发布时间:2022-04-07 23:24:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Vanke Binhai Cloud Center was officially launched in January 2020. With its unique volume and rhythmic facade, the building breaks the stereotyped urban image on the both side of Binhai Avenue. The project has been awarded LEED Gold Certification and Green Building Label, and won the CTBUH Facade Engineering Award 2019.

▼车公庙北侧视图,North view of theChegongmiao © 张超

▼滨海大道西侧视图,West side view of esplanade © 张超


Binhai Cloud Center is located in Chegongmiao Area, one of the core business areas of Futian CBD in Shenzhen. With the west urban expansion of Shenzhen, Chegongmiao has formed a new city center that integrates financial, commercial, offices, culture and other urban functions. The project, which includes 47,000 square meters of office and 14,500 square meters of supporting service functions, is the first super grade A office under Shenzhen Vanke, which is positioned to be high-end headquarters of finance and technology enterprise. The project is connected to the Xiasha Subway Station and the underground crossing of Binhe Avenue (connecting to the Xiasha area), and is an important node in the urban public space system of the area.

Viewing the Shenzhen Bay from the Chegongmiao © 张超


The Pivot that Connecting Urban Public Space


Apart from several high-end residential buildings on the east side of golf clubs and urban green parks, the Chegongmiao area has hardly any residential supporting functions. Therefore, the Xiasha located in the south of Binhai Avenue naturally becomes the ‘backyard garden’ of the Chegongmiao business area. The Xiasha pedestrian overpass on the south side of the project site has become an important link connecting the Chegongmiao and the Xiasha area, with an average daily maximum flow of about 100,000 people. After the completion of the Xiasha subway station, the Xiasha pedestrian overpass has adjusted to an underground crossing, and it just connects to the lower ground 2 commercial space of the cloud center.

▼裙房流线图,analysis of the podium © 第伍建筑


To connect the urban public space system, we have adopted the urbanization of architectural space. On the first floor of the building, adjacent to Tairan 9th Road, a two-story elevated space is designed with a sunken plaza, so that the urban space can naturally extend to the underground commercial space. To the east, it is linked to the underground commercial space on the lower ground 1 by designing an underground passageway. To the south, people are guided to the commercials on the lower ground 2 and the Binhe underground crossing. This not only eases the flow of urban people, but also injects vitality into the commercials of the cloud center.

▼裙房架空空间,section diagram © 第伍建筑


Form Generation


▼形体生成分析,Formation analysis© 第伍建筑

The tower height of Binhai Cloud Center is 153 meters. To fully obtain visibility of the building from the Binhai Avenue, the tower is attached to the Binhai Avenue with building setback restriction. Therefore, the tower occupies the southern slope of the site and is designed as a trapezoidal plane. In order to make efficient use of the site, the tower is close to the higher level building setback in the east, south and west, and the north is left for the podium. Due to the small site, after placing the tower, less than 1/3 of the site was remained for podium. Accordingly, part of the podium and tower are nested and intersected with each other. At the same time, taking the advantage of the podium’s looser setback restriction for the podium, tower and podium are disassembled, dislocated and elevated, providing diverse volumes and spatial relations.

▼外立面 45°折形,45°oblique line is applied as the folding facade pattern© 张超


Facade Pattern and Concept


▼形态系统与立面概念,Form system and facade concept ©第伍建筑

From the master plan, Shenzhen Bay is to the southwest of Binhai Cloud Center. The entire view of Shenzhen Bay can be seen from the axis direction of 45° southwest of the site, therefore, a 45°oblique line is applied as the folding facade pattern. The folding facade also responds to Shenzhen’s perennial hot climate with alternating opens and closes. The glass panels directly face the view of Shenzhen Bay, while the stone panels function as efficient sun shading and noise insulation for the interior.

▼西南海景鸟瞰,Southwest sea view © 张超

▼西向玻璃面,West facade in glass© 张超


Such design has brought a notable image of the building with a strong contrast between the east and west. A 150-meter-high stone house is spotted from the east to the west of Binhai Avenue, and from the other direction, it converts to a complete glass building.The form principal of the tower extends and reverses. The convex shape of the tower turns into a concave shape in the podium, and the 45° shape continues to the ceiling of the elevated levels of podium, the external wall of the coffee shop, the shape of the lower square hole, and the ground of landscape.

办公入口,Entrance © 张超

▼裙房石材立面细部,Details of stone facade of the podium © 张超


Composite Curtain Wall Module Design


The facade module is 2050mm, determined by analyzing the dimension of office cubicles and taking site boundary line into consideration. Hence, to achieve the consistency between structure and facade, the modules of structural column are distrusted as integral multiples of 2050mm.

▼塔楼轮廓生成逻辑,generation logic of the tower ©第伍建筑


The four sides of the building plane is covered by semicircles based on the modulus grid, and four corners are closed with diagonal lines of the same size and slop, forming the contour control line of the tower’s trapezoidal plane. As a result, right-angle polylines could be generated inside the semicircles to ensure that all the lines intersect vertically right in the trapezoidal with only two types of facade unit, and the shape of the tower is consequently determined.

▼办公大堂外立面,Facade of office lobby © 张超

▼裙房屋顶花园,Roof garden on the podium © 张超


▼复合化的立面设计(VS-A 设计图),Complex facade design (VS-A design drawing) ©第伍建筑

In addition, the facade system should also taking openings for ventilation, lighting, security fence and other requirements into account. Therefore, a curved perforated metal sheet is inserted between the stone unit and the glass unit by tangent connection to attain those requirements and to create a natural transition between close and open. Subsequently, both openings for natural ventilation and lightings are hidden behind the facade. At night, the lights would sprinkle softly and mistily through the perforated metal panels over the stone wall. The design of concealing openings not merely provides convenience for maintaining lighting system, but also ensures the unity and integrity of the facade.

▼东向石材面,East facade with stone © 张超

▼塔楼立面幕墙细部,Details of the curtain wall © 张超

玻璃采用半钢化tempered夹胶laminatede中空hollow low-E工艺,保证玻璃平整度,同时也隐秘化透明幕墙的安全围护功能,使得塔楼幕墙玻璃从地面到吊顶没有任何遮拦,站在折形透明幕墙面前,深圳湾海景尽收眼底。

▼办公卡位的尺寸研究,Dimension analysis of office cubicles ©第伍建筑

Low-E semi-tempered laminated glass is used to guarantee the smoothness of the glass and enhanced safety, allowing the realization of undivided huge glass panel from the ceiling to the ground. Standing in front of the window, the view of Shenzhen Bay could be fully appreciated.

▼大堂,Lobby© 张超

室内遮阳效果,Indoor shading effect© 张超



During the process of design and construction, we have always tried to achieve high level of completion and architectural qualities. The adequate consideration between design and construction in the early stage, the close collaboration with the cooperative design team, contractor and client later, have together brought out this building with high quality within a short period of time and tight costs.

▼总平面图,master plan©第伍建筑

一层平面图,1F plan©第伍建筑

▼负一层平面图,B1 plan©第伍建筑

二层平面图,2F plan©第伍建筑

三层平面图,3F plan©第伍建筑

四层平面图,4F plan©第伍建筑

▼五层平面图,5F plan©第伍建筑

▼六层平面图,6F plan©第伍建筑

▼七层平面图,7F plan©第伍建筑

▼塔楼准备层平面图,standard floor plan of the tower©第伍建筑



















Project Information

Architects: 5TH ARCHITECTS

GFA: 82089.26m²Year: 2020

Photographer: Chao Zhang

Lead Architects: Zhen Zhang,Zhiyi Huang

Design Team: Jing Zhang,Hongmian Lu,Yin Li,Zhicheng Guo,Yanran Liu,Yuchen Peng,Peiyan Wu,Xizhi Xu,Ruihao Wu,Qili Wan,Zhixiang Li,Yi Lin,Die Xie,Yaoyao Chen,Zelin Lin,Dexun Peng,Jun Tang

EPC: The 3rd Bureau of CSCEC

Building Construction Drawing Design: CAPOL

Curtain Wall Design: VS-A (schematic design), FANGDA CURTAIN WALL (construction drawing design)Interior Design: Gensler (schematic design), TONGJI ARCHITECTS (construction drawing design)Landscape Design: Locus Associates(schematic design),Origin-End Anchoring(construction drawing design)Lighting Design: KOVA(schematic design), ACCECC(construction drawing design)Curtain Wall Contractor: FANGDA CURTAIN WALL

Interior Design Contractor: Bauing

Landscape Design Contractor: BOYA Gardening

Lighting Contractor:ACCECC

Client:Shenzhen Vanke real estate co.,ltd

Design Management: Tao Xue、Yan He、Yang Tao、Shuang Hu

Engineering Management: Lili Jiang、Xinping Zhao、Yikai Ye

Project location: Intersection of Guihua Road and Tairan 8th Road, Shatou street, Futian District, Shenzhen.


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