发布时间:2021-07-02 00:16:51 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Blue Bottle涩谷咖啡店与繁忙的市中心相隔不远,在两座公园之间创造出一个休闲惬意的场所。本店是Keiji Ashizawa Design为Blue Bottle所做的第二间门店室内设计。

The Blue Bottle Coffee Shibuya cafe is located a short walk from the busy atmosphere of the downtown area. Designed as an urban retreat situated between two parks, the interior is the second Blue Bottle Coffee produced by our studio.

▼店铺外观,exterior view © Ben Richards

▼户外就座区,outdoor seating © Masaaki Inoue

▼入口处摆放着长椅,benches are arranged in front of the store © Ben Richards

穿过北谷公园后,可以看见在Ishinomaki Lab长椅上享用咖啡的顾客,再往前则是围绕厨房设置的弧形瓷砖吧台。这些带有独特火山灰釉面的瓷砖是连接室内与室外空间的关键材料,由伦敦材料制造商Dzek和阿姆斯特丹设计工作室Formafantasma合作开发。整个咖啡馆内共铺设了超过7000块瓷砖,由一位技艺纯熟的工匠手工完成。

Walking through Kitaya park past customers enjoying coffee on the Ishinomaki Lab benches, you first encounter a large, curved tile-counter surrounding the kitchen area. These tiles, with a special volcanic ash glaze, are a key material to connect the interior and exterior and were developed as a collaboration between London material manufacturer, Dzek, and the Amsterdam-based design studio Formafantasma. Throughout the cafe, more than 7000 tiles were carefully laid by a single skilled artisan.

▼从入口望向吧台,view towards the bar counter from the entrance © Masaaki Inoue

▼吧台连接室内外空间 © Ben Richards the bar counter connects the interior and exterior

▼吧台区,bar area © Ben Richards

▼首层空间,the ground floor © Ben Richards

▼弧形瓷砖吧台,the curved tile-counter © Masaaki Inoue

▼吧台细节,detailed view © Ben Richards


On the ground floor, we placed tables of differing heights – a high counter with stools so that people can watch the barista preparing their coffee, and a lower table for people to enjoy the park from inside.

▼座位区,seating area © Masaaki Inoue

▼商品架,product shelves © Masaaki Inoue

▼商品架细节,detailed view © Ben Richards (left)  © Masaaki Inoue (right)


Moving up to the second floor, you will find a variety of seating options designed to suit the needs of different customers. At one end of the space, a lowered floor area with banquette seating (upholstered in an autumnal orange textile) can be separated-off from the main area via a grey, sheer curtain. An oval dining table in the center provides a casual, communal atmosphere for sitting around, and a high counter table with a library-like light allows for quiet groups and singles to sit at the rear of the space. At the far end, a low, tiled coffee table is surrounded by comfortable lounge chairs and sofas.

▼二层空间概览,second floor general view © Ben Richards

▼从主空间望向椭圆餐桌,view towards the oval dining table from the main area © Ben Richards

▼空间的一端设有一个略微下沉的座位区,at one end of the space, a lowered floor area with banquette seating © Ben Richards

▼下沉座位区通过灰色且清透的窗帘与主区域隔开,the lowered floor area is separated-off from the main area via a grey, sheer curtain © Masaaki Inoue

▼从椭圆餐桌望向主空间,view towards the main area from the oval dining table © Ben Richards

▼瓷砖咖啡桌和沙发区域,a low, tiled coffee table is surrounded by comfortable lounge chairs and sofas © Masaaki Inoue

▼家具细节,furniture details © Masaaki Inoue

▼共享桌,the shared table © Ben Richards

▼瓷砖桌细节,tiled coffee table © Ben Richards


In addition to the early morning coffee/food menu, appetizers and natural wine will also be available in the evening. We hope that visitors will enjoy the warm atmosphere as if they had been invited to visit the welcoming house of a close friend.

▼Blue Bottle品牌细节,Blue Bottle branding © Ben Richards

▼夜间氛围,the cafe by night © Masaaki Inoue

Cafe Information Opening: 28th April 2021 Opening hours: 8:00am-10:00pm Address 1-7-3 Jinnan, Shibuya Tokyo 216.11m2 number of seating 1st floor 10 seats/2nd floor 33 seats/12 benches in the park

Site: Shibuya, Tokyo Interior design: Keiji Ashizawa Design Project architect: Keiji Ashizawa, Yuichiro Takei Construction: TANK Photo: Ben Richards/Masaaki Inoue

Hash tags for instagram Blue Bottle Coffee @bluebottle @bluebottlejapan Keiji Ashizawa Design @keijiashizawadesign Photographer Ben Richards @benrich_ Masaaki Inoue @bouillonfoto Material producers Tiles @dzekdzekdzek Textiles @kvadrattextiles furniture @karimoku_official (Dining chairs, stools, lounge chairs, trays and built-in furniture) @ishinomakilab (outdoor bench) @ariake_collection (Sofas)


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