Indonesia OMG International advertising company office
设计团队:Delution Architect
Delution Architect设计团队,为OMG国际广告公司在印度尼西亚的雅加达,打造了一间新办公室。作为一家业务遍布亚太地区的广告公司,OMG位于南雅加达Deplu的分公司办公室,用红、黑和白这三种公司LOGO上的颜色作为主打色,再加上竖直方向采用的胶合板材质,凸显出OMG印尼公司的品牌形象,并且给人留下了深刻的印象。
Delution Architect has developed the new offices of multinational advertising agency OMG Indonesia located in Jakarta.OMG Indonesia is a multinational advertising company with coverage of Asia Pacific.Its branch office in Deplu South Jakarta designed by emphasizing a strong branding identity that reflected OMG Indonesia’s brand. Three colors chosen are red, black, and white which are OMG logo’s main colors. Those colors also mixed with wooden tone from natural plywood mounted vertically to make attractive impression.
In lobby area there’s a receptionist desk, facing the bench for guest that camouflage with the stair, so it doesn’t looks like a bench.Going to second floor, red becomes dominant color for the interior and becomes main path for the employees.Working areas are divided by divisions which made of parallelogram-shape partitions.In some corner, there are words of wisdom to motivate and remind the employees to work better.Rooms for seniors and director sealed by glasses with red line strips as branding elements of OMG.