发布时间:2020-12-17 00:49:49 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


“Unique Mount EMEI ” Land Of Dramas is located near the main scenic spot of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province. It is a large situational experience drama created by the famous Chinese director Wang Chaoge, who is invited by Mount Emei Tourism Investment and Development (Group) Co., LTD. The project covers about 6 hectares, including the “Above the clouds” theatre, the scenery garden in the cloud and the “Under the clouds” scene theatre transformed from the original village in the site.

▼鸟瞰,aerial view ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)


The architecture is tightly related to the title “Emei”, taking “Above the clouds” as the architectural context and literary point. She draws on Emei and the sea of clouds, Buddha Realm and the reality, refining natural imagery into literary expressions, and then translating the semanteme into buildings.

▼建筑外观,external view of the architecture ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)


The architecture is not a blunt existence or self-expression of the surrounding fields, but an integration of the Mount EMEI and rivers. Its creation is not to build houses, but to finish a Chinese monochrome. She may not be a traditional building in the end, but must be a piece of artistic works with dreamy scenes.

▼云雾缭绕形成梦幻一般的场景,mist creating dreamy scenes ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

▼云之上剧场,theater on the cloud ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)


The flowing time, historical changes, the trees and rivers in the site, and also people living here for generations, have gave this land its mark, making it a passage of music. In order to restore them, all the original villages in the base are kept, as intact as possible, and drama contents that fit the theme are added. The old village and the theater echo each other and continue to write a new chapter.

▼保留基地内的原始村落,old village in the base has been kept ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)


In terms of the architectural form of the main theater, it depicts the spirit of the building located in Mount Emei. At the same time, it focuses on the design of architectural texture and sets “tile” and “roof” as the motif elements, using a series of “roof” from the surface to the wall body, spreading gradually from the bottom to the top, creating an intention and visual transition from the reality to the heaven. Thus, as overlooking the world from the heaven, it presents both genuine and artificial imageries, which seem to belong to both the heaven and reality.

▼通往建筑内的道路,path into the architecture ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

▼云之上剧场入场厅,entrance lobby of the theater on the cloud ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

▼剧场中庭,atrium in the theater ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

“Above the clouds” theater, like looking down on the top of Emei Mountain, overlooks the human world; ” In the clouds ” creates the feeling of walking through the clouds through the landscape, which is the fairyland; “Under the cloud” is transformed from the original village, which is the human world. Space here is endowed with temporal and spatial meanings. The audience will enter the real world first, and then board the “heaven”, experiencing the spiritual realm of “Above the clouds” as ascending to the top and viewing of the sea of clouds.

▼剧场观演空间,auditorium in the theater ©上:北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙),下:傅兴建筑摄影

▼云之下剧场 – 旧村,the original villages in the theater below the cloud ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

▼旧村与剧场互望,visual connection between the original village and the theater ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view in the night ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

▼云之上剧场夜景,发光的瓦片,night view of the theater on the cloud with gleamy tiles ©傅兴建筑摄影

▼瓦片细部,details of the tiles ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)

▼总平面图,site plan ©北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙)+ BIAD-BOA工作室

项目名称:“只有峨眉山”戏剧幻城 项目地址:四川省 峨眉山市 川主河畔 高河村 项目业主:峨眉山旅游投资开发(集团)有限公司 建筑面积:  18679㎡ (云之上演艺剧场),7138㎡   (云之下情景剧场) 设计时间:2018—2019年 完成年份:2019年 概念设计:王潮歌 主创建筑师:王戈 项目建筑师:王东亮 (云之上演艺剧场),于宏涛(云之下情景剧场)

方案设计 云之上演艺剧场: 北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙):王戈、王鹏、赵轩、朱道平 BIAD-BOA工作室:王东亮、张红宇、张睿、许雯婷 云之下情景剧场: 北京王戈建筑设计事务所(普通合伙):张镝鸣、栗继明 BIAD-BOA工作室:于宏涛、赵甜甜、侯炜昌、陈婧

合作方 结构顾问/机电顾问:北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司(BIAD) 景观设计:北京朗琪意景景观设计有限公司 施工图设计:北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司 成都分院,国昇设计有限责任公司成都分公司 幕墙顾问:上海沈飞新型幕墙工程有限公司 灯光顾问:北京市洛西特灯光设计顾问有限公司 声学顾问:中广国际建筑设计有限公司 施工单位:南昌市第三建设工程有限责任公司 玻璃瓦材料公司:上海耀皮汽车玻璃有限公司


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