由设计师Maria Solsona和Aitor barbera共同成立的Espacio AM,是一家西班牙的室内设计工作室。两位创始人都接受过国内和国际培训,受到概念性、精确性和人性化建筑的影响,使他们的工作总是基于几何学、光线和对自然材料的正确使用。
Espacio AM, founded by designers Maria Solsona and Aitor barbera, is a Spanish interior design studio. Both founders have received national and international training, influenced by conceptual, precise and humane architecture, making their work always based on geometry, light and the correct use of natural materials.
The studio implements a design approach based on precision and technical expertise, ensuring that every project, from the first pencil drawing down to the most detailed detail, is carefully designed.
Maria Solsona和Aitor barbera常常被一种能够超越时间的、简单的和真诚的建筑所吸引。他们对创造精致的、有温度的和高技术定义的空间十分感兴趣,这促使他们不断的创造美和寻求永恒的设计。
Maria Solsona and Aitor barbera are often drawn to an architecture that transcends time, simplicity and sincerity. Their interest in creating delicate, temperature-driven and technologically defined Spaces drives them to create beauty and seek timelessness.