Israel AVG Corporate Office
设计团队:Auerbach Halevy Architects
Auerbach Halevy Architects设计团队,为计算机安全防护软件公司AVG,在以色列的特拉维夫打造了一个新的办公室。这个面积3000平方米的办公室共有三层,其具体位置是在特拉维夫市中心一栋高楼大厦的顶部。设计该项目时候,设计师遇到的最大难题,是如何用一条主线,把整个这么大的办公场所串起来,构建成一个配套齐全的小镇。
Auerbach Halevy Architects have designed the new offices of computer security software firm AVG located in Tel Aviv, Israel.AVG headquarters in Tel Aviv spans over three floors on an area of 3000 square meters at the top part of a tower in the center of Tel Aviv. The challenging scope of this project has generated a line of thought that relates to the entire office space as a small town.
A major resource available in this given structure and is amplified in the project’s design is the natural light.Clear glass portals scattered all around the project allow the sunlight to permeate the space.Areas for the workers’ welfare were added, such as a music room, a yoga studio and a gym, together with places for casual, random encounters.This environment promotes creativity and open mindedness, which is essential in this realm of Hi-tech industries.