Netherlands De Oversteek City Bridge
设计方:Ney Poulissen Architects & Engineers
项目合作:Laurent Ney Engineer
项目承包:BAM, Max Bogl
荷兰Nijmegen市政府在一个文件中对于该桥的设计规格进行了明确的规定,文件中也表明了官方对于该大桥设计的期待。设计团队根据这份文件制定了该项目的设计标准。这座桥的设计工作是分期进行的。该桥的设计似乎是对Waal河、河漫滩和两个路堤等这些壮丽自然景观的戏剧性回应。这座都市大桥给这里的原有景观增加了一层结构质感、层次感和方向感。拱形结构是该大桥的主要特征,该结构有助于保证桥梁的承重和跨度。然而,桥梁的拱形结构并不只是单纯地具备跨越河流的功能,设计团队以这条河流的宽度为参照点,设计时尽量与河滩的位置相契合。这样即使是在冬天,河流的水位线上升,淹没了河滩,设计师们还是能够根据拱形结构判断出桥梁的结构位置以及Waal河的地域界限。此外,在该桥的坡道设计中,De Oversteek选用了一系列的环保材料,施工过程也尽量保证不对自然环境造成损害。项目设计中运用了一些传统的建设技巧(现浇混凝土和砖砌体)来创造一种技术感。坡道在设计风格,材料,规格和细节方面,明显不同于拱桥,体现了人力的限度。据悉,这座新型的桥梁运用当下时兴的设计规划知识,建造技术以及设计概念,在设计中注重整体的协调,加强美感。
The city of Nijmegen formulated the specification of the bridge in a document outlining their ambitions. Within this, design criteria were laid down which helped to set out the project.The design of the bridge is a staging. It is a theatrical response to the majestic nature of the Waal River, the floodplain and the two embankments. The urban bridge brings structure, hierarchy and orientation to the landscape. The arch, which is the main feature, both confirms and spans the river. Unlike a purely functional span across the water, the arch respects the width of the river and thus endorses the location of its banks. Even in winter, when the water levels are higher and the floodplain overruns, the arch remains convincing proof of the location and identity of the Waal.The ramps of ‘De Oversteek’ are designed from a range of materials and construction methods that relate to nature. It involves traditional techniques (cast in situ concrete and brick masonry) that create a feeling of craftsmanship. The design, materials, dimensions and detailing of the ramps, unlike the arch bridge, are elaborated on a human scale. The new bridge is designed with an integral approach, using a combination of contemporary knowledge on master planning, construction techniques and conceptual design.
荷兰De Oversteek都市大桥外部实景图
荷兰De Oversteek都市大桥外部局部实景图
荷兰De Oversteek都市大桥外部桥底实景图
荷兰De Oversteek都市大桥平面图
荷兰De Oversteek都市大桥立面图
荷兰De Oversteek都市大桥剖面图