发布时间:2019-04-17 02:33:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}
利用光线折射和 Dekton 材料的创新应用,打造出一个充满梦幻色彩的沉浸式空间。

来自体验式设计机构的LAYER的设计师Benjamin Hubert于近日为世界领先的实心表面板品牌Cosentino设计了一个夺人眼球的沉浸式装置,以展示该品牌极具创新性的Dekton系列产品及其在实际生活中的应用。该装置名为Raytrace,将于2019年4月9日至14日在米兰家具展(Milan’s Salone del Mobile)的Ventura Centrale展览活动上进行展出。

Benjamin Hubert of experience design agency LAYER has designed a spectacular immersive installation for Cosentino, one of the world’s leading solid surface brands, to showcase the brand’s innovative Dekton product and its applications. Titled Raytrace, the installation will be a part of the Ventura Centrale exhibition at Milan’s Salone del Mobile from the 9-14 April 2019.

▼Raytrace装置空间外观,exterior view of the Raytrace

Raytrace装置是2019年米兰家具展的Ventura Centrale展览活动的一部分,将在米兰的Stazione Centrale火车站的一个带有拱顶的地下空间内进行展出。巨大的拱形空间将容纳着一系列由国际知名品牌和设计师所设计的装置,使这里成为该时段内的必游景点。

Raytrace is part of the Ventura Centrale exhibition at Salone del Mobile 2019, and will be located in one of the underground vaults of Milan’s Stazione Centrale. These huge, arched spaces will house installations by internationally renowned brands and designers, making it a must-see destination during the week.

▼Raytrace装置空间外观,由Cosentino的Dekton板材围合而成,exterior view of the Raytrace that is defined by architectural slabs of Cosentino’s innovative Dekton material

▼Raytrace装置空间外观局部,尽头安装镜面,创造出一种无限空间的错觉,partial exterior view, two mirrors at either end of the vault create the illusion of an infinite space

▼Raytrace装置空间外观局部,partial exterior view

沉浸式装置 | Immersive Installation


Visitors will enter the Raytrace installation through a simple facade that conceals what lies behind, creating a sense of mystery and wonder. Inside the dark, atmospheric space, visitors will encounter two huge, architectural slabs of Cosentino’s innovative Dekton material – each measuring 6m in height and 24m in length – seemingly balanced on a single edge, creating a triangular passage. Inside this passage, a mesmerising caustic pattern, caused by the refraction of light through water or glass, will slowly play across the surface.

▼装置空间内部,两片墙板限定出一个看似等腰三角形的通道,interior view, two architectural slabs create a seemingly isosceles triangular passage

装置空间内的80个LED光的灯光通过29个位于装置空间顶部的焦散元件进行折射,创造出焦散曲线式的图案纹理,值得一提的是,每个焦散元件都由单个独立的电机驱动。 这些由灵动的光线营造出的图案纹理创造出一个梦幻般的空间,给人一种置身于水下空间的错觉。这时,通道内人们的影子也被投射到空间的内表面上,因而也成为了装置空间的一部分。

The caustic pattern will be created by 80 LED light sources refracted through 29 caustic elements, each driven by an individual motor, at the top of the installation. The pattern caused by these dancing rays of light evokes the dreamlike state of being underwater. People inside the passage become an integral part of the installation as their shadows are cast against the structure’s surface.

▼装置空间内部,光线通过位于装置空间顶部的焦散元件折射出焦散曲线式的图案纹理,interior view, the light sources is refracted through caustic elements that are at the top of the installation, creating the caustic pattern

▼人流在装置空间内穿梭,people are wandering inside the installation

▼装置空间内部局部,焦散元件位于装置空间的顶部,折射光线,partial interior view, the caustic elements are at the top of the installation to refract the light


Two mirrors at either end of the vault reflect the installation, creating the illusion of an infinite space and offering glimpses of the caustic patterns playing out on the interior. Seating – also designed by LAYER using Cosentino’s Dekton material – is placed along the wall on the outside of the slabs, offering visitors the chance to sit and reflect. This seating also demonstrates the material used at different scales and showcases a different way of interacting with it.

▼焦散元件细节,details of the caustic elements

建筑愿景 | Architectural Aspirations


Raytrace is a visually powerful demonstration of how Cosentino products can be used as architectural elements, not only as interior surfaces. The play of caustic patterns across the surface shows how architecture comes to life with light, and highlights the qualities of the newly launched material.

▼装置空间内部局部,墙壁上投射着焦散式图案纹理,partial interior view of the Raytrace with the caustic pattern refracted on the wall


Dekton is a large-format, ultra-compact surface that consists of a sophisticated blend of the raw materials used to produce the very latest in glass and porcelain as well as the highest quality quartz work surfaces. It o ers a completely smooth, uniform surface, with zero porosity – qualities that are highlighted in the installation. The Dekton material used in Raytrace is a newly-launched, ultra-thin surface, with a thickness of just 4mm – half that of the thinnest Dekton material currently on the market.

▼Raytrace装置空间的外观概念效果图,the conceptual rendering of the exterior view of the installation

▼Raytrace装置内部空间概念效果图,the conceptual rendering of the interior view of the installation


米兰家具展惊现“Raytrace”装置,创新材料 Dekton 的梦幻空间
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