发布时间:2024-05-21 18:34:20 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Bamboo Cloud’s original idea was to create a spontaneous place that sparks encounters and gatherings.

▼装置与周围环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the installation and surroundings © Xi Chen + Chris King

2022年1月,因我们之前建成的位于桂林阳朔的项目Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions被纽约NYC x Design组织方在网络上看到,于是我们被邀请希望能够专门为甘斯沃尔特广场的公共区域,打造一个竹棚自然空间的项目。从而有了一个开始研究如何用可组装拆卸的方法实现对竹材编织及可移动自然环境的创造/建造的课题的机会。原阳朔竹编项目建成后,也曾多次收到过来自其他国家饿邀请参与编织建造或者展览,可都因时间的限制,地理位置及运输等方面的限制,没办法实现。然而此次机会,因疫情而造成的延后,反而给予了研究和突破的时间,也促成了这次对于材料运用及制作的颠覆性思考。

In January 2022, because one of our built projects Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions in Yangshuo, Guilin was seen on the Internet by the organizer of NYC x Design from New York City, we were invited to design a bamboo made project specifically for the public area at Gansevoort Plaza in New York. This gave us an opportunity to start researching on how to create/construct bamboo weaving and movable natural environments using methods that can be assembled and disassembled. After the completion of the original Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions, in Yangshuo, we have received some invitations from other countries to participate in weaving construction or exhibitions, but due to time constraints, geographical location and transportation restrictions, it was not possible. However, this opportunity, the delayed schedule caused by the pandemic, gave us time to re-imagine, and also contributed to this breakthrough process about the use of materials and production.

▼街区中的装置,installation in the urban © Xi Chen + Chris King

▼俯瞰,aerial view © Xi Chen + Chris King

展览主题为Open To The Sky,如何将竹材的运用做到极限,又同时让结构消失,使漂浮的竹云成为最轻盈的表现形式,成为了至关重要的目标。竹子这种天然材料的选择,以及竹云使用的手工编织方法,虽然可以激发对自然的认识和环境感知,但会受到手工的地理因素和材料来源的限制。竹云的整体创意和构建概念试图打破这种先天的局限,使用一种组装方法,使其能够突破地理和物质的界限,从而将自然意识和自然空间带到更多以前无法到达的区域,比如这里,就像一团纤维漂浮在纽约市上空。

The theme of the exhibition is Open To The Sky. Then how to maximize the effect from the woven bamboo while simultaneously making the structure disappear and making the floating bamboo clouds the lightest form of expression has become a crucial goal. The choice of bamboo, a natural material, and the hand-woven method used by Bamboo Cloud, although they can stimulate awareness of nature and perception of the environment, will be limited by the geographical factors of handwork and the source of the material. Bamboo Cloud’s overall creative and construction concept attempts to break this innate limitation by using an assembly method that allows it to break through geographical and material boundaries, thereby bringing natural consciousness and natural space to more previously unreachable areas, such as here, like a clump of fibers floating over New York City.

▼像一团纤维漂浮在纽约市上空,like a clump of fibers floating over New York City © Xi Chen + Chris King

▼装置概览,installation overview © Xi Chen + Chris King


▼竹桁架组装,Bamboo Truss Assembly

▼竹桁架单体,Bamboo structure member

▼桁架拼接,primary secondary truss connection

▼竹结构系统,bamboo structural system

This seemingly contradictory physical expression prompted us to overturn previous experience and rethink the entire structural system, weaving, form-finding, construction and installation, and all other key construction procedures.

Bamboo is still relatively ambiguously defined, though bamboo has been applied in various aspects in the field of architecture. In terms of structural calculation and material properties, it can still only be compared with wood in the role of “engineered bamboo”, for imperfect construction implementation. However, the Bamboo Cloud intends to unify original bamboo and engineered bamboo in terms of materials and applications, as well as their properties and physical presentation. Bamboo has its own resilience and its materialistic stress, but assembly process cuts off the force transmitted by the material itself to a certain extent. Therefore, considering transportation and overall composition, an accurate segmentation direction is determined, thus defining the bamboo cloud itself. The assembly logic is that the critical line of segmentation becomes the positioning axis of the bamboo truss of the main structure (also defined as the holding point of the vertical supporting structure), and the structural support and form-finding of the remaining woven layers are all based on the auxiliary trusses. And the rest is defined by the mutual constraints of the bamboo strips themselves.

▼“失去结构”的轻盈云朵,”disappearing structure” of the cloud © Xi Chen + Chris King

▼从廊下,view under the porch © Xi Chen + Chris King


▼指导图纸,instructive drawing © llLab.

▼黄昏下的结构与灯光,structure and lighting during dusk © Xi Chen + Chris King

▼竹云与使用人群,bamboo cloud and users © Xi Chen + Chris King

▼一瞥,a glimpse © Xi Chen + Chris King


Bamboo Cloud focuses on the relationships between inherent material properties and their potential applications beyond convention. Bamboo has been mainly applied on the scale of handcraft, followed by the recent popularization of its utilization in sustainable buildings. However, the advantage of utilizing bamboo has not been thoroughly understood, so most applications have remained superficial. The idea of making Bamboo Cloud has further triggered the integration of form and structure. The process investigated performance extremes in order to optimize efficiency by using bamboo as the most organic construction material beyond its commonly applied fields.

▼夜景下的装置,installation at night © Xi Chen + Chris King

▼夜景下的装置,installation at night © Xi Chen + Chris King


During prototyping, bamboo strips less than 5 mm thick and less than 5 cm wide are used to test the threshold for lightweight construction. The process places particular emphasis on the unique material properties of bamboo, which could potentially inspire a wider range of construction applications.

▼细部,details © Xi Chen + Chris King


Bamboo Cloud, a porous volume made of woven bamboo stripes, naturally finds its form due to the internal resilient force in the material and eventually stabilizes as a volumetric object, making it a potential implementation at building scale. Bamboo Cloud visualizes its inherent force in the form itself, which therefore makes it possible to grow architecturally and culturally.

▼基础平面,footing plan © llLab.

▼屋顶框架平面,canopy framing plan © llLab.

▼立面图,elevations © llLab.

▼剖面与立面图,sections and elevations © llLab.

▼部件剖面,component section © llLab.

▼柱基座位细部图,Column Base Bench © llLab.

▼基础组装示意,Base Assembly Diagram © llLab.

▼顶棚编织节点1,Canopy Fabrication Sector 1 © llLab.

▼顶棚编织节点2,Canopy Fabrication Sector 2 © llLab.

▼顶棚编织节点3,Canopy Fabrication Sector 3 © llLab.

▼顶棚编织节点4,Canopy Fabrication Sector 4 © llLab.

项目地点: 纽约曼哈顿甘斯沃尔特广场

建设面积: 116㎡

项目时间: 2022年1月至2023年10月

建筑设计: llLab. 叙向建筑

团队成员: 刘涵晓, Luis Ricardo, 胡乐贤, 陈霏, 严予隽, 刘凌灵, 密李华, 张浩, 曾琪伟, 谢随桉

结构设计: 栾栌构造

团队成员: 陆洋

工程竹顾问: 一竹凡工

团队成员: 李洪涛, 罗海燕

金属工作顾问: 上海艺骏展览展示服务有限公司

团队成员: 曾小华,陈格子,刘倍虎,刘培余

竹编工匠团队成员: 王萍,王国祥,龙春亮,母洪川,柳琼姚,周海峰

鸣谢:张喜龙, 刘普强

灯光设计: L’Observatoire International

团队成员: Hervé Descottes, Carlos Garcia, Esteban Varas, Jacinda Ross, Diksha Wahi,

Studio Dubuisson

Nanometer Lighting with Color Kinetics

团队负责: Chris Bocchiaro

建筑摄影 ©陈曦+金子雄

Project Location: Gansevoort Plaza, Meatpacking, New York, United States

Construction area: 116㎡

Project Status: Completed

Timeline: January 2022 – October 2023

Architectural Design: llLab.

Team members: Hanxiao Liu, Luis Ricardo, Lexian Hu, Fei Chen, Yujun Yan, Lingling Liu, Lihua Mi, Hao Zhang, Qiwei Zeng, Suian Xie

Structural Design: LuAnLu Partners Structure Consulting

Team members: Yang Lu

Engineered Bamboo Consultant: Yi Zhu Fan Gong

Team members: Hongtao Li, HaiYan Luo

Metal-Work Consultant: Shanghai Yijun Exhibition Service

Team members: Xiaohua Zeng, Gezi Chen, Beihu Liu, Peiyu Liu

Bamboo-Weaving Artisans:

Team members: Ping Wang, Guoxiang Wang, Chunliang Long, Hongchuan Mu, Qiongyao Liu, Haifeng ZhouSpecial Thanks:

Xilong Zhang, Puqiang Liu

Lighting Design: L’Observatoire International

Team members: Hervé Descottes, Carlos Garcia, Esteban Varas, Jacinda Ross, Diksha Wahi

Studio Dubuisson

Nanometer Lighting with Color Kinetics

Led by: Chris Bocchiaro

Photography © Xi Chen + Chris King


竹云,纽约 / llLab. 叙向建筑
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