比利时建筑师Arjaan De Feyter说:“材料的重复为心灵提供了平静。”他最近对比利时Diamond城的一家老工厂进行了改造,而这恰恰就证明了这一点。重新想象的空间是冷静而有个性的,显然已经剥离了所有不必要的东西,只留下对生活在那里的家庭重要的东西。
“Repetition of materials provides peace of mind,” Belgian architect Arjaan De Feyter says. His recent revamp of an old factory in Belgium’s ‘Diamond City’ bears witness to that. The reimagined space is sober yet characterful, having clearly been stripped away of all things unnecessary, leaving only what is important to the family that lives there.
最初,Old Factory由两个独立的部分组成;左边是一座两层的露台房子,右边是一座前钢铁厂,那里曾经是制造齿轮的。当客户购买这两套房子时,其目的是将它规划为一个大家庭的住宅。两者之间的边界要被消解,但立面保持不变,以保持一种二元的感觉。
Initially, Old Factory consisted of two separate parts; a two-storey terrace house on the left and a former steel factory where gears were manufactured on the right. When the client bought both, it was intended to become one big family home. The boundary between the two was dissolved, but the facades were kept the same to maintain a sense of duality.
That “peace of mind” that Arjaan speaks of is produced by the recurrent use of bold natural stone. The conspicuous material, inset with streaks of plum and flecks of burgundy, exists with pure conviction throughout the entire space. It is, at large, the mark of the home, around which all else willingly convenes.
Arjaan一直在寻求平衡,一方面在材料的使用上保持冷静,另一方面在客户的故事和个性上。Old Factory内部设计考虑了家庭住宅的自然发展;特别是,当你第一次搬进去看到的和你在那里生活了很长一段时间后看到的是完全不同的。Arjaan说:“你必须为个人解读留出空间。”
Arjaan always looking to balance sobriety in the use of materials on the one hand and the client’s story and personality on the other,” . The Old Factory interiors consider the natural progression of a family home; in particular, the idea that what you see when you first move in versus when you’ve been living there for an extended period of time are two very different things. “You have to leave room for personal interpretation,” Arjaan says.
Arjaan is always closely involved in the design process from start to finish. This project is the perfect case study; Arjaan was there every step of the way, ensuring that his signature use of honest materials and pure forms was implemented soundly. “Everything has been thought through,” he says, “nothing is accidental”. As a result, each detail ultimately equates to one whole, seamless design.