发布时间:2019-02-18 23:56:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
采用节能、全彩的 LED 像素灯,打造欧洲橡木图书馆。


The expansion of KPN’s head office in Rotterdam has been completed. With V8’s design for a new publicly accessible plinth and the renovation of the tower, the building fundamentally strengthens the entrance of the Wilhelminapier in Rotterdam.

▼城市环境及KPN总部大楼,the urban environment and KPN head office  ©Ossip


Given the port character of the pier, the expansion has been designed as a publicly accessible glass ‘terminal’, with which the tower is transparently anchored. The façade flirts with the existing pylon, the glass folds and curves around the pylon and follows the tilt of the element. The steel construction and the monolith finished concrete in the structural work are at the same time finishing elements that reinforce the robust appearance of the extension. To emphasize the use of steel, V8 has assembled the image-defining columns from steel sheets. The visible weld seams and different structure of the columns ensure that the somewhat rough character of a building in a former harbor area can also be experienced from close by.The design of V8 architects is carefully related to the original architecture of architect Renzo Piano. The Italian architect was consulted to do justice to the initial intentions of the building. The design was received positively by him. The new plinth ensures the still missing, inviting entrance of the Wilhelminapier, which is known for its high-rise buildings and architectural highlights. What was considered eighteen years ago has now been realized.

▼扩建基座-围绕着塔楼的玻璃折叠、弯曲、倾斜,与钢、混凝土构成建筑外形,expansion plinth- glass folds, curves around the pylon and follows the tilt of the element constructing the rough facade with steel and concrete  ©Ossip

▼基座露台,plinth terrace  ©Ossip


In the building, all comfort and technology now meet the current requirements. The interior concept that V8 proposed focuses on the new way of working. Within this, V8 has designed certain specials; the central reception desk and the library, fully materialized in European oak. The design of the lighting fixtures is also designed by V8. The realization of the project took a year.

▼首层空间中央前台,central reception desk on the ground floor  ©Jeroen Musch

▼二层空间,first floor  ©Jeroen Musch

▼礼堂内部拥有朝向港口的景观,the auditorium has a view to the port  ©Jeroen Musch

▼欧洲橡木建造的图书馆,the library is fully materialized in European oak  ©Jeroen Musch

可持续性特质|Sustainable qualities

在KPN决定将总部常年驻扎在这里以及业主RealIS充满雄心的扩建计划下,V8决定为荷兰现有办公楼向可持续性转型做出贡献。扩建设计充满灵活性,可以轻松应对未来不断变化的希望和需求,确保建筑未来的可持续性。外部立面上的绿色像素照明系统更新为节能、可控和全彩的LED像素灯。基座的立面采用了特殊的三层玻璃,确保建筑节能性。建筑还获得了BREEAM评级为‘Very Good’的竣工证书。

With the decision of KPN for a new multi-year stay and the ambitious expansion plan of building owner RealIS, responsibility has been taken to contribute to a sustainable transition of the existing stock of office buildings in the Netherlands. In addition, the expansion has been designed flexibly to easily respond to changing wishes and requirements in the future. This ensures the future-proofness of the building. The green pixel illumination has been updated to energy-efficient, dimmable and full color LED pixels on the outer façade. For the facade of the plinth, special triple glazing has been used everywhere, which ensures an energy-efficient building. The building has been awarded a BREEAM In Use ‘Very Good’ certificate for completion.

▼夜景,night view  ©Ossip

▼首层&二层平面,ground&first floor plan  ©V8 Architects

▼三层&四层平面,second&fourth floor plan  ©V8 Architects

▼剖面,section  ©V8 Architects

Factsheet commission: renovation and extension of KPN Tower in Rotterdam client: REAL I.S. AG / KPN project management: Savills architect: V8 Architects structural engineers: Royal Haskoning DHV acoustic & building physics consultant: DGMR fire safety consultant: DGMR contractor: Dura Vermeer original architect: Renzo Piano programme: office, Experience Center, auditorium, restaurant floor area: 25,500 m² design: 2016 completion: 2018 Photography: Ossip van Duivenbode (exterior) and Jeroen Musch (interior) Design team V8 Architects:Rudolph Eilander, Michiel Raaphorst, David Spierings, Taro Yoshikawa, Emilia Serowiec, Serena Contardi, Jeroen van Rijen, Sophia van Rooij, Federico Rosson, Niels Roodbergen, Jekaterina Balysuk, Andrea Kmet


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