伦敦设计公司FormRoom利用了最好的服务,功能和内部趋势的食品和饮料业打造欧式豪华餐厅KAILO。 London agency FormRoom drew on the very best in service, function and interior trends within the food and beverage industry to create luxury European restaurant, Kailo.
“这是一个令人兴奋的景象,酒店品牌正在成为下一代真正的强者,以一种通常只留给时尚、美容和科技品牌的方式吸引消费者的注意力。” “It’s an exciting landscape, where hospitality brands are emerging as the next generation of true powerhouses, capturing consumer’s attention in a way usually only reserved for fashion, beauty and tech brands, the studio told [publication].”
“作为一个不断扩张的千禧一代,2018年酒店业支出增长速度是零售业的4倍。消费群更看重体验而不是产品。我们看到传统商业街的销量急剧下降是没有提升品牌体验却以迎合现代消费者期望的品牌。” “Growth in spending within hospitality grew four times faster than retail in 2018, as an expanding millennial spending group tend to value experience over products. We’ve seen a sharp decline in traditional high street names that have not elevated their brand experience to match modern consumer expectations.”
品牌识别+发展 Brand Identity + Development 这家商业设计机构认为,奢侈品和当代产品之间存在市场差距可持续的餐厅:一个运作在健康和幸福的心态趋势,与视觉 诱人的现代豪华环境的线索,与季节性的欧洲美食。 The commercial design agency established that a market gap existed for a luxury, contemporary take on sustainable dining. One which operates in the mindset of the health and wellbeing trend but with the visual cues of a temptingly modern luxury environment, celebrating seasonal European cuisine.
从Kailo这个名字开始,Kailo是从印欧语系单词“健康”的松散翻译而来的,工作室从罗马时代汲取了重要的灵感。这在所有接触的设计点都体现的很明显,包括菜单,平面设计和室内建筑。与名人主管索菲·怀特合作,菜单的创建反映了季节性,可持续和植物共享盘以及鸡尾酒的混合。 Starting with the name Kailo, which is a loose translation from the original Indo-European word for “health”, the studio draws significant inspiration from the Roman era. This is evident throughout all touchpoints, including the menu, graphic design and interior architecture. Working with celebrity chief, Sophie Wright, the menu was created to reflect a mix of seasonal, sustainable and botanical sharing plates and cocktails.
“材料和色调是品牌传承和可持续发展的关键,所以我们的团队专注于从罗马时代采购正宗的元素,如黑曜石和塔德拉克石膏。这是 结合再生石材,大理石和Altrock表面,目标是使用80%的可持续材料来完成整个设计,工作室说。 “The material palette was key in translating both the heritage and sustainable aspect of the brand, so our team focused on sourcing authentic elements from the Roman era such as Obsidian and Tadelakt plaster. This is combined with recycled stone, marble and Altrock surfaces, with the aim of using 80% sustainable materials throughout the design, said the studio.”
设计 Design 东伦敦建筑为这个多功能空间框架了结构,完美地容纳了不同的消费者需求,从白天的共同工作和休闲快餐到更符合奢侈体验的晚间服务鸡尾酒和餐饮。 The East London building sets the structure for this multi-functional space, perfectly accommodating a different consumer need from day co-working and fast casual to an evening service more aligned with luxury cocktails and dining.
中央酒吧和拱形楼梯的设计灵感来自古罗马,将整个空间在中央庭院固定下来。围绕着这个标志性的罗马柱的是一个酒吧、餐厅和一个合作的区域空间与熟食店及后方服务;独家私人厨师的餐桌体验。 The grand central bar and sweeping arched staircase anchor the space, taking design cues from ancient Roman courtyards. Surrounding this conceptual take on the iconic roman pillar is a bar, dining area, a co-working space with a deli and to the rear; an exclusive private chef’s table experience.
不同的服务区域由一个一致的共同点组成:以典型的罗马建筑与当代风格结合。像卫生间这样重新设计的位置可以看到连续的周边风格概念带有中央喷泉的门廊,提供了一个值得上instagram社交的背景和闪光点。丰富的黑曜石无处不在,并与各种马赛克,柱或美丽的石膏饰面结合组成不同的功能区域。 The various service areas are anchored by a consistent nod to archetypical Roman architecture with a contemporary slant. This can be seen in areas like the restrooms where the peristyle concept of a continuous porch with a central fountain has been reimagined to provide an Instagram-worthy moment for the digital hungry generation. The rich obsidian stone is omnipresent and complimented with various mosaic, column or plaster finishes dependent on the zone.
较轻的灰泥或瓷砖的特点往往与华丽的天鹅绒等织物的结合,确保工业空间保持豪华的感觉。半私密的卡座排列在一面墙上,每一面都嵌入了声学工程材料,以捕捉声音和提供更亲密的体验。照明和一般灯具都采用传统的罗马建筑使用更现代的设计手法来完成。结合精心挑选的常青藤,橄榄亲生物和金银花,以体现真正的罗马灵感和设计的幸福属性。 The lighter plaster or tile features are often offset with deeply opulent fabric choices that ensure the industrial space retains a luxuriously feel.Semi-private booths line one wall, each inset with acoustically engineered materials to capture sound and provide a more intimate experience. The lighting and general fixtures all take traditional Roman architecture cues with a more modernist design execution. This is combined with carefully selected biophilia of ivy, olive and honeysuckle to empathise the authentic Roman inspiration alongside their wellbeing properties.