发布时间:2022-06-28 22:50:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Atelier Scale:With mountains being the only companion, lonely forest rangers are barely in people’s discussions. Hailed as “guards of the forest”, forest rangers are entrusted with the great responsibility of patrolling around the forest day and night. They need to remain vigilant at all times and they have to endure the most intense and exhausting long season of fire prevention, from early winter to the onset of summer. The observation tower is designed for rangers to examine potential fire disasters in time.


Below are the design details of the two observation towers at Huanglingkou and Oujiegou, two stations of forest protection in the Kunyu Mountain National Park. In designing these two towers, not only did we try to figure out how to properly minimize the intervention to the mountain forest but we also made the design friendlier to people.

1 荒岭口瞭望塔 Observation Tower at Huanglingkou


The forest service station of Huanglingkou is located at the third forest farm of the reserve. Traces of human beings are barely present on steep and rugged slopes covered with pinewoods. Mr. Wang, a forest guard at Huanglingkou, has been living in the mountain for over three decades. He and his wife, Ms. Bo, have been safeguarding the forest for more than ten years. Before the tower was installed, the couple had to go back and forth between their home inside the mountain and the mountain top. They even had to live in the mountains during the seasons when fire protection was the top priority.

▽连绵起伏的山林环境 Undulating mountain environment

▽山林里的瞭望塔 A watchtower in the woods

瞭望塔选址于荒岭口山顶一片朝南的裸露岩石上,这片岩床有着 270 度的广阔视野,非常适宜瞭望观察。但要在这片地形错综复杂的山林里建造一座瞭望塔条件艰难:大型的施工设备无法进入场地,并且任何因为建造而产生的火灾隐患都必须规避。因此,我们提出了预制装配的设计策略。这意味着,我们不仅要设计瞭望塔本身,还要设计一套类似于宜家(IKEA)家具的拆解、运输、装配的体系。这样一来,我们才能将瞭望塔拆解成各个小的部件,在工厂加工好后,以灵巧机动的形式将其运送至山上,减少登山运输的难度和过程中对山体与植被的破坏。部件被运上山后,采用全螺栓装配的方式对各部件进行组装,规避电焊焊接而引发火灾的风险。

The observation tower is located on a south-facing exposed rock on the top of Huanglingkou Mountain. With a wide view of 270 degrees, this bedrock is one of the best observation locations. However, building an observation tower is quite difficult in such a forest with complicated elevation changes. The place is inaccessible to large construction equipment. Furthermore, any fire hazards due to construction must be prevented. As a result, we proposed a strategy of prefabricated assemblies. This means that we have to design not only the tower itself, but also a process resembling the disassembly, transportation, and assembly of IKEA furniture. In this way, we can break the tower into small pieces and transport them flexibly up to the mountain top after manufacturing them in the factory. The process was designed to make climbing and conveying less arduous and to mitigate the damage to the mountain and vegetation. After components are prepared, workers can assemble them by bolts to stem out the risk of fire caused by electric welding.

▽岩石上的瞭望塔有着开阔的视野 The watchtower on the rock has a wide view

▽瞭望塔部件拆解图 Watch tower parts disassembly drawing

▽被设计的形体需拆解成可组装的部件并在工厂中预制好。The designed form needs to be disassembled into assembles and prefabricated in a factory.

▽在工厂进行各部件的预安装与调试 Preinstall and debug all parts in factory

▽因大型装载车无法进入山中,靠人工与“爬山虎”(一种迷你履带运输车)向山上运送部件。Because large loaders cannot enter the mountain, parts are transported up the mountain by manual workers and “Ivy” (a mini crawler).

▽工人正采用螺栓装配的方式对各部件进行组装 The workers are bolting the parts together

瞭望塔采用轻钢结构体系,既保证塔身坚固耐用,又能以悬挑的姿态轻盈地架于岩床之上。从外部看,瞭望塔是一个轻盈通透的玻璃“盒子”,角点的柱子被挪开,任意滑动的玻璃门,均是为了保证护林员获得更广阔、直接的视野。轻薄的屋顶仿佛悬在空中。屋顶虽轻薄,但却可上人,护林员通过一个小巧而又紧凑的旋转楼梯便可上至屋顶,获得 360 度全景瞭望。

The observation tower is in a strong and durable light steel structure that can be placed on bedrock in an overhanging structure. It has an appearance of a light and transparent glass “box”, removing pillars at the corners and installing sliding glass doors, all aiming at ensuring a broader and direct view for forest guards. Although the seemingly-hanging roof is thin, it is strong enough to support people standing there. Through a small and compact spiral staircase, rangers can ascend to the top to enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view.

▽轻盈通透的玻璃“盒子” Light and transparent glass “box”

▽细部处理 Details

▽二楼休闲观景台 Leisure viewing platform on the second floor

这个轻盈而又可封闭的盒子长 5 米、宽 3 米,能同时为 3-5 人提供一处歇脚休息的场所,同时为护林员提供了一个遮风、挡雨、保暖的临时栖身之所。2.25 米的室内净高和出挑的檐口(顶部檐口一面出挑 1 米,其余三面出挑 0.5 米),既不会让人觉得压抑,又能使人对屋顶与檐口有着强烈的感知,在心理上起着“檐下有家”的暗示。暖调的碳化木地板与简洁的木质家具,营造出了温暖舒适的氛围。在一次回访中,当我们结束在瞭望塔内的一系列的测量与复盘,刚刚踏出室内时,陪同的王师傅立即拿起拖把将地板擦洗了一遍,此时我们才发现,原来护林员们在进入到瞭望塔室内时,都是脱鞋进入的,他们非常爱惜这里。

The aforementioned light and closable box is 5 meters long and 3 meters wide. It serves as a resting place for 3-5 people and a temporary shelter from wind and rain to keep forest rangers warm. The indoor has a clear height of 2.25 meters and an overhanging eave (one side of the top eave is overhanging by 1 meter, while the remaining sides are by 0.5 meters). Taking the psychological suggestion of “being under the roof”, people have a strong perception of both the roof and cornice. Warm-colored carbonized wood floors and simple wood furniture create a warm and comfortable atmosphere. When we stepped out of the room after finishing the measurements and reviews during a follow-up visit, Master Wang immediately picked up a mop and cleaned the floor. That is when we realized that forest rangers always take off their shoes when entering the room since they cherish it very much.

▽夕阳下的瞭望塔 Watchtower at sunset


2 欧节沟瞭望塔 Observation Tower at Oujiegou

欧节沟位于昆嵛山林场二分场内,山上鲜有较低矮的赤松林和裸露的大岩床,大部分植被为高大的刺槐林,浓密的枝叶完全遮挡了人的视野。为了让护林员能快速到达 8 米以上越过树梢的高度,这里需要一座高挑瘦长的瞭望塔。

Oujiegou is located at the second forest farm of the reserve, an area mostly covered by tall locust trees whose dense branches and leaves completely block the view. While there are few low Japanese red pines or exposed large rock beds, a tall and slender observation tower is designed so that forest guards can rapidly reach a height of more than 8 meters above the treetops.

▽树林间的欧节沟瞭望塔 Orchard Ditch watchtower in the woods


Like the observation tower at Huanglingkou, the entire body of the Oujiegou tower is also a prefabricated system. Everything, ranging from segmented columns to assembled parts of each handrail, is pre-processed and prefabricated in the factory. After which, they are transported to the site for welding-free assembly.

▽瞭望塔部件拆解图 Watch tower parts disassembly drawing

▽工厂里的塔身部件 Tower parts in the factory

▽在工厂进行各部件的预安装与调试 Preinstall and debug all parts in factory

▽扶手装配细节 Handrail assembly details

▽现场塔身装配中 Assembly of tower body on site

在体量上,我们希望尽可能地降低瞭望塔对场地的干预,圆形的平面与螺旋楼梯是最集约的方式。瞭望塔的塔身非常纤细,其投影面积仅为 2.5 平方米,台阶的宽度控制在 0.7 米,正好供一人拾阶而上。塔体由一根直径 0.4 米的“定山神针”(中心立柱)以及其柱身上的“花藤”(楼梯踏步)所组成。塔高 10 米,端头微微探出树梢,护林员刚好足够瞭望远山。上下通体拉结的钢丝与种植钵,为攀爬植物的生长提供了附着条件。随着岁月的流逝,瞭望塔将披上绿衣,隐于山林。

If the aim is to minimize as much as possible the intervention created by tower volume on site, a circular plane and a spiral staircase are the most cost-effective options. The slender tower body has a projected area of only 2.5 square meters and the step width is controlled at 0.7 meters, just enough for one person to walk through. The tower body consists of a central column with a diameter of 0.4 meters and stair steps on the surface. It is 10 meters high and its top is a little bit taller than the treetop, sufficient for observers to look out over the distant mountains. Along the vertical wires and planting pots are attached plants climbing up. As the days go by, the observation tower will be clothed in green and hidden in mountains and forests.

▽高挑瘦长的瞭望塔 A tall, lanky watchtower

▽瞭望塔细部结构 Detail structure of watchtower

▽与周边环境共生呼应的白色瞭望塔 A white watchtower that echoes its surroundings


The observation tower has made life and work easier for Mr. Cui, a forest ranger in Oujiegou. He no longer needs to cut through thistles and thorns to get a clearer view. Although the tower top is small, he can still be accommodated. The ranger can adjust ventilation by sliding the curved glass. The ranger can move more safely and flexibly too via a movable floor with bearing rotation that covers the opening of the stairs.

▽护林员崔师傅 Master Cui, the forest ranger

3 小结 Summary


The observation tower series refer to a set of functional building structures of Atelier Scale’s ecological practice in the Kunyu Mountain National Park. When the tower design was being drafted, we developed a system of prefabricated components featuring low-intervention, making the building process in the nature reserve safer, more convenient, and efficient. On the other hand, user-friendly is an important principle in this design. We treated these two observation towers as functional buildings for daily use, as we hope to see more forest rangers following the steps of Mr. Wang, Ms. Bo, and Mr. Cui in guarding the mountains and forests in more comfortable and decent observation towers.

▽陪伴护林员王师傅与妻子薄大嫂的小狗——多多 Duo Duo, the dog that accompanies master Wang and his wife, Aunt Bo















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