发布时间:2018-06-04 12:00:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼鸟瞰庭院,aerial view of the courtyard

概况 General Information



The site of this project is located in a historical and cultural district in Fucheng Men in which the area contains 33 traditional blocks. The project area covers approximately 37 hectares, with a gross floor area of 242,000 and about 5600 households, including 16,000 registered citizens and 13,000 inhabitants. In this area, elders make up 19% of the residents and immigrants make up almost 50% of the population in the region, respectively. The area contains 807 courtyards, with over 4000 houses remaining, while 70% of them are in poor conditions. Thus, in this historical block, both the living quality and building quality need urgent improvements, and its cultural values will therefore be reevaluated and upgraded. Therefore, under the current context of Beijing’s promotion of the overall protection and revitalization of the old city, many architects are involved in renovation projects of single courtyard or buildings, linking the real needs of the city’s citizens with new forms of media in order to promote new ways of thinking and exploring the city. In this way, the living qualities of the citizens are improved while preserving and continuing the historical chain of the city’s culture.

▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view




This project involves the renovation of a traditional courtyard house located in the Hutong within Beijing’s second ring road, covering a total area of around 250 . The aim is to turn an old and shabby courtyard into a desirable courtyard house for homestay. Regarding the specifications, the aim is to find a new way of living within the traditional Beijing courtyard house with respect to the contemporary style of living.The existing courtyard sits at a Y-shaped intersection in which two facades are fully exposed to the streets and can be viewed by pedestrians. While the boundaries of the courtyard are presented to people on the street, a strong visual impact is easily created. The courtyard originally ammonites 8 families. In order to maximise the usable space to satisfy the needs of a large number of residents, illegal renovations of adding additional building components are commonly built, creating a typical courtyard compound occupied by many households. Consequently, the additional building components in the centre of the courtyard need to be removed in order to reveal the original spatial composition of the courtyard.

▼改造后,after renovation

关于设计 About Design


Firstly, the entry to the gate is a straight tunnel in which a cafe sits on its right-hand site and the gate is located at the end of the tunnel.

▼入口进门首先是一条笔直的廊道,the entry to the gate is a straight tunnel


There are a total of 6 guest rooms located within the courtyard, they are each designed with different area, function and spatial composition. The smallest guest room is 20 m2 and the largest guest room is 30 m2. 3 of the guest rooms are lofts and the another 3 are master rooms. Despite the difference in size, the rooms are also organised with different colours schemes. 3 of them have light colour tone and the other 3 have dark colour tone. Apart from the guest rooms, all other spaces are public spaces, which are available for public exhibition and display during the day.


▼院内共设计6间客房,建筑面积与功能布局各不相同,there are a total of 6 guest rooms located within the courtyard


After removing the additional illegal building components, the 6 guest rooms form a new square shape courtyard. On the southern centre of the courtyard, a new staircase tower has been built using the recycled old grey tiles from the demolished parts of the building. Standing on the rooftop under the shadow of large trees, a panoramic view extends from the courtyard all the way to the Miaoying Temple. The magnificence and beauty of the continuous traditional buildings are fully expressed from the view of the rooftop.

在庭院南侧中心位置用拆除原有建筑而保留下来的旧青砖搭建一座楼梯塔,on the southern centre of the courtyard, a new staircase tower has been built using the recycled old grey tiles from the demolished parts of the building

▼楼梯细节,detail of the stairs

▼楼梯上的露台空间,terrace on the roof

1.解决老宅的痛点Existing Flaws of the Building


Building renovations projects have to first solve the existing problems of the building. In this project the aim is to solve the following issues:问题A. 室内面积不足。 Problem A. Not enough interior space


Regarding the specification, the need is to maximise living quality using limited resources. In order to maximise the usage of space, the building is organised vertically. A lowered ground level is established while the original ceiling boards are removed. A loft effectively is formed under the traditional ceiling space.

▼房间3:利用传统建筑的屋顶空间做成loft格局,room 3: aloft effectively is formed under the traditional ceiling space

问题B. 采光通风不足 Problem B. Lack of natural lighting and ventilation


Almost every guest room is designed with a ceiling window in order to maximise natural sunlight inside the room. Regarding the need for thermal insulation in the winter period, all ceiling windows use double glazing glass (horizontal glass roof use 3-layered sealed insulating glass) in order to achieve the effective insulation and minimal heat conduction. In each guest room, new windows are designed near the door to further enhance effective ventilation within the rooms.

▼房间6,room 6

▼几乎为每间客房都设计了屋顶天窗,almost every guest room is designed with a ceiling window

▼房间立面做了开启窗的设计辅助通风,in each guest room, new windows are designed near the door to further enhance effective ventilation within the rooms


问题C. 采暖保温不足 Problem C. Lack of effective insulation and heating system


Apart from the cautious choice of glass material for effective insulation, the house is also designed with floor heating covering the entire interior space, mainly used for heating in winter.

▼房间4,room 4

▼阁楼卧室,the bedroom on the upper level

问题D. 隔音不足

Problem D. Lack of soundproofing and noise control


According to the condition of each room, additional soundproofing materials are inserted within the walls between rooms in order to solve this issue.

▼房间5,room 5

问题E. 卫生间搭建不规范 Problem E. Lack of standardisation in the building of bathroom


The existing courtyard contains a bathroom. Yet without any standardised treatment, domestic sewage is directly discharged into the municipal pipe network. The renovation improves this condition by replacing the old pipe with new technology that combines the discharge of rainwater and sewage, which effectively prevents the water system creating the bad smell in the summer time when temporary is high. A standardised septic tank is built within the courtyard, allowing all sanitary wastewater to be discharged in it. A portion of the domestic sewage that has been treated will still follow the existing municipal pipe network.

▼房间1,room 1

2.空间记忆的传承Inheriting the Spatial Memory


The design logic of this project is to use limited space and resources to maximise the reuse of material in ways of creating new space. During the renovation process, the continuous occurrence of accidental discoveries always brings new design ideas. As the construction process progresses, the design continuous changes and develops, which can be seen as “the logic without logic”.For example, after removing the old paint on the wood structure, the natural beauty of the material is fully expressed in its colour and texture. Thus, a decision is made to maintain the original colour and texture of the wood structure. While building the floor foundation and water drainage system in the courtyard, 7 large rectangular stones from the Qing dynasty are discovered 1 meter underground. 4 of them are chosen as the material used for the staircase in between the guest rooms and entrance, hence giving the stones new life and function.

▼选取挖出的清代条石作为客房与院门门口的踏步石阶,the Qing dynasty are chosen as the material used for the staircase in between the guest rooms and entrance


The old window frames are kept and reorganised and reused for different rooms, hence preserving the vintage spatial atmosphere within the courtyard. Another vintage material that has been kept is a large number of old grey tiles, in which their age vary from a few hundred years old to the last century. These grey tiles are used for building the central staircase tower in the middle of the courtyard. Contemporary materials such as glass brick are embedded in it in order to create the “bridge” between the past and the present, achieving the continuation of spatial memory. Although the removed parts of the building are all structures built illegally, yet they also perform important parts in the history of the courtyard and is also a part of the city’s memory.

▼用老青砖搭建成庭院内中心位置的楼梯塔,其间点缀嵌入现代材料玻璃砖,grey tiles are used for building the central staircase tower in the middle of the courtyard and contemporary materials such as glass brick are embedded in

3.私密性与开放性Privacy and Openness

A. 院落与城市的关系传统合院的建筑形式是一种较为私密的居住空间。杂院的居住特点是相对开放的,这种开放性加强了人与人之间的交流。我们希望在这个项目中,可以实现在城市公共空间与居住私密空间之中,建立一个可进行交流的、半私密半公共的空间。我们将入口处的房间设计为咖啡馆,同时为内院的民宿部分提供接待功能。院落主入口采取向胡同开敞的设计,使廊道连同咖啡馆变成了城市空间的一部分。咖啡馆内仅有一张大桌子,民宿内的住客使用早餐时,当地的客人也可以来喝咖啡,大家一起坐在同一张桌前进行交流。

A. The relationship between courtyard and cityTraditional courtyard architecture is a relatively private living space. The living characteristics of mixed courtyards are relatively open, which enhances communication between people. We hope to establish a semi-public, semi-private space for communication in this project, between urban public space and private living space. We design the room at the entrance as a coffee shop, providing reception functions for the inner courtyard’s guest house. The main entrance of the courtyard is designed to be open to the alley, making the corridor and coffee shop part of the urban space. There is only one large table in the coffee shop, and local guests can also come to drink coffee while the guests staying in the guest house have breakfast, sitting together at the same table for communication.

The courtyard-type living space is prone to be private. The living characteristics of the courtyard house are relatively open, which enhances the communication between people. We expect that in the project, a semi-private and semi-public space for communication can be established between urban public space and residential private space. We design a café as the entrance, at the same time, it can be used as reception space for the homestays in the inner yard. The main entrance of the courtyard is designed to open to the Hutong, making the corridor and the café part of the urban space. There is only one big table in the café. When guests in the homestay are having breakfast, local residents can also come to have coffee, sitting at the same table and chitchat with each other.

入口廊道,the entrance corridor

▼廊道右侧是对公众开放的咖啡馆,a cafe sits on thetunnel’sright-hand site


The exhibition space is located in the inner courtyard, which can be opened to the public at different times, increasing exchanges between the courtyard and the city.

public spaces which are available for public exhibition and display during the day

B. 客房与客房的关系 B. The relationship between rooms


In traditional star hotels, guest-rooms are usually designed closed to each other. However, we expect to break the closed atmosphere down. As a result, a large area of floor-to-ceiling glass was designed on the facade of the room, and the relatively public space for reading and chatting in the guest-room was arranged in the window side. In addition to increasing lighting, guests in different rooms can see each other and communicate to some extent. In contrast, the bedroom space, toilet and bathroom were hidden in the room or behind the wall to guarantee the privacy of life.


4.与自然的和谐共生The symbiotic relationship with nature


The living environment of Hutong is an organic combination of living and natural environment. The whole courtyard is divided into 6 guest-rooms separately. We try to create a natural environment or the experience of natural environment in each individual room. A corner of the roof was converted into a crystal-clear glass roof and covered by greenery in No.1 and No.2 room. Therefore, people in the room can feel the changes of natural light at any time and the atmosphere of outdoor courtyard can be created. As for No.5 and No.6 room, each of them has a real outdoor courtyard, which is the exclusive outdoor space for guest-rooms.

▼房间2,room 2

▼2号房将一角的屋顶改造为玻璃屋顶,acorner of the roof was converted into a crystal-clear glass roof


In Hutong, there is a close interaction between trees and people. During hot summer days, the sunshine was shaded by the luxuriant branches and leaves of the tree, leaving a shady corner. While, in winter, the leaves withered and the sunshine shimmers in the courtyard through the branches, leaving warmness and brightness in the bleak and windswept beauty. The relationship between people and trees is organic. Therefore, an old locust tree of several decades has been preserved in the courtyard, which not only continues the organic relationship between man and nature, but also maintains the subtle interaction between man and nature.

In the past, too much attention was paid to the renewal of architectural appearance and the improvement of architectural quality in courtyard houses. However, in the old streets where Hutong sits, the renovation of courtyard houses should not be limited to the static aesthetics. Instead, preserving the living experience is more important. The experience of living in a courtyard surrounded by trees and the experience of living in an open and connected community within the city… Including every piece of memories within the city. These qualities are not visible, yet they form the unique cultural experience of living in courtyard houses.

▼在胡同里,“树”和人们的生活环境有密切的互动,in Hutong, there is a close interaction between trees and people

▼庭院夜景,courtyard in the night

▼改造后平面,plan after renovation

项目名称:北京白塔寺胡同大杂院改造项目 项目所在地:中国北京市西城区宫门口二条14号(北京鲁迅博物馆东 180米) 项目类型:民宿 建筑师:青山周平,藤井洋子,杨雨嘉,王丹梨 / B.L.U.E.建筑设 计事务所 业主:有术sth.here 规模:一层(局部Loft,局部屋顶平台) 用地面积:246平米 总建筑面积:215平米(底层建筑面积:189平米,客房LOFT建筑面 积:26平米) 设计周期:08.2016 – 02.2017 施工周期:11.2016 – 01.2018 摄影师:夏至 主要材料: 建筑 结构:砖木结构 外墙材料:青砖,黑胡桃木,透明双层夹胶玻璃,锈蚀钢板 屋顶:瓦,透明三层中空夹胶玻璃,防腐木地板 室内 地面材料:深色石材/浅色石材/水磨石/旧木板/实木复合 地板 墙面材料:白色涂料/灰色涂料/白橡木饰面/黑胡桃木饰 面/旧木板/镀锌钢板/黑钢板/白色方形瓷砖/浅色水磨石/ 深色水磨石 家具材料:白橡木饰面/黑胡桃木饰面/白橡实木板/黑胡 桃实木板/镀锌钢板/黑钢板 门材料:黑胡桃实木板/白色涂料/锈蚀钢板/青砖/透明双 层夹胶玻璃 窗材料: 透明双层夹胶玻璃/透明三层中空夹胶玻璃

Project Name: Beijing Bai TaSi Hutong courtyard house renovation project

Project Site: (Beijing Lu Xun Museum east 180m) 14 Ertiao, Gongmenkou, Xicheng, Qu, Beijing, China

Project Type: Homestay house

Architects: Shuhei Aoyama, Yoko Fujii, Yujia Yang, Danli Wang / B.L.U.E.Architecture Studio

Client: Sth.Here

Scale: 1 Level (partial loft, partial roof terrace)Site Area: 246m2Gross Floor Area: 215m2 (basement floor area: 189m2, guest loft floor area: 26m2)Design Period: 08.2016- 02 .2017

Construction Period: 11.2017- 01 .2018

Photographer: Zhi Xia

Main Materials:Architecture

Structure: post and panel structure

Exterior wall: grey brick, black walnut wood, transparent double glazing glass, corroded steel plate

Roof: tile, transparent three layer glazing glass, antiseptic wood


Floor: dark colored stone / light colored stone / terrazzo / old wood board / solid wood composite floor

Interior wall: white coloured paint / grey coloured paint / white oak veneer / black walnut wood veneer / old wood board / galvanized steel plain sheet / black steel plate / white square tile / light coloured terrazzo / dark coloured terrazzo

Furniture: white oak veneer / black walnut wood veneer / white oak solid wood board / black walnut solid wood board / galvanized steel plain sheet, black steel plate

Door: black walnut solid wood board / white coloured paint / galvanized steel plain sheet, grey tile, transparent double glazing glass

Window: transparent double glazing glass / transparent three layer glazing glass


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