发布时间:2020-10-19 15:10:46 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

南岸艺术中心的建设源于1951年不列颠节,是上世纪最具想象力并体现民主特征的建筑之一,为伦敦艺术活动提供了一个独特的场所。Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios 对伊丽莎白女王大厅和珀赛尔音乐厅进行了保护和重新设计,为这两个包含几代人记忆的标志性场所带来现代化特征。

Southbank Centre, with its origins in the 1951 Festival of Britain, is one of the great democratic and imaginative buildings of the last century and holds a unique place in the London arts scene. Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios were appointed to restore and redesign the Queen Elizabeth Hall and Purcell Room and Hayward Gallery to transform and modernize these iconic venues for generations to come.

▼改造后的伊丽莎白女王大厅前厅,foyer of the Queen Elizabeth Hall after renovation ©Hufton + Crow

本次保护重建项目的主要目标是更改建筑的服务设施,提升环境品质,优化基础设施以满足不断扩大的艺术活动需求,同时改善无障碍通道,方便观众和艺术家使用。对现有建筑的更新升级将延长它们的使用寿命,并且减少未来的维护成本。设计还改造了海沃美术馆标志性的金字塔顶,控制自然光照入画廊。Henry Moore形容其为“上帝的日光”。1966年,建筑还在建造时,GLC艺术委员会就提出日光是“极其重要的因素”,这一理念延续至今,一直是该项目的核心。项目受到了英国艺术委员会和遗址彩票基金会的慷慨资助,在南岸艺术中心人们的信任和帮助下完成。

This restoration and redesign is primarily a conservation project with the aim of replacing building services, improving environmental performance, upgrading infrastructure to support an ever-widening artistic programme, and improving disabled access for audiences and artists. This foundation of renewal and upgrading of the existing buildings will give them a new lease of life and a low maintenance future. The works also reinterpret the Hayward Gallery’s iconic pyramid roof with a replacement that allows controlled natural light back into the galleries, described by Henry Moore in the context of the new galleries as “God’s daylight”. Achieving this successful daylight was raised as “a matter of the utmost importance” by the Arts Council to the GLC in 1966 while the buildings were under construction and continues to be at the heart of this project. The project is being undertaken with the generous support of Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund as well as trusts and foundations, individuals and friends of the Southbank Centre.

▼改造后的海沃美术馆展厅,exhibition room of the Hayward Gallery after renovation ©Morley Von Sternberg

海沃美术馆是一间世界知名的艺术画廊,也是野兽派建筑的代表。展览旨在将来自世界各地的富有冒险精神并且影响深远的艺术家展现给大众。这里历史悠久,展出过当代艺术先锋Paul Klee,Lucio Fontana,Francis Bacon,Bridget Riley以及Anthony Caro等人的作品。

Hayward Gallery is a world-renowned contemporary art gallery and a landmark of Brutalist architecture. The exhibition programme focuses on presenting a wide range of adventurous and influential artists from across the world. Its rich history includes exhibitions by modern pioneers such as Paul Klee, Lucio Fontana, Francis Bacon, Bridget Riley and Anthony Caro.

▼海沃美术馆外观,呈现出野兽派特征,Hayward Gallery with Brutalist appearance ©Morley Von Sternberg

▼展厅中设置无障碍坡道,gallery with barrier-free ramps ©Morley Von Sternberg

2015年九月开始,海沃美术馆进入了闭馆翻新时期,包括更换这栋野兽派建筑的66个标志性金字塔天窗。这些天窗的灵感来源于雕塑家Henry Moore,但是它们从来没有发挥预期的功效,甚至最后建造了一个假天花阻断了自然光。和这些标志性天窗一起,画廊中的人造石地板也被移除,取而代之的是重新铺设的雕塑露台和气候控制装置。建筑师重新设计了建筑中的必要服务和数码基础设施,保证海沃美术馆继续为世界级展览提供明亮、现代而富有特色的展出空间。

Since September 2015, Hayward Gallery has been closed for essential restoration and refurbishment, including the replacement of the Brutalist building’s 66 iconic pyramid rooflights. These pyramid rooflights, inspired by a concept by sculptor Henry Moore, never completely worked as intended and this resulted in the installation of a false ceiling that blocked out natural light. As well as replacing the iconic rooflights, the terrazzo floors of the gallery have been replaced, the sculpture terraces repaved and new climate control installed. Essential building services and digital infrastructure have been redesigned to ensure that Hayward Gallery can continue to provide a bright, modern, iconic space in which to present its programme of world-class exhibitions.

▼新天花为展厅带来自然光,new ceiling letting in controlled natural light ©Morley Von Sternberg

▼仰视新天窗,loop up at the new skylight ©Hufton + Crow


When it reopens in 2018, the upper galleries will be flooded with controllable daylight, to maximize the experience of audiences and artists.

▼新天窗夜景,night view of the new skylight ©Morley Von Sternberg

伊丽莎白女王大厅为英国女王于1967年开设,可容纳902人。各种各样的艺术演出,从古典音乐到艺术家独奏,小团体的室内音乐会;乃至完整的管弦乐队演出,不同形式的当代音乐;甚至古典和当代舞蹈、歌剧、音乐剧、马戏、卡巴莱歌舞剧、语言节目等,都可以在这里举办。珀赛尔音乐厅可容纳363人,与伊丽莎白女王大厅一样可以举办种类丰富的演出活动,但是由于舞台较小,因此有着更强的亲密感。spoken word保留并升级了建筑中的必要基础设施,让空间能够满足21世纪艺术家和观众的需求。

Opened in March 1967 by Her Majesty the Queen, the 902 seat Queen Elizabeth Hall is host to an incredibly diverse range of artistic performance from classical music from solo artists, small groups and chamber music (its original brief) to full symphony orchestras and contemporary music in all its varied forms, classical and contemporary dance, opera, musical theatre, circus, cabaret and spoken word. The Purcell Room, with its 363 seats, showcases a similarly diverse range of artistic performance, with enhanced intimacy created by its smaller stage. FCBStudios have restored and upgraded the necessary infrastructure to improve the building for 21st century artists and audiences.

▼伊丽莎白女王大厅建筑外观,external view of the building of the Queen Elizabeth Hall ©Hufton + Crow


The foyer spaces have been reconfigured and opened up to be more welcoming and connect visually and physically to the riverfront. New glazing on the front corner of the Queen Elizabeth Hall floods the foyers with natural light and gives views to Big Ben and the London Eye. The ticket office has been returned to its original location, a new and bigger café and bar have been created and the foyer stage repositioned. To make it a more comfortable space in which more events and performances can take place, the toilets and cloakroom have been refurbished and new pyramid sound absorbing light fittings have been installed in the ceiling.

▼改造后的前厅,foyer after renovation ©Hufton+Crow

▼玻璃幕墙创造开放通透的空间氛围,glazing creating a space with openness ©Hufton + Crow

▼天花中的锥形吸声灯具,pyramid sound absorbing light fittings in the ceiling ©Morley Von Sternberg

▼灯具细部,details of the light fitting ©Hufton + Crow

▼前厅中设有固定家具,fixed furniture in the foyer ©Hufton + Crow

▼天窗,skylight ©Hufton + Crow


The Auditoria have been sensitively renovated and the technical capacity increased and modernized: Outdated technical equipment has been removed and new lighting and sound equipment installed, to enhance the auditoria acoustics. New climate control has been installed, including cooling reintroduced after more than twenty years absence. The Hall’s iconic black leather seats have been reupholstered to improve audience comfort and the walls, floors and ceilings have been restored to their original appearance.

▼改造后的伊丽莎白女王厅,the Queen Elizabeth Hall after renovation ©Hufton+Crow

▼改造提升了音乐厅的声音品质,Purcell Room, renovation improved the acoustic quality of the hall ©Hufton + Crow

▼珀赛尔音乐厅,墙地面和天花保留原本的样貌,the walls, floors and ceiling are restored ©Hufton + Crow

▼黑色皮座椅翻新,the black leather seats have been reupholstered ©Hufton + Crow


The backstage area has been refurbished and expanded including new dressing rooms with shower facilities, a brand new Artists’ Entrance, improved Artists’ Bars and a new Green Room to improve the welcome to artists and their support teams.

▼二层平面图,level 2 plan ©Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

▼四层平面图,level 4 plan ©Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

▼立面图,elevation ©Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios

▼剖面图,section ©Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios


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