发布时间:2018-10-09 10:08:08 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Along with the expansion of modern city,original villages located in the edge of city have been turning into isolated islands in flourishing city.Urban village,resulting from population boom in modern China,exists in major cities as common case.However,there is no mountain or river in the so called urban ‘village’ as in imagination,but the concrete land which is hard and impermeable.Moreover,due to the poor condition of lighting and narrow space, the first impression of most people for urban village is messy and unsafe. Architects in AAO has made a practice seeking for a solution to problems in urban village.

▼整体鸟瞰,overall aerial view

▼侧面,side view

建筑师提出Green Cloud的设想,采用一种容易复制的低技术建造手段,一方面改善城中村雨水管理能力,一方面为城中村的居民增添绿色与友善的共享活动场所,改变城中村局促的生存状态。Green Cloud是基于城中村仍存在大量尚未有效利用的屋面的前提,通过在具备改造可能的屋面上建造Urban Mountain。

Architects propose a tentative idea of Green Cloud,aiming to improve rainwater management ability as well as providing green and comfort common place for residents, from which the current living states of residents could be improved.‘Green Cloud’ is a low-technique required renovation method which can be copied easily.To make use of large quantity of roofs in urban village,architects build Urban Mountain on the roof which have potential to be reconstructed.

▼本项目位于岗厦城中村,urban mountain in Gangxia

希望通过本次Urban Mountain的实施,能起到相应的示范带动作用,使得周边的村民能真切的看到其成效,从而自发性地学习Urban Mountain营造,甚至复制至自家的屋面之上。当城中村内一座又一座Urban Mountain被建造出来,Urban Mountain慢慢在城中村的上空交织在一起,最后在城中村的上空构筑成一个充满绿色与欢乐的新地表 — the Green Cloud。经过多处的实地考察,团队最终选定了深圳岗厦村的一处80年代建设的民房作为本次Urban Mountain(城中绿山)计划的试验场地,并确立了本次实践尝试计划为“愚公计划2.0”,由“现代愚公”为岗厦村搬来第一座Urban Mountain(城中绿山)。“愚公计划2.0”自2017年11月27日开工,至2017年12月20日完工,历时两个月。

Architects set up Urban Mountain on dwelling roofs to make up for this kind of Green Cloud practice be as demonstration.We hope adjacent residents could be impacted to master the construction skill of Urban Mountain idiopathically and after that,copy them to their own roofs. As Urban Mountains being built in urban village one after another and connecting in the sky,a new landscape full of fun,joy and greening that we planned is coming out — the Green Cloud.A residential dwelling constructed in 80s (located in Gangxia Village, Shenzhen) has been selected as practice base for Urban Mountain.The practice is named ‘Yugong Plan 2.0’, the first Urban Mountain is carried to Gangxia by modern ‘Yugong’.‘Yugong Plan 2.0’started from 27th September and ended at 20th December,2017.

▼位于二层的一部分屋顶绿化,a part of green roof on second floor

▼位于顶层的主要屋顶绿化,the main part of green roof on upper floor


‘Yugong Plan 2.0’thickens the un-utilized roof and lists it into second land surface among which the rainwater is preserved and greening expanded (it could also be used as vegetables and plants planting).Such two dimensional land surface could change in Z axis according to space property.It creates pavilions for social activity beneath and upper space for people’s walking and sitting.


▼植物种植,vegetation planting

这座Urban Mountain慢慢成为城中村的文化活力点,近期,9名4-11岁的小演奏家们在此Urban Mountain上(2018年6月),给周边的邻里带来一场仲夏音乐会。许多邻居打开了那扇深锁许久的窗户,在窗前聆听孩子们的演奏。鉴于本次尝试的成功,日后类似的活动将越来越频繁。

Urban Mountain has gradually been a culture activity zone in urban village.Recently(June 2018),a mid-summer concert was held on Urban Mountain,9 little musicians aged 4-11 made neighbors open the windows that had been closed for so long.After big success of the concert, other residential community activities that comes later are expected.




▼岗厦整体城上绿云效果,green cloud in Gangxia

▼轴测拆解图,axon exploded



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