Pixiv office in Tokyo Japan
设计方:teamLab Architect
位置:日本 东京
译者: Jasereen
The offices of Pixiv, Inc., managers of Pixiv, a social networking service that allows users to post drawings. The walls of the entryway are composed of 3,000 ema placards. Pixiv’s mission is to make it so that anyone can enjoy the fun of drawing—so anyone who visits the office can make their own picture, and the design of the entryway allows those pictures to be easily displayed in the office.The placards are affixed with magnets, so it’s simple to take them down, draw another picture, and put them back up on the walls. To paint on canvas takes a certain degree of confidence in one’s skills—but anyone can draw on a placard and display their work. Pixiv’s offices are created from the very art that is drawn by their guests.