTS DESIGN TEAM Asmo Jaaksi Project Lead Gerrie Bekhuis Project Architect Teemu Toivio Architect Edit Bajsz Architect Marcus Kujala Architect Peter Vuorenrinne Designer Laura Hämäläinen Interior Architect Teemu Taskinen Architect Teemu Kurkela Architect Samuli Miettinen Architect Juha Mäki-Jyllilä Architect

CONSULTANTS Structural Engineers WSP Finland Oy Geotechincal Engineering WSP Finland Oy Construction Management WSP Finland Oy Acoustics WSP Finland Oy Landscape WSP Finland Oy M&E Engineers Granlund Oy Fire Safety Jensen Hughes Oy Signage Werklig Oy PROJECT SUPPLIERS

EXTERIOR/ MATERIALS Fir tree balk facades K. Jousmaa Oy / Materiaalitoimittaja: Taskisen puu Oy Plinths and stonework Loimaan kivi Oy Glazing Jaatimet Oy Metalworks Raaseporin Peltisepänliike Oy Ab / Materiaalitoimittaja: Rheinzink

INTERIOR/ MATERIALS Glulam beams Versowood Oy CLT-elements Timberpoint Oy Fir tree walls/ ceilings K. Jousmaa Oy / Materiaalitoimittaja: Taskisen puu Oy Acoustic ceiling Lumir Oy Signage Novela Oy

ARTISTS AND DESIGNERS Entrance lighting installation’Spegling’ Petri Vainio (Total. 35 125 lamella sheets) Main stair’s ceramic artwork ’Meri’ Karin Widnäs Installation ’Memento’ Harrie Liveart: Saija Kassinen & Meri Linna Main hall furnishings Atte Pylvänäinen, Kari Virtanen (made using tees that were taken down during construction)

IMAGE CREDITS Photography Tuomas Uusheimo


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