发布时间:2016-05-13 16:42:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Songdian Road Junior High School is located in a large residential development community in suburban Qingpu of Shanghai. Facing Dianpu River in the South, its north end is for a future kindergarten. East and west sides are occupied by high-rise residential divisions. East side of the site is placed with track and field area, while west portion gathers all the buildings. We could not achieve the layout that the School Board had originally hoped because the site is 15% smaller than a standard middle school requirement in Shanghai. However this obstacle pushed us to come up with a more compact, intensive layout. In the meanwhile, we focused largely on creating spaces for student recess and communication through the concepts of platform and courtyards on top of providing basic functions for the school.

▽ 操场视角,从左至右依次是教学楼,行政楼和生活及体育活动楼,view from the sport field

▽ 建筑形体生成,diagram


The school is rendered on a concrete platform with three volumes. The far North is composed of cafeteria and gymnasium with roof overhangs extending towards the East, and transom windows to the North to provide soft daylights for the interior space of gymnasium; The South side of the entrance vestibular occupies fine art classrooms and administrative building with 3 story volumes. Administrative offices on the top floor, creating series of small courtyards, are equipped with skylights. Regular and specialty classrooms are on the far South end with 4 story volumes. Ring corridor connects all the classrooms. Common areas such as library, auditorium, cafeteria, and laboratories on the lower floors support the structure with second floor platform for outdoor activities. Big, media and small courtyards alternate spaces.

▽ 教学楼南侧外观, view from the south

▽ 教学楼西侧外观, view from the west

▽ 教学楼内庭,courtyard

▽ 教室内部空间,classroom

▽ 教学楼与行政楼间的活动平台,space between classroom building and administrative building

▽ 行政楼,administrative building

▽  行政楼和体育楼间广场,square between administrative building and gymnasium

▽ 体育楼,   gymnasium

▽ 体育楼内部空间,   interior space of gymnasium

▽ 功能分区,zoning


Cast concrete base and light grey paint on the upper exterior walls set a tone to the school design, an alternative way to its limited budget. Color plays an important role to this project. Different colors define different functions of the complex, which is simple but effective and expressional. Small scaled metal fretwork railings and large scaled vertical metal sun screens all add character to the design. All stairs are carefully designed and located to become the focal points for different sections. In addition, these stairs are semi open to direct traffic and easy evacuation. Again color is an essential part. The outside of the 3 stairs for the academic building is dark green to coordinate with the lower base building, while the inside chooses various bright colors to express each space’s unique character. The administrative building and gymnasium are treated the same way, dark on the outside and light on the inside. All of these approaches enhance the sense of floating and gracefulness above the second floor.

▽ 丰富的色彩变化, Color plays an important role to this project

▽ 楼梯空间,stair case

▽ 轴测图/二层平台系统,axonometric drawing/ platform at the second floor

▽ 楼梯光井,corridor and staircases

▽ 总平面图,site plan

▽一层平面,first floor

▽ 二层平面,second floor/三层平面,third floor

▽ 剖面图,section

项目名称:崧淀路初中 建筑师: 张 斌 + 周 蔚 / 致正建筑工作室 主持建筑师:周 蔚、张 斌 项目建筑师:李沁 设计团队:李佳、金燕琳、李姿娜、金浩、霍丽、游斯嘉、郭宇龙、李晔 设计单位:同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 建设地点:青浦新城一站大型居住社区崧淀路以西、北淀浦河路以北 建设单位:上海淀山湖新城发展有限公司 施工单位: 上海文宇建设发展有限公司 设计时间:2011.10—2013.01 建造时间:2012.12—2014.09 基地面积:27,752 m2 占地面积:6,280m2 建筑面积:18,055 m2 结构形式:钢筋混凝土框架结构 建筑层数:地上二-四层,局部地下一层, 主要用途:32班初中 主要用材:涂料,清水混凝土,型钢,铝型材,平板玻璃,水磨石地坪 工程造价:约6,900万元人民币 摄影师:苏圣亮 Project Name: Songdian Road Junior High School, Qingpu, Shanghai Architects: ZHANG Bin + ZHOU Wei / Atelier Z+ Partner in Charge: ZHOU Wei, ZHANG Bin Project Architect: LI Qin Project Team: LI Jia, JIN Yanlin, LI Zina, JIN Hao, HUO Li, YOU Sijia, GUO Yulong, LI Ye Design Institute: Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University Location: West of Songdian Rd., South of North Dianpuhe Rd., Qingpu, Shanghai Client: Shanghai Lake Dianshan Newtown Development Co., Ltd Design Institute: Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. General Contractor: Shanghai Wenyu Construction Development Co., Ltd. Design Period: Oct. 2011 – Jan. 2013 Construction Period: Dec. 2013 – Sep. 2014 Site Area: 27,752 m2 Building Area: 6,280 m2 Gross Floor Area: 18,055 m2 Structure: Reinforced Concrete Frame; 2-4 Stories, Partly 1 Basement Principal Use: Junior High School with 32 Classes Primary Materials: Painting, Exposed Concrete, Steel Profile, Aluminum Profile, Slab Glass, Terrazzo Pavement Cost: 95,600,000 Yuan RMB Photography: SU Shengliang


崧淀路中学校园,上海 / 致正建筑工作室
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