"Do not take the textbook as the world, but the world as the textbook."
This sentence was told to us by the teachers before the design work began, to illustrate the importance of free thinking.
As designers, we agreed with that and realized:What kind of world we create for our children affects not only how they perceive the world today, but also how they create the world tomorrow.
▼校园鸟瞰,Aerial view of the campus
▼综合组团大阶梯,The giant staircase of the comprehensive group
▼校园东全景-上午,The east panorama of campus
语境 |Context
The campus is located in a city community under construction in Beijing, where used to be a large-scale chemical factory here many years ago, but the city’s rapid development pushed it out, nowadays here becomes new home to tens of thousands of citizens.
▼区域位置图,Location map
Design and build a 12-year basic education campus with 72 classes, what we need to respond to is, on the one hand, the current revolution of education advocates the learner as the center, and thus proposes a new demand for campus space, on the other hand, it is a relatively monotonous community formed by a large number of repetitive and high-density residential buildings around.
▼用地内部换填坑和周边住宅,The huge pit and the surrounding residential buildings
生成 | Generate
After trying to achieve the most optimal lighting conditions, functional layout, and site adaptation, we got a staggered, coherent solution.
▼设计生成,Generate design
▼校园鸟瞰,Aerial view of the campus
单元 | Learning community
Different from the past, we use a group layout to deal with the basic learning units, and then create a learning community to bring learners a sense of home, a sense of neighborhood, all of this will greatly facilitate communication and sharing. The current revolution of education urge us to re-stand in the perspective of teaching, organize the space according to its logical and forward-looking.
The learning community of primary school group and secondary school group
▼小学高年级部组团,The primary school upper grades group
▼建筑外观,Exterior view
叠合 | Superposition
In addition to the basic learning units based on regular curriculum activities, a campus should also contain a public educational section consisting of experiments, art, societies, and other activities.
▼叠合-二层屋顶活动平台,The second floor roof activity platform
由庭院、大阶梯、环廊组成的露天剧场,The open-air theater in the east courtyard
Under the combined effect of site size, sunshine spacing and sunshine duration, we superposition the above two: the second to fourth floors of the campus are the basic learning units, while the first floor and the ground floor are the public learning floors (the public educational section), on the one hand, it is more convenient for students to commute between different functions, on the other hand, the mixed-use of public learning floors can break down boundaries and create more opportunities for interaction.
▼叠合-初中部组团和东院,The middle school group and the east courtyard
▼叠合-高中部组团和北院,The high school group and the north courtyard
界面 | Interface
The public learning floors involve three of the most active interfaces on campus- the first floor, the first underground floor and the roof activity platform- they spread throughout the entire campus, and bring publicity to every corner of the campus. At the same time, the roof activity platform not only expands the outdoor activity space of the campus, but also is more friendly to the 10-minute activity between classes of students on the upper floors.
界面-漫延至整个校园的庭院和平台,Courtyard and roof activity platform
界面-组团间的连廊,The covered corridors between buildings
界面-二层屋顶活动平台,The second floor roof activity platform
界面-公共教学层室外楼梯,Outdoor staircase of the public learning floors
地下 | Underground space
Before the design work began, in order to remove the contaminated soil from the former chemical plant, people dug pits 5-10 meters deep in the site. In addition, the size of the site is obviously unable to match the huge demand for school enrollment caused by the surging school-age children around the project.
▼南北向剖透视图,The north-south perspective section
▼东西向剖透视图,The east-west perspective section
So we use the pits to expand the campus space, we put public learning section and gymnasium, swimming pool, lecture hall, canteen and other functions underground. These large spaces can be opened individually to communities without interfering with above-ground spaces, an adjacent underground car park also supports the opening.
▼可容纳多重功能的餐厅 The student canteen
地下大型场馆,The underground gymnasium
We are very concerned about the connection between the campus and the community and are committed to making the campus an important node in the cultural life of the community.
地下观演厅兼训练馆,The underground lecture hall and training center
地下观演厅兼训练馆,The underground lecture hall and training center
庭院 | Courtyard
庭院俯视,Top view of courtyards
▼西院和初中部组团,The east courtyard and the middle school group
▼南院,The south courtyard
We try to give different courtyards different themes, such as amphitheater, campus market, recreation sports, mobile exhibition, etc., so that the courtyards can be more active in the daily life of users.
▼插画 -《校园庭院使用指南》,The manual of campus courtyard
交流 | Communication
Whether it can effectively promote communication between people is one of the bases for us to judge the merits of a space.
We wanted the campus to be decentralized and flat, with spaces that could be both transparent and fluid. So that learners can experience a different kind of openness and freedom from other places. In this way they can freely interact, communicate, collision, cooperate and share, and make learning happen anytime and anywhere.
▼可促进交流的露天剧场,The open-air theater in the east courtyard
▼中学部组团室内中庭,The indoor atrium of the middle school group
▼综合组团室内中庭,The indoor atrium of the comprehensive group
激发 | Inspire
The campus is more about providing a platform to give more control of the space back to the learners to inspire their thinking and creation.
We will try our best to create an inclusive and universal space. Space is polysematized, rather than a preset of specific functions. Teaching is also gradual and inflexible. We expect space to “evolve and grow” along with learning, and generate more possibilities, thus promoting the transformation of campus from space to content.
▼不同颜色提示不同功能-小学部组团室内,The interior scene of the primary school group
▼以留白激发创造-小学部组团室内,The interior scene of the primary school group
绿色 | Green
We believe that the first step in low energy design should be energy conservation in the space and form of the building itself: make full use of natural light and air circulation, more compact forms, and put large spaces with high energy consumption levels underground…all of these will give the campus a benign tone of energy conservation.
▼细部构造,Detail design
Based on this, the campus also uses clean energy (solar energy and air source heat pumps, etc.), energy storage planting roof, energy saving envelope, rainwater harvesting, recycled water reuse, smart campus building control and other measures. All of these efforts are aimed at finding a more healthy relationship between users and nature.
▼综合组团近景,The comprehensive group
▼小学低年级部组团近景,The primary school lower grades group
改变 |Change
We hope that when facing the city under construction, the campus can become a kind of mild confrontation and positive adjustment to the surrounding homogeneous community, and when facing the revolution of education, the campus can present a soft, diffuse, harmonious and free, which is different from the past, so as to transfer temperature and stimulate learning.
▼校园东全景-夜晚,The east panorama of campus
We don’t want to be fixated on the results of these changes, but rather try to create goodwill through change — and hope that this campus can be seen as an attitude, as well as an action, that can inject power into learners and communities. Perhaps the change itself is a positive thing, expect more people to bring more changes to us.
▼孩子们笔下的这座校园,The children’s painting of this campus
▼总平面图,Site plan
一层平面图,First floor plan
▼地下一层平面图,First basement floor plan
▼地下二层平面图,Second basement floor plan
▼二层平面图,Second floor plan
▼三层平面图,Third floor plan
四层平面图,Fourth floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan
▼东西立面图,The east and west elevations
▼南北立面图,The south and north elevations
Project name: Tsinghua University High School Guanghua
Project type: Educational building
Design: Beijing Institute of Architectural Design
Website:Design year: 2016
Completion Year: 2021
Leader designer & Team:Leader designer/Project leader: Wang Xiaogong, Wang Zheng
Architectural design: Chen Kaidi, Jia Wenruo, Yang Kai, Li Shaopeng, He Yaqin, Lu Zhi, Zhang Danming, Gao Cheng, Yang Chen, Ding Yang, Zhou Meng
Structural design: Yang Yong, Chen Dong, Sun Ke, Qian Fengxia, Jin Han
Equipment design: Wu Yuhong, Zeng Ruolang, Wu Xuelei
Electrical design: Zhang Li, Chen Ting
Project location: Guanghua New City, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Gross built area: 96751㎡
Photo credit: Wang Zheng, Zhou Meng, Chen Kaidi, Li Shaopeng
Clients: Tsinghua University High School Guanghua