发布时间:2024-01-15 19:18:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Covered by a 125-meter Free-Span Wing Roof, Archi-Tectonics’ Field Hockey Stadium at Hangzhou Asian Games Park doubles as a Landscape Sculpture.

▼建筑与环境,Building and the environment ©SFAP Shanghai


▼分析图,Diagram ©Archi-Tectonics

Set five meters down into the site, this Field Hockey Stadium for Asian Games appears to emerge out of the folding landscape, opening itself to the surroundings as a porous and sculptural element in the park. A diaphanous 125-meter free-span wing roof shades the lobby and stands, while the playing field is set in a recessed oval grass plain part of the rolling landscape of Hangzhou Asian Games Park, Archi-Tectonics’ 47-hectare eco-park with two stadiums for Asian Games.

▼屋顶曲线,Roof curve ©SFAP Shanghai

“大多数体育场都像是堡垒,而我们的设计仿佛景观艺术” —Archi-Tectonics 的创始合伙人 “Most stadiums are fortresses, ours is more like land art.” —Winka Dubbeldam, Founding Partner of Archi-Tectonics

▼形体分析图,Forming diagram ©Archi-Tectonics

▼景观艺术,Building as land art ©SFAP Shanghai


As an integral part of the landscape, the 5,000–seat stadium mediates the shifting elevations between the plaza and the playing field. Passing through a spacious glass atrium with 35-meter high ceilings, spectators approach the playing fields which open up below them. In plan, the roof and field take the shape of two intersecting ovals, resembling the Seed of Life—a symbol of eternity—or the Vesica Piscis, a geometric configuration and proportioning system in use since the time of Euclid. Like the concentric ripples a pebble forms in water, the curving stands radiate outward into the curved atrium and beyond to the plaza.

▼建筑顶视,Topview of the building ©SFAP Shanghai

▼建筑特写,Close-up of the building ©SFAP Shanghai


The roof’s materiality and structure take the traditional Meinong oil paper and bamboo umbrella as inspiration. It spans the entire distance in one sweep. A single curving beam holds the roof together, keeping the mesh in tension. The roof hovers about a meter above the building, creating a natural draft that brings cool air over the spectators.

▼油纸与主伞为灵感的钢结构,Steel structure inspired by oil paper and bamboo umbrella ©SFAP Shanghai

▼钢结构特写,Close-up of the steel structure ©SFAP Shanghai


The ring that surrounds the sunroof —1 meter in diameter at its thinnest and 1.5 meters at its thickest—is held down by 4 massive concrete sculptural elements.

▼运动场概览,Overview of the playground ©SFAP Shanghai

▼屋顶下的看台,Stands under the roof ©SFAP Shanghai

“混凝土台基不能支撑结构,它们会下沉,整个结构都会承受张力” Dubbeldam说。通过与结构工程师Thornton Tomasetti的合作,Archi-Tectonics反复迭代多次翼形屋顶原型,最终获得了超轻盈的结构,实现了自由跨度设计。

“The concrete abutments don’t keep the structure up, they weigh it down and keep the entire construction in tension,” says Dubbeldam. Working closely with structural engineer Thornton Tomasetti, Archi-Tectonics prototyped and tested several iterations of the wing roof, arriving at an ultra-lightweight structure that makes its free span possible.

▼混凝土台基,Concrete abutments ©SFAP Shanghai


The entire building was 3D modeled and integrated at every level—from construction staff management to material flows, budget considerations, and detailing—making it the first project [park and 7 buildings] in China to be fully coordinated in BIM, and awarded for that.

▼混凝土台基,Concrete abutments ©SFAP Shanghai

“我们设计的外形十分简约,但这需要突破性的工程技术才能实现。” —Dubbeldam “We designed a simple form that took a groundbreaking feat of engineering to achieve.” —Dubbeldam

▼结构分析图,Structure diagram ©Archi-Tectonics


The poured-in-place concrete structure opens onto an entry plaza with a sweeping glass lobby tucked beneath the sloping shape of the stands. VIP lounges and parking areas are located on the ground floor under the main lobby, its access integrated into a slope in the topography. In addition to the field hockey games, the stadium will also host outdoor film screenings, concerts, and other events.


The double curved glass facade encloses the lobby, supported by engineered hardwood and steel structure that creates a dramatic interplay of light and shadow. These high-tech forms are balanced by more traditional local finishes—like interior walls clad in locally sourced bamboo, making for a sustainable building rooted in the region’s heritage.

▼大堂,The lobby ©SFAP Shanghai


The surrounding sloping landscape, designed by !Melk!—follows a sustainable sponge city approach, integrates local vegetation and elegant pavement patterns integrate porous areas. The building was planned to be a non-permanent structure in the park, dismantled once the Games end. Luckily this has changed as the architects proposed, and the client agreed, to create a hybrid that will have a cultural function for the neighborhood after the Games.

▼室内概览,Overview of the interior ©SFAP Shanghai

此届亚运会是仅次于奥运会的第二大国际体育赛事,于 2023 年 10 月举行。

This year’s edition of the Asian Games—the second-largest international sporting competition behind the Olympics—was held October 2023.

▼夜景,Night view ©SFAP Shanghai

▼总平面图,Masterplan ©Archi-Tectonics

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan ©Archi-Tectonics

▼城市立面图,Urban elevation ©Archi-Tectonics

▼剖面图,Section ©Archi-Tectonics

▼立面图,Elevation ©Archi-Tectonics

▼轴测图,Axonometric ©Archi-Tectonics

▼场馆轴测图,Stadium axonometric ©Archi-Tectonics

▼日照分析,Sunlight hour analysis ©Archi-Tectonics

Type: Hybrid: Field hockey stadium as landscape topography Location: Hangzhou, China Built Area: 18,000 m2 / 5000 seats Date: Winning of competition may 2018, completion: October 2022, Opening Games Oct 2023 Architect: Archi-Tectonics NYC, LLC With: Thornton Tomasetti Engineers, !Melk Landscape and Mobility in Chain traffic engineers LDI: Zhejiang Province Institute Of Architectural Design And Research (ZIAD) Construction drawing design consultation: Powerchina Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited (HDEC) General contractor: China Power Construction Group East China Survey and Design Research Institute Co., Ltd. Landscape Design: !Melk NY Construction unit: Zhejiang Xinsheng Construction Group Co., Ltd. Photography: SFAP Shanghai


杭州亚运公园曲棍球场馆,浙江 / Archi-Tectonics
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