发布时间:2017-12-20 21:46:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

"该项目展示出了一个遭受过重创的历史非裔美国社区的复兴过程"。— ASLA评奖委员会

"Shows what to do to revitalize an historic African-American community that has taken a hit.".

— 2017 Awards Jury



由时任美国总统奥巴马在2015年2月指定的普尔曼国家纪念公园,如今已成为芝加哥南部的宝藏。普尔曼在鼎盛时期,其区域布局为制造业和铁路运输业的发展,城市规划和建筑的进步,美国劳动法的建立,以及为非裔美国人提供公民自由提供了契机。在国家指定任务后,美国建筑师协会芝加哥分会(AIA Chicago)和国家公园保护协会合作举办了为期三天的“思想交流研讨会”。该研讨会旨在鼓励公众参与到芝加哥社区设计的讨论中,并通过这个项目丰富当地的游览体验,同时推动社区发展。其中涉及的四个主题包括:公园体验、历史保护/适应性再利用、进入方式和联系性,以及社区发展。经过数千小时的热烈讨论,“定位普尔曼”的文件提出了一套清晰且令人兴奋的国家纪念公园发展愿景,即试图分享来自19世纪的创新故事,同时展示21世纪社区,场地和建筑发展最佳实践。


Designated a national monument by President Obama in February 2015, Pullman is a treasure of Chicago’s south side. In its heyday as a manufacturing town, Pullman provided the setting for the evolution of industry and transportation, achievements in planning, architecture, and landscape architecture, the foundation of labor law, and the advancement of civil liberties for African Americans.

On the heels of the Pullman’s national designation, AIA Chicago and the National Parks Conservation Association conducted a three-day “collaborative ideas workshop.” The purpose of the workshop was to engage the public and the design community regarding opportunities to leverage the new national designation to enhance visitor experience and advance community development goals. The workshop focused on four topics: park experience; historic preservation / adaptive reuse; access and connections; and, community development.

The culmination of thousands of volunteer hours, the Positioning Pullman document provides a clear and exciting vision for the future of the national monument that seeks to share stories of innovation from the 19th Century and demonstrate 21st Century best practices for neighborhood and building development.

▲“定位普尔曼”,是为创建美国最新国家纪念公园开展的合作想法研讨会。普尔曼国家纪念公园是芝加哥南面的必看之地。工业城镇普尔曼,建立于十九世纪九十年代,如今已经发展成为由多元人口和文化构成的生机勃勃的社区。POSITIONING PULLMAN Collaborative ideas Workshop for America’s Newest Naitonal Monument.Pullman National Monument is a must-see treasure of Chicago’s south side. The circa-1880 industrial town of Pullman is now a diverse and vibrant Chicago Neighborhood with a reputaton for strong preservation advocacy.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture






由于该项目将发展成为国家公园服务场地,预计每年将增加到30万人,大量关于该社区如何适应这样如此大的探访量的问题层出不穷。为了解决这些问题,在2015年4月,美国建筑师协会芝加哥分会(AIA Chicago)和国家公园保护协会(NPCA)在Richard H. Driehaus基金会,芝加哥社区信托基金和Alphawood基金会的支持下,举办了为期三天的社区设计研讨会。该研讨会旨在鼓励公众参与到芝加哥社区设计的讨论中,通过这个项目丰富当地的游览体验,同时推动社区发展。 该研讨会围绕四个主题展开:公园体验、历史保护/适应性再利用、进入方式和联系性,以及社区发展。






在减碳减排方面,贡献最大的是关于基础设施和管理战略的建议,该建议同时方便了行人步行和骑自行车游览。相关的建议还包括:改善通勤火车站(Metra);通过连接附近的印第安纳沙丘国家湖岸,恢复与南海岸铁路服务;设置带有自行车寄存点、清晰的自行车道和路标的综合自行车服务网络; 以及游客从汽车过渡到步行或自行车的策略。



为了推动实施该规划,技术团队准备了成本估算,实施责任书以及一份名为“定位普尔曼”的综合设想文件。该文件不仅收录了来自500多名社区参与者和40名无偿专业人士的意见,而且强调了推动该项目实施需要持续的多方合作。基于来自众多专业领域的合作伙伴的兴趣与参与,普尔曼的发展前景非常乐观。国家公园服务(机构)及其合作伙伴,包括伊利诺斯州政府,芝加哥市政府,地方运输机构,社区宣传团体以及利益相关者正在依照“定位普尔曼”文件推动项目发展。一些文件中推荐的项目,例如游客中心,也正在实施中。自 “普尔曼定位”和综合展望过程创建以来,已成为其它国家公园服务场地规划和发展的典范。


In February 2015, President Barack Obama, using his power under the Antiquities Act, designated the Pullman National Monument, ensuring that people will experience the unique history captured in Pullman in perpetuity, and leading to the Positioning Pulman initiative.Photo Credit: National Park Service


Pullman National Monument is one of the first “National Urban Parks’ in America. It is an important development for the National Park Service as it enters its second century of stewardship with a focus on an “Urban Agenda.”Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

▲普尔曼的布局为制造业和铁路运输业的发展,城市规划和建筑的进步,美国劳动法的建立,以及为非裔美国人提供公民自由提供了契机。Pullman provided the setting for the evolution of indsutrial manufacturing and railroad transportation, the advancement of town planning and architecture, the establishment of US labor law, and the advance of civil liberties for African Americans.Photo Credit: National Park Service

▲普尔曼镇于1969年被指定为伊利诺伊州的历史街区,并于1970年成为国家历史地标区。上面的图片描述了普尔曼国家纪念公园的区域边界和主要特征。The town of Pullman was designated an Illinois Historic District in 1969 and became a National Historic Landmark District in 1970. The grahic above depicts the district boundaries and key features of the Pullman National Monument.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture


Today, Pullman’s residents are strongly dedicated to their community, organizing educational and stewardship activities that keep the neighborhood strong and well-cared for.Photo Credit: National Park Service


Following Pullman’s national designation, a three-day “collaborative ideas workshop” was conducted to engage the public in discussions with the Chicago design community regarding opportunities for enhancing the visitor experience and advancing community development goals.

Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture


The ideas workshp had more than 500 diverse and committed attendees. Discussions were organized around park experience, historic preservation and adaptive reuse, access and connections, and community development.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

▲技术团队建立了1886年(左)和2015年(右)的普尔曼地区的数字模型。最惊人的发现之一是复原后的卡卢梅湖(Lake Calumet)原始海岸线,以及它是如果在该地区的变化过程中发挥作用的。The technical team constructed digital models of Pullman in 1886 (left) and 2015 (right). One of the most striking discoveries was the original shoreline of Lake Calumet and how it has changed the role of Pullman within the region today.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture


Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture


PROGRAMMING SCENARIOS–The project envisions appropriate ways of interpreting and re-programming key sites in a way that is compatible with existing historic structures, taking into consideration input from the public. These scenarios focus on original use, community use, and revenue generation.

▲普尔曼因其历史建筑的质量和数量而著称。对普尔曼工厂综合体的建议包括:建筑修复,历史解释,景观修复以及人行道的改善。Pullman is distinguished by the quality and quantity of its historic structures. Recommendations for the Publlman Factory Complex included building restoration, historic interpretation, landscape restoration, and improving pedestrian circulation.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

▲第111街区人行道改造—街道景观改善建议,主要围绕第111街的街道景观,包括提供道路餐饮和行人交通岛。111TH STREET PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS—Among the streetscape recommendations, a focus on the 111th Street streetscape includes a road diet and pedestrian refuge islands.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

▲普尔曼北翼复兴和普尔曼火车车展厅的改造设想A vision for the Pullman North Wing Restoration and Pullman Railcar Exhibition Hall.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

▲普尔曼游客中心改造设想,包括复原的行政大楼和解释性景观。A vision for the Pullman Visitor Center, restored administration building, and interpretive landscape.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture

▲普尔曼游客中心夜景,复原的行政大楼和照明景观。The Pullman Visitor Center, restored administration building, and lighting program at night.Photo Credit: Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture


Pullman National Monument is a must-see treasure of Chicago’s South Side. In its heyday as a company-town, Pullman provided the setting for the evolution of industrial manufacturing and railroad transportation, achievements in town planning, architecture and landscape architecture, the foundation of US labor law, and the advancement of civil liberties for African Americans.

The circa-1880 town of Pullman is now a diverse and vibrant Chicago neighborhood with a reputation for strong preservation advocacy. In 1960, when the neighborhood was slated to be turned into an industrial park, residents banded together to prevent destruction of the community’s historic fabric. As a result, Pullman became a National Historic Landmark District in 1970. Two years later, the City of Chicago designated the southern part of the neighborhood a city landmark district.

In February 2015, Pullman was designated a National Monument by President Barack Obama. Pullman National Monument is one of the first “National Urban Parks” in America. It is an important development for the National Park Service as it enters its second century of stewardship with a focus on an “Urban Agenda.” As such, lessons learned at Pullman could shape policy over the course of the next 100 years.

As it evolves into a National Park Service site, there are many questions about how this city neighborhood will accommodate visitation, which is anticipated to grow to 300,000 people per year. In an effort to start addressing some of these questions, AIA Chicago and the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), with support from The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, The Chicago Community Trust, and Alphawood Foundation conducted a three-day community design workshop in April 2015. The purpose of the workshop was to engage the public in discussions with the Chicago design community regarding opportunities for enhancing the park visitor experience while leveraging the new national designation to advance important community development goals.

The workshop was facilitated by a technical team of 40 volunteer architects, landscape architects, city planners, economists, and engineers, who assembled to work with Pullman stakeholders to develop a roadmap for improvement and operations. Discussion was organized around four topics: park experience; historic preservation and adaptive reuse; access and connections; and community development. Input was collected from the over 500 diverse and committed stakeholders who attended the events.

Following the workshop, the technical team refined the material and identified 35 unique projects to improve the visitor experience and support community development goals, all based on the feedback received from stakeholders. Recommended projects seek to share stories of innovation from the 19th Century, while also demonstrating 21st Century best practices for neighborhood, site, and building development, including:Energy Reduction

Restoration and infill projects in Pullman are envisioned to include a comprehensive set of passive design measures coupled with high performance building technologies. Many passive features are already incorporated into the historic fabric of the community. These include buildings with large operable windows to enable light penetration and cross ventilation with protection from overhanging eaves. Streets and public spaces contain an abundance of old growth canopy trees that mitigate heat island effects and reduce building cooling needs. All replacement windows, doors, insulation and mechanical systems will meet or exceed the Chicago Energy Conservation Code.The Pullman Factory Complex is also envisioned to incorporate solar collectors, wind turbines, and rainwater harvesting features that reduce environmental impacts while also serving as educational features.

Integrated Design

Positioning Pullman is a demonstration project for integrated design. All project recommendations were developed collaboratively between diverse architects, landscape architects, civil engineers, and transportation engineers to assure coordination and to maximize efficiency.

Carbon Reduction

The largest contribution to carbon reduction results from recommendations regarding infrastructure and management strategies to enable pedestrian-friendly walking and biking visitation. Recommendations address improvements to commuter train stations (Metra) and a restored connection to the South Shore rail service with linkage to the nearby Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; a comprehensive bike network with bike comfort stations, clearly marked bike lanes, and wayfinding signage; and strategies for visitors arriving via car to park once and then transition to foot or bike.

Community Contribution

A key goal of the Positioning Pullman initiative is the identification of opportunities to leverage the national designation to advance important community development needs. Specifically, the increase in visitation presents opportunities to grow new businesses and employment opportunities, as well as benefit from new investments in infrastructure and public transportation.

In addition, all improvements within the Pullman National Monument will adhere to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and are envisioned to achieve a minimum of LEED gold certification.

To assist with implementation planning, the technical team prepared cost estimates, implementation responsibilities, and a comprehensive vision document entitled


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