发布时间:2018-01-18 10:08:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

SWA Group:国际景观、规划和城市设计公司SWA集团日前宣布他们的设计“空地(The Clearing)”,经过五年的选址和制定纪念标准后,在遇难者家属的大力支持下,由桑迪胡克永久纪念委员会从189个国际设计方案中一致选出并获准建设。该纪念地将在康涅狄格州纽镇一处捐赠的5英亩场地上建造。

SWA Group:International landscape architecture, planning, and urban design firm SWA Group announce the approval of their design, “The Clearing,” which after a five-year process of site selection and development of memorial criteria, was selected unanimously by the Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial Commission among 189 international design submissions and with overwhelming support from the families of the victims. The Memorial will be implemented on a donated five-acre site in Newtown, Connecticut.


该1.8英亩的纪念地是用于纪念和颂扬桑迪胡克小学(Sandy Hook Elementary)遇难者的场所。这是一场场影响深远的悲剧,正如桑迪·胡克永久纪念委员会(Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial Commission)所敦促的那样,一个地方如何才能纪念那些生命,那些因失去亲人而悲伤的家庭、内外相关的许多人,以及生活受到难以描述或量化的影响的人呢?

这些都是SWA集团旧金山工作室的景观设计师Daniel Affleck和Ben Waldo所面临的问题,他们积极响应提案的号召,最终创作出了这样一个纪念空间,成功赢得了失去孩子和亲人的家庭的信任。

The groundbreaking of the Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial will take place in August 2021. The opening is slated to take place on December 14, 2022, the 10th Anniversary of the tragedy.

The 1.8-acre Memorial has been designed as a place to remember and celebrate the lives that were lost at Sandy Hook Elementary, a tragedy of profound dimensions. How can a place honor these lives, as the Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial Commission urged, for the families who grieve the loss of a loved one and for the many in the community, and beyond, whose lives were touched in ways that are hard to describe or quantify?

These were the questions facing landscape designers Daniel Affleck and Ben Waldo of SWA Group’s San Francisco studio when they responded to a call for design proposals and ultimately responded with a vision that won the trust of the families who lost their children and loved ones.


Three hallmarks of the design include the circle, the path, and the tree. A circling network of paths takes the visitor through a woodland and meadows. The connecting paths allow the walker to experience the space in their own way and at their own pace before arriving at the center, and are meant to honor the process of grieving and remembrance. The Memorial Clearing is framed by. In the center, a water feature sits in a granite basin. The edge of the feature is engraved with the names of the victims. Water flows spiral inwards towards a planter at the center, where a young tree, the “Sacred Sycamore,” is planted at the center of the pool to symbolize the growth of the community. The motion of the water embraces the tree and captures the energy, form, and cycle of the landscape around it. Visitors are encouraged to give a candle or a flower to the water, which will carry the offering across the space in an act of bridging the deceased and the living.

“我们想要表达的是,治愈的过程永不会结束,而是会不断继续并逐步发展,”在康涅狄格州西哈特福德(West Hartford)附近长大的联合设计师Daniel Affleck如是说,“这一点在植物和镜面池中都有体现,它们通过水的运动反映了自然的季节性和不断的变化。”

“We wanted to acknowledge that the healing process does not end, but continues and grows,” said co-designer Daniel Affleck, who grew up nearby in West Hartford, Connecticut. “This finds its expression in both the plantings and reflecting pool, which reflect the seasonality of nature and constant change through the movement of water.”

联合设计师Ben Waldo补充说道:“我们的道路在一片鲜花盛开的林地中缓缓延伸,颂扬受害者的生命,最终到达中央纪念‘空地’,大家可以聚集在这里为那些失去的人表达爱。这条路没有真正的起点或终点,它让游客以自己的节奏和方式体验空间,同时悄然无声地将他们更紧密地联系在一起,更加靠近彼此。”

“Our path moves in gentle circles through a flowering woodland which celebrates the lives of the victims, and eventually arrives at a central memorial ‘clearing’ where the community can gather in love for those lost,” continues co-designer Ben Waldo. “The path has no true beginning or end, which allows visitors to experience the space at their own pace and in their own way, while always bringing them closer together.”

另外,其他支持实现这一愿景的团队成员还包括JMC(土木工程)、GNCB(结构工程)、Atelier Ten(照明)、Fluidity(水景设计公司)和Artemis(当地的景观设计师,其工作范围主要是种植和施工管理)。

Team members supporting the realization of this vision include JMC for civil engineering, GNCB for structural engineering, Atelier Ten for lighting, Fluidity, a water feature design company, and Artemis a local landscape architect, whose scope is focused on planting and construction administration.


桑迪胡克永久纪念场地设计 | 悲伤与治愈的螺旋之旅
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金侨 公园壹号|现代【人本空间设计】