发布时间:2023-12-13 12:18:28 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Shanghai Conservatory of Music Experimental School Hebi Branch is a newly-built nine-year public school. The library, centered on the campus’ main axis, serves as the spiritual visage of the school.

二层天井,Second-floor atrium view ©UK Studio


When URBANUS received the invitation to design the library’s interior in June 2022, their designers were relatively unfamiliar with Hebi, as it was designated as a fifth-tier city. However, after seeing the prosperous state of urban development there, the designers felted motivated and hopeful to make an exciting library. In a way, it is the place where design strength is required the most that can shed the brightest light onto its strength.

▼场地平面,Site plan©URBANUS


Nowadays, social media has shed light on the proliferation of internet-famous library and bookstores in first and second-tier cities. However, a library in a fifth-tier city must not conform to such useless luxury; rather, it is a pragmatic necessity. Since children in such remote places have limited exposure to the world, a good reading space may nurture a love for reading, thereby developing a lifelong habit for learning. After all, it was William S. Maugham who said, "to acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life." In short, the more under-resourced an area is, the more meaningful a primary school library can be.

View of the large staircase to the second-floor ©UK Studio


The original building has three floors – square in plan – with a large staircase leading to the second-floor, which has a central skylight and a mezzanine. The starting point for design is to upgrade the existing conditions with minimal cost.

▼原建筑二层,Existing second-floor view ©UK Studio


Problem 1 : The skylight above the atrium lacks careful consideration for sun shading, ventilation, and smoke exhaust – resulting in areas with excessive heat and direct sunlight not suitable for reading.

▼原建筑剖面,Existing section ©URBANUS

▼新建筑剖面分析图,Analysis sectional diagram ©URBANUS

解决方案:“让光变得温顺,让风变得轻柔” Solution: “Softening the light, soothing the wind.”把原来的天窗升高,在侧面位置增设了电动开启装置,侧高窗开启后将聚集在建筑中央部分的热空气有效排除,用自然通风减少空调使用,从而通过主动式节能方式增加室内环境舒适度。


The skylight is to be motorized with new clerestory windows to allow natural ventilation and reduce the need for air-conditioning, thereby assuring indoor comfort level through active energy-saving strategy. Below the skylight, perforated aluminum panels are suspended as a “light filter” to diffuse direct light into a gentler one for assuring the space underneath is suitable for reading.

▼二层天井,Second-floor atrium view ©UK Studio


Problem 2: The original staircase is more akin to a bookstore’s event space, which is not appropriate for a quiet library.

原建筑台阶, Existing large staircase©UK Studio

▼更新后的台阶,Upgraded large staircase©UK Studio

▼剖透视,Perspective sectional view©URBANUS

“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯乐做舟” Solution: Building a book mountain – a cascade of learning


With the book mountain, the original large staircase is divided into several reading areas at different levels, which are bounded by a central stair. Functionally, this is a mixing space for vertical communication between elementary and middle-schoolers.

▼望向引导人走向三层的“书山” View of the “book mountain” leading to the third-floor ©UK Studio


Problem 3: The third-floor of the original building was essentially a mezzanine overlooking the second-floor’s atrium; it had no direct connection with it.

剖透视,Perspective sectional view©URBANUS

"解决方案: “更上一层楼” Solution: “Stepping up a level”三层作为教师阅览室,还可以照顾到下面两层。让“书山”继续生长,通过一个隐藏在书架里的折形小径把二层与三层连接起来,使一、二、三层空间形成了一个完整的空间叙事。在重新设定的平面中,一层是小学部,和教师可以进入的闭架书库;二层是初中部。"

The third-floor is a teachers’ retreat – a reading lounge glancing over the lower levels. Below, the “book mountain” extends into the second-floor, linked via a zigzag staircase embedded in the bookshelves – completing a continuous spatial narrative throughout all three levels.In the updated plan, the first-floor is designated as an elementary school reading area; it also includes a closed-shelf section accessible by teachers; the second-floor is designated as the reading space for middle-school students.

▼屋顶天窗与“书山”对位关系,Skylight and “book mountain” diagram©URBANUS

▼由三层望向二层,View from the third-floor to the second-floor ©UK Studio

一层小学部 First-floor elementary area


To expand the sense of space, glass partitions were used between the teacher’s closed-shelf section and the elementary’s open-shelf reading area. The transparency also allows teachers to supervise the students, thereby lowering managerial needs.

一层空间轴测,Axonometric of the first-floor©URBANUS


Considering how elementary students have a hard time concentrating and may require supervision, the large space on this floor is subdivided into smaller independent areas via bookshelves. Each area can accommodate exactly one teaching group for reading sessions. In addition, the bookshelves are punctured with inhabitable “caves”, which not only assures visual porosity between the areas, but also provides a more introverted setting for the kids.

一层开架阅览区,First-floor open-shelf area©UK Studio


As for the space underneath the large staircase, two different spaces are used to simultaneously form a series of “cave dwellings” and “reading huts”. These types of spatial games helps to create an exciting reading atmosphere.

一层趣味阅读区 ,First-floor reading area©UK Studio

▼台阶下空间,Area below the large staircase©UK Studio

“洞穴居所”与“阅读小屋”,“Cave dwellings” and “reading huts” ©UK Studio

“洞穴居所”,”Cave dwellings” ©UK Studio

二层初中部:“岛屿划分,动静相宜” Second-floor middle-school area: Reading Islands


As a lofty reading space, the second-floor provides a variety of areas according to the needs of middle-school students. Along the curtain wall, a continuously-changing table serves as the individual study area. Here, there is an abundance of natural light and an open field of view – a fitting area for students to concentrate and think autonomously.

▼二层空间轴测,Axonometric of the second-floor©URBANUS


Along the inner perimeter, three independent “islands” surrounds the atrium. With the size to accommodate one whole class, each “island” has one thematic color, a large shared desk, and a bookshelf hut for secluded reading. The big desk also allows a group of friends to openly share their books and thoughts.

▼二层的岛屿阅读区,Reading island on second-floor©UK Studio

三层教师阅览室: “教师之家,精神高地” Third-floor teachers’ lounge: “a spiritual highland”三层是提供给教师的加油站。三楼的书架上拒绝摆放任何教辅书籍,而是装配提升教师修养、扩大他们知识面的读物。这里是交流和休闲的场所,精神疗愈的地方,而不是枯燥的教师阅览室。

The third-floor serves as a "refueling station" for teachers. The bookshelves here reject any materials related to teaching, but instead fill it with readings that helps a teachers’ self-improvement. Altogether, this is a retreat for socializing, as well as spiritual rehabilitation.

▼三层空间轴测,Axonometric of the third-floor©URBANUS

三层的教师阅读区,Teacher reading area on third-floor ©UK Studio


To make the space look brighter and cleaner, the walls and ceilings are finished in pure white, but additional texture is needed. Therefore, polycarbonate panels were deployed along the perimeters of the “book mountain”; its translucency dimly veils the colorful books behind the shelves. The suspended “light filter” was originally designed with polycarbonate panels in mind, but it only held a fire rating of Class B1; the skylight of building material required Class A. As a result, it was replaced with perforated aluminum panels, which yielded a similar lighting effect.PVC-woven vinyl carpet of different colors and mosaics were used on the floor to define different spaces, as well as to enhance sound absorption. Together with highly saturated colors of furniture and bookshelves, they bring vitality and variety into the space.

一层东侧阅读区,East side of the reading area on the first-floor©UK Studio

颜色设置 Color Selection


一层西侧阅读区,West side of the reading area on the first-floor ©UK Studio

二层阅读区,Reading area on the second-floor ©UK Studio

家具设计 Furniture Design


In order to continue the permeability and fluidity of interior space, the areas are only divided by bookshelves and desks. To achieve continuity with the ground, PVC woven vinyl carpets were also used as a finishing material on parts of the bookshelves and desks.

▼与书架融合的家具,Furniture of bookshelf ©UK Studio

多彩的书架家具,Colorful furniture of bookshelf ©UK Studio

结语 Conclusion


With a quality even rarely found in first or second-tier city public schools, the budget for this library is not high. It takes place in a so-called fifth-tier city, and the benefits far outweigh the investment. Here it is even more necessary to use the power of a physical reading space to open up the children’s minds and to arouse their interest in reading, as they do not have the opportunities to enjoy an eye-catching reading space available for the children in first-tier cities. The intention of this design is to transform their love for a library into a love for reading – allowing students the means to build a portable “refuge” for reading that extends into their lives.

▼随身携带的阅读“避难所”,Portable reading “refuge” ©UK Studio

一层平面图,First floor plan©URBANUS

▼二层平面图,Second floor plan©URBANUS

▼三层平面图,Third floor plan©URBANUS

鹤壁市中辰城市建设开发有限责任公司项目地点:河南省鹤壁市设计时间:2022建设时间:2022-2023建筑面积:3,089 m2主持建筑师:王辉项目组:王宇瞳、姚咏梅、陈宇、张书岩、周彦邦、王敬宇、温一阳、江中雨、李晓烨、张婷|杨梦汀、林宸、何静涵、姚禹曈(实习)施工图合作:大松建筑设计(北京)有限公司摄影师:UK Studio


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