英文名称:Mexico Circular Arena
该项目场地距离美国德克萨斯州西部边界的城市厄尔巴索非常近,这里也是美国和莫斯哥国界所在的地方。这里有一面混凝土墙体,大约50米宽,墙的另一端便是墨西哥的Ciudad Juarez市。由于多年以来Ciudad Juarez市的长期与外隔绝,本应是繁华热闹的市中心却变得萧条不堪,这里的旅游业也渐渐萧条。这里大部分的酒吧,市场,名胜古迹以及娱乐场所接二连三地关闭,只留下这座孤城。
在该项目中,设计团队针对这一现象设计了一个斗牛竞技场,位于Ciudad Juarez市中心区域。该项目是连接两个城市的纽带,同时由于位于市中心,交通十分方便。这里将El Paso市中心与Ciudad Juare再次联系起加强了两个地区人们的交流。作为整个项目设计的一部分,该工程的规模较大,从一个简单普通的休闲场所演变成一个受到游客们青睐的竞技场。
Situated in the west of Texas on the border is the city of El Paso. Divided by a wall and a concrete ditch fifty meters wide Ciudad Juarez is seperated on the other side of the Border.The isolation of Ciudad Juarez in the last years has caused for what used to be a city centre vibrant with activity and tourists to now be desolate. Most of the bars, markets, attractions and recreation were forced to close and have left empty voids within the city.
The project proposes a very public and attractive program in the form of a new bullfighting arena in the city center of Ciudad Juarez. The project is located on one of the major connecting spines between the two city centers and is easy accessible from both cities. This spine links the downtown area of El Paso to the border bridge and the bullfighting arena in Ciudad Juarez creating a strong connection between them. As a part of an overall masterplan to reconnect the cities the project aims to do this on all scales, from a very local stimulation of activity and reestablishing of the community in Mexico to connecting the border cities and with this the border region as whole.