André Fu Living于 2021年11月正式进驻香港太古广场开设首家概念店。傅厚民(André Fu)于2019年成立同名品牌André Fu Living,以完整生活概念作为基础,傅厚民(André Fu)希望透过他的个人视野,展现他对不同时代风格和文化思维的探索,融入现代生活设计。作品既注重实质的体验感,同时把浓厚的艺术元素注入其中。
André Fu Living unveils its first standalone retail boutique at Pacific Place, Hong Kong’s premier lifestyle hub, a showcase for the designer’s lifestyle brand. Since its official launch during Salone de Mobile in 2019, André Fu Living, a cross-cultural interiors lifestyle brand, has grown to receive international exposure and recognition, taking André’s vision and innovation to new global heights.
整个概念店的设计贯彻品牌的美学观点。以京都古镇建筑物作为灵感,在 800 平方呎内塑造出传统庭园的安静气氛,洋溢出逃离烦嚣,舒怀生活的感觉。门店内将展示多个系列的生活家品,包括家俬、灯具、餐具、地毡及寝具,完整地呈现品牌独特的写意奢华生活态度,静谧内敛,缜密典雅。
Inspired by the Zen temple in Kyoto, Ginkaku-ji, visitors to the flagship will experience the spirit of traditional Kyoto houses, reimagined in a contemporary context. The interior of the store emphasises the sense of intimacy and personal comfort. The 15 metre wide façade of timber grids with bold lines and a highlighted circular window, drawn from traditional Japanese homes, gives the space a unique element of visual layering.
“ 我希望客人能在实体店内欣赏到整个系列,亲身领会产品历久常新的元素,感受创作背后的故事。这次把传统京都美学的精髓融入店内的设计风格,正好呼应品牌的三个核心思维:舒适、质感及低调奢华。” 傅厚民(André Fu)说。
“I wanted to capture the timeless essence of the collections and immerse the guests in an atmosphere full of warmth and serenity. The soft geometry and simplicity of traditional Kyoto houses manifests my own ideals of comfort, tactility and relaxed luxury.” - André Fu.