发布时间:2021-08-05 12:39:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


This is a renovation project, locating at the bank of the harbor river in Shiqi District, Zhongshan, which also is the center of a large cultural tourism project called OCT Harbour.

▼项目概览,General View© 曾天培


The big-volume concrete compressed between the road and the river without any setback distance does not meet the requirements of the OCT-Harbour developer as the site is planning to be a transparent and bright scenery and it was a serious obstacle to the sight along the river. Various factors make it very likely to be demolished, since the traditional renovation and utilization cannot solve the above contradictions.

欢乐海岸片区域总体规划,Masterplan of the OCT Harbour project©墨泰建筑 + 中外建深圳分公司

▼旧厂房改造前,Old factory house before the renovation©墨泰建筑 + 中外建深圳分公司

▼建筑现状-- 原始结构,Existing buildings -original structure©墨泰建筑 + 中外建深圳分公司


▼“减量”拆除示意,Diagram of reducing the volume©墨泰建筑 + 中外建深圳分公司

After several communications with the client, it was agreed that the building can still be used and reborn by reducing the volume of the building. It can become a small cultural site along the river, a more appropriate volume being harmony with the light-volume surroundings in the future. Reducing the pressure on the road and the riverbank can make it become a dynamic space on the pedestrian along the river.

▼沿岐港公路鸟瞰,Bird view of Qigang road © 曾天培


To fit the theme of Zhongshan OCT Harbour as a large-scale cultural tourism project and achieve a delicate balance between the original industrial temperament and cultural tourism temperament, we believe that the renovation method must be light and transparent, and use the least means to solve more problems.

▼沿河鸟瞰,Bird view of riverside© 曾天培

▼沿岐港公路人视,Eye-level shot of Qigang road© 曾天培

▼码头中心主入口,Main entrance of harbor centre© 曾天培

旧房子拆除部分近乎 80%,将结构框架直接显露,以此呈现一个轻透的、趣味的、原始的格构空间。它仿佛成为了一座遗留的格构雕塑,吸纳两岸风景。

To present a light, interesting but primitive lattice structure, nearly eighty percent of the old building was demolished, the building’s structural framework was thus exposed.After the renovation, it seems to have become a historic lattice sculpture bringing in new scenery to the river landscape.

▼格子空间入口,Gate of the Lattice Space© 中山华侨城

▼室外旋转钢梯,Spiral stairs© 曾天培

▼钢梯鸟瞰,Aerial view© 中山华侨城

沿河岸人视,Eye-level shot of riverside© 曾天培

▼与河岸芦苇对话,Interactions with the riverbank reeds© 曾天培


▼“格构园林”,a garden of lattice©墨泰建筑 + 中外建深圳分公司

In the retained structural framework, some are indoor spaces, and some are only outdoor gray spaces. Different spaces penetrate each other, forming an abundant fluctuated lattice garden with the river landscape and the public art. The virtual and real scenes coexist, we hope that all the beings can freely shuttle through it, walking, lingering, and playing here, so as to achieve a friendly interaction with the building.

▼弧形构件细节,Details of arch-shaped facade, photo by Zeng Tianpei© 曾天培

▼展厅入口,Entrance of the exhibition room© 曾天培

▼室外格构空间,Outdoor view of the lattice space© 曾天培

▼弧形构件细节,Details of arch-shaped facade© 曾天培

在改造过程中,我们即以最少的改造植入,以保证旧房子格构空间的原始性,并满足功能使用。旧房子由于层高较低,仅有 3.6 米,正常的空调、设备管道等安装方式势必会造成空间高度的严重不足。

In the renovation process, we would like to implement the least renovation to ensure the primitivity of the lattice space and satisfy the functional needs at the same time. The building is only 3.6 meters high, normal installation methods of air-conditioning, piping and other equipment’s are bound to cause a serious shortage of space.

▼改造分解,Schematic diagram of the renovation©墨泰建筑 + 中外建深圳分公司

▼冲孔铝板内部空调安装示意,Diagram of AC installation on perforated aluminum plate©墨泰建筑 + 中外建深圳分公司


这一道弧形构件,即是立面幕墙、壁挂式 VRV 空调室内机、设备管道、雨水管道的集成体,也是隐约间对话了河岸的芦苇意向,它为工业化的格构空间增添了自然趣味和独特性。

To ensure the applicability of the functional space, a good presenting environment and space height, we have made a breakthrough in adding functional arc-shaped components to the façade after multi-professional cooperation and research, which solves various equipment problems of heating, ventilation, electromechanics, plumbing, etc.

This arc-shaped component is an integrated body of the facade curtain wall, wall-mounted VRV indoor unit, equipment pipes, and rainwater pipes. It is also a vague dialogue with the reed intention of the riverbank. It adds natural interest and unique to the industrialized lattice space.

▼弧形构件细节,Details of arch-shaped facade © 沈驰


Due to the special treatments of the air conditioner, pipes and other equipment’s, the original structure of the old building can be completely exposed in the indoor space.

展厅人视,Eye-level perspectives of the exhibition room© 曾天培

▼游客服务中心(临时展示),Visitor’s service center (A temporally exhibition)© 沈驰

▼河岸风景,Riverbank scenery© 沈驰

▼展厅加建钢梯,Steel stairs in the exhibition hall© 沈驰

▼钢梯细部,Details of the steel stairs© 中山华侨城


After the renovation, the small building is leisurely hidden, natural and enjoyable. I hope people can pass and linger here with comfort and fun!

▼加建钢连廊,Newly-added steel corridor© 曾天培

▼展厅观展人群,Visitors at the exhibition© 中山华侨城

项目名称:中山华侨城欢乐海岸格子空间 Project Name: The Lattice Space in OCT Harbour, Zhongshan 项目地址:中国广东中山 Project Location: Zhongshan, Guangdong province of China 业主:中山华侨城实业发展有限公司 Client: Zhongshan OCT Industrial development Co.ltd 改造后建筑面积:900㎡ Construction area after renovation: 900㎡ 项目时间:2020.7-2021.7 Project Time: July ,2020.7~ July,2021 设计范围:旧建筑改造全过程设计(含建筑、室内) Design Scope: Whole design process of renovation (including architectural and interior design) 设计公司:深圳墨泰建筑设计与咨询有限公司、 中外建工程设计与顾问有限公司深圳分公司 Design Unit: Shenzhen Multiarch Architectural Design and Consulting Co., Ltd. 、China International Engineering Design & Consulting Co.,Ltd Shenzhen 主持建筑师:沈驰、梁智 Chief Architects: Shen Chi, Liang Zhi 方案设计团队:陈晓丹、潘晋、罗桃、雷鸣、严添龙、曾杰 Team Member: Chen Xiaodan、Pan Jin、Luo Tao、Lei Ming、Yan Tianlong、Zeng Jie 施工图设计团队: 文奕、贺杰、罗正岗、彭天辉、赫可可、周永华、黄杰 Construction Design Team: Wen Yi、He Jie、Luo Zhenggang、Peng Tianhui 、He Keke 、Zhou Yonghua、Huang Jie 摄影:中山华侨城、曾天培、沈驰 Photographer: Zhongshan OCT Harbour、Zeng Tianpei、Shen Chi


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