英文名称:Canadian Water LED Lighting Light Exhibition
摄影师:stephen orlando
该装置位于水面上方,与周边的城市风景和自然景观形成了鲜明的对比。它不同于以往的实质性景观,而是一个灯光艺术装置。LED形成的光路是由著名摄影师stephen orlando潜入到水下方拍摄的。stephen orlando巧妙地利用了霓虹灯的波浪特点,将LED灯光装置固定在皮船的划桨上,长时间的曝光摄影揭示了划船过程中的水浆的流水运动,这也是小船在水面上路过的痕迹。
这套“移动曝光”系列的图片是由摄影师stephen orlando与奥林匹克运动会上的划桨选手adam van koeverden合作完成的。如此以来,LED灯光成为了可以编制的程序,经过长时间的曝光之后,优雅轻飘的光路缓缓形成,可以想象到水浆穿过的轨迹。摄影师stephen orlando在谈到该项目时说道,“我希望能够捕捉到一个瞬间,并使之永恒,让人们看到船桨走过的轨迹。当人们看到我的照片的时候,也能够想象到自己划桨时的样子”。
floating just above the surface of the water and cutting an alien intervention into the natural landscape that surrounds them, the light paths created by photographer stephen orlando dip and dive in waves of neon light. created by fixing LED lights to the paddle of a kayak, the long exposure photographs reveal the fluid motions of the oar, recording the rhythm of the boat’s journey.
called ‘motion exposure’, the series is a collaboration between stephen orlando and olympic kayaker adam van koeverden. the ethereal light show is created by taking a long exposure photograph of programmable LEDS that outline the movements of the paddle. ‘my aim is to capture a moment in time and tell the story of movement of paddling’, says orlando. ‘I want people to look at my photos and imagine themselves going through the motions’.