发布时间:2023-01-08 03:48:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The project is located at the heart of HengDian, ZheJiang. The client’s vision is to build one of the most high quality educational institute in the area. This boarding school contains 36 classes, with facilities such as indoor gymnasium, 600 seats theatre, canteen, STEM centre, dance studio, and golfing room etc. All these classes and facilities need to be arranged within a 4.3 hectares plot that has a height difference of 8 metres.


▼校园入口,School Entrance

▼中轴鸟瞰,Axis Bird-eye View

▼田径场和生活区,Sports Tracks & Living Cluster


To minimize the change of local landform, sports grounds and tracks lay at the flattest area of the site – the east side. The entrance of the school is set at the south end, opening to an existing town plaza. School buildings are categorized into 3 clusters: learning, living and sporting. The learning cluster contains two teaching buildings as well as theatre and entrance lobby that connect them. On the other side of the entrance lobby is an indoor gymnasium of the sporting cluster, the gym is connected to the outdoor tracks from Mezzanine. Canteen and dormitories of the living cluster are set at the north rear end to keep them private. These three clusters form a triangle from the masterplan, so students find it easy to go from one activity to another.

▼多层级校园,Multi-leveling the School

▼剖面示意图,Sectional Diagram


The design seeks to resolve the overall height difference in a natural way. Two teaching buildings are set at different heights so two entrance levels are created. An open library is designed at the stairs area connecting the two building, users are led to complete the elevation while circulating. The indoor gymnasium responds to height difference as well: it houses three levels – indoor court, tracks mezzanine and rooftop courts, hence indoor sports activities and outdoor activities can be organically structured. At the same time, buildings in our school open up to outside as much as possible, so students will get abundant exercise at the limited recess time, in the iconic hilly surroundings.

▼结合高差设置的阅读区,Reading Area Created by Height Difference

▼相连的室内外运动场地,Connected Indoor and Outdoor Sporting Areas


▼南教学楼中庭,South Teaching Building Atrium

▼大台阶和隐秘空间,Grand Stairs & Hidden Space

▼二层课间活动场地,Lv 2 Recess Space

▼课间玩耍,Recess Play Time

▼学生在空间中穿梭,Students Circulating between Spaces

We believe curiosity is the best motivation for study. Children explore space in a different manner from adult’s, the architecture fulfills the need of running, crawling, rolling, sitting and lying down. Children of different ages are put in a carefully designed environment with maximized accessibility and visibility, which helps to building a relation between their bodies and the spaces surrounding. Many methods are adapted in the design to link senses and architectural elements, i.e., all vertical circulated are marked as red/green in the teaching building, diagonal forms represent area that encourages running.

▼北教学楼中庭,North Teaching Building Atrium


The design goal of WenRong School is to extend children’s study process outside classrooms. Teaching buildings are designed to be fully enclosed with typical classrooms and special classrooms sitting at north and south side. Vast amounts of micro-space that encourages event activate in-between area such as corridors, atriums, stairs and lobby, giving circulation space new purposes.

▼教学区走廊和锁柜,Teaching building Corridor & Lockers

▼600人剧场,600 Seats Theatre


Architecture Squared team considered indoor quality as early as architecture stage. The holistic design of architecture and interior ensures architect’s vision can be realized at interior construction and interior concepts can impact at the beginning of architectural design.


Teaching Building Facade with Terracotta Rods

▼体育馆干挂水泥板立面,Gymnasium Façade with Concrete Panels

▼体育馆干挂水泥板和防护网立面,Gymnasium Façade with Concrete Panels & Nets

▼宿舍涂料陶棍立面,Dormitories Façade with Terracotta Rods

▼食堂玻璃幕墙立面,Canteen Façade with Glass Curtains

建筑外墙是学生校园生活的画布,各功能建筑外立面在保持多样性的前提下做到了和谐统一。 主体建筑主要使用真石漆、陶棍、铝镁锰屋顶等材料;在食堂体育馆等场馆墙面,局部使用了开缝干挂水泥板和玻璃幕墙。

School facades are canvas for student lives, buildings with different programs maintain unified while being diverse. Stone paint, terracotta rods and AL-Mn-Mg alloy panels are used for the major building walls, concrete panels and glass curtain walls are used on canteen and gymnasium building.

▼体育馆活动,Gymnasium Activities

▼体育场地的室内外呼应,Outdoor Tracks & Indoor Tracks

▼田径场和食堂,Sports Field & Canteen

▼教学楼立面,Teaching Building Façade

▼晚霞下的宿舍,Dormitories at Sunset

▼首层平面图,Ground Floor Plan

▼教学楼标准层平面图,Typical Floor Plan for Teaching Building


项目类型:小学 建筑/室内






建筑团队:张天(建筑负责人)、Michelle Tang、翟燕娜、张夜、荣昱



建筑面积:46000m² (其中地上38400m²)

摄影版权:RAWVISION studio




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