发布时间:2024-02-13 21:20:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


After the former Community Centre was deliberately burnt down in 2015, the newly created City Architect ’s Office presented a brief that reflected it’s vision for a long-lasting and sustainable community centre, which included the following:

– A robust, fire-proof building – Flexible spaces for differentiating groups at once – Iconic design, a civic landmark within the residential area – Greater connection to Woodcroft Lake and Parklands – A backdrop and facilities hub for the annual Woodcroft Festival

▼建筑外观,building exterior © Brett Boardman


Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre is a civic building that aims to galvanise the culturally diverse Western Sydney community.This multi-purpose community centre reflects the client, Blacktown City Council, and their ambition for an inclusive and iconic centre where life-along learning, health and well-being, recreation and culture can be shared.

▼项目周边,surroundings © Brett Boardman

Eliel Saarinen曾说过:“设计需要思考它所处在的周边环境-例如屋子里的椅子,房屋中的屋子,处于某种环境中的房屋,处于某个城市规划中的环境。”这也是建筑师对于该项目和场地的想法。建筑师设计的Woodcroft 邻里中心具有多种规模,满足从社区活动室和办公室中的一对一活动,到主厅中的 200 多人活动,以及Woodcroft 公园绿地上的 2000 多人活动。Woodcroft 节日是Woodcroft 社区和议会的重要议程,也是当地文化的庆祝活动。

Eliel Saarinen famously said “Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context – a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan.”, and this is the spirit we brought to the site and the brief. We designed Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre to work at many scales, from 1-to-1 in community room and offices, to 200-plus people in the main hall and 2,000-plus people on Woodcroft Green. High on the community’s and council’s agenda was the Woodcroft Festival, a celebration of local culture.

▼建筑外观,building exterior © Brett Boardman


We took a whole-of-site approach to the brief, orienting the building towards Woodcroft Lake and Woodcroft Green, allowing the Centre to engage with both landscapes, which are deeply valued by the community. The unique roof form of Woodcroft acts like a hand that waves across the landscape, welcoming the public to the community centre. The main arc of the roof reaches up at the lakefront, sheltering a broad outdoor terrace that is accessible 24/7 and that steps down to the lake.

▼屋顶的主弧线一直延伸到湖边,the main arc of the roof reaches up at the lakefront © Brett Boardman

▼屋顶下的露台,the terrace under the main arc of the roof © Brett Boardman


The form of the roof is dependent on the programs within the building, the peaks and troughs reflecting the differing internal volumes and circulation. The clerestories created by the undulating roofline use white opalescent polycarbonate that diffuses daylight and makes the building glow at night. The form submits to and respects the tall surrounding eucalyptus and casuarina trees, and opens itself at multiple moments to the landscape for viewers inside.

▼屋顶下的窗廊使用乳白色聚碳酸酯,the clerestories use white opalescent polycarbonate © Brett Boardman

▼从室内望向周围的景观,landscape from the interior view © Brett Boardman

▼在多个时刻向景观开放,opens itself at multiple moments to the landscape © Brett Boardman


Three core sections sit under the signature serpentine roof: offices, an internal courtyard, community room, and main hall(with commercial kitchen), the tall central foyer and the through-site link that connects them. Essential storage, plants andamenities are housed behind a concrete baffle, reducing noise for neighbours. A covered veranda connects the street to thelake, encouraging users to engage with the landscape.

▼社区活动室,community room © Brett Boardman

▼高大的中央门厅,the tall central foyer © Brett Boardman


A robust palette of local timber and steel has been used as both decorative and structural elements throughout the Centre to lend visual interest and provide durability – the centre has to withstand the use of a whole community with many differing needs. The brick walls and paving are a nod to the site’s history as a former clay quarry and brickworks. We have designed a community centre with a long lifespan, that is ready to serve the surrounding community for decades to come.

▼屋顶细节,roof detail © Brett Boardman

▼建筑平面,building plan © Carter Williamson Architects

▼建筑立面 1,building elevation 1 © Carter Williamson Architects

▼建筑立面 2,building elevation 2 © Carter Williamson Architects

▼建筑剖面,building section © Carter Williamson Architects

Project Team


Woodcroft邻里中心 | 澳大利亚 | Carter Williamson Architects
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