该项目由Jannat Vasi设计,每个项目都有一个独特的故事,它源于对空间的愿景、对设计师的信仰以及与客户的交流关系。
The project was designed by Jannat Vasi, Every project has a unique story which stems from a vision of the space, belief in a designer and a communicative relationship with the client.
当这家人第一次找到Jannat Vasi的时候,他们对翻修现有的房子有一个朴素的想法。他们想要一个全新的外观与Jannat Vasi工作室的标志性创意相结合。他们还要求jannat Vasi在不影响空间美学的前提下最大化存储空间。
When the family first approached Jannat Vasi, they had a modest vision to renovate their existing home. They wanted a fresh look with Jannat Vasi studio’s signature creative infusions. They also requested forJannat Vasi to maximize storage without compromising on the aesthetics of the space. Little did we know then.
用于隐蔽储存的创新方法是这个家庭的一大亮点。在这里,一切都是关于在简单的形式和自然材料的关系中寻找优雅。Jannat Vasi利用网格系统,把墙板无缝集成了一个酒吧柜、储物柜和用于艺术和电子产品的开放式壁龛,在非正式客厅中营造出一种不显眼的设计。另一个最受欢迎的是定制设计的酒吧,它是由250多块稀有的石头手工制作而成。
The innovative methods used for concealed storage is a great infusion into this home. Here, it was all about finding elegance in the relationship of simple forms and natural materials. Jannat Vasi Using a grid system, the wall paneling seamlessly integrates a bar cabinet, storage cabinets and open niches for art and electronics making for an unobtrusive design in the Informal Living Room. Another favourite is the custom designed bar that is articulately hand crafted with over 250 pieces of a rare stone.