发布时间:2022-02-23 04:14:02 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


This renovation project takes place in the Heiwa Dori, a famous shopping street of Meguro, in the heart of Tokyo. The semi-detached two-story house is a part of a block of 4 row houses, typical of the Showa era (1926-1989) , in which it was built and it resembles a lot of that vintage atmosphere together with the dense surroundings.

▼住宅外观,Exterior view © Akira Nakamura

▼入口,Entrance © Akira Nakamura


The oldest record of the original construction is dated December 1953, and since then the house came with no bathtub due to the nearby public bath that provided the necessary facility. Now that the public bath is no longer in use, the client made some requests starting from these aspects: the need to modernise the building adding a private bath and at the same time reinforcing the dated structure by seismic retrofitting the whole dwelling with a score of 1.0 or higher. Together with the necessity of essential contemporary facilities, the house needed to raise the amount of natural light in the lower level.

▼从入口望向门厅,View to the entrance hall © Akira Nakamura



To solve all these problems, the project began with the reinforcement of the existing wooden structure in the first floor: new beams have been added on top of the existing columns, and a new column is now placed with a wall to separate the floorplan in two spaces. The new elements have a lighter wooden colour and texture, to differentiate them from the original structure.

On the other side of the wall we put the kitchen with all its facilities, leaving enough space in the room for a dining table if needed. As a storage for kitchen tools we chose to use a traditional Japanese chest, a leftover of the original furniture.

▼一层空间概览,1F general view © Akira Nakamura

▼首层的木结构进行了加固,The existing wooden structure in the first floor has been reinforced © Akira Nakamura

▼新置入的立柱(浅木色)与墙壁共同将一层空间一分为二 © Akira Nakamura A new column (in lighter wooden colour) is now placed with a wall to separate the floorplan in two spaces


The modified layout and the reinforced structure of the first floor allowed us to remove the pillar placed in the centre of the original plan, creating a more open and flexible space. At the same time, the wall that was defining the entrance hall in the original building has been removed, the previous entrance door got replaced with a wider one made of glass, bringing much more natural light inside the home, contributing to make the first floor feel more pleasant and healthier.

▼新的玻璃门为住宅带来更多自然光,The new glass door bringing much more natural light inside the home © Akira Nakamura

▼入口置物架细节,Detailed view © Akira Nakamura


The new entrance hall is now divided in three different levels, each one with its own materiality: the Doma, Japanese traditional space where to take off the shoes before stepping on the floor, made of polished grey concrete as the lowest one; the stairs landing as the middle level, made of wooden boards re-pasted from the former corridor on the second floor; and the dining room floor covered with PVC tiles that remained one step higher than the stairs landing from the original building.

▼“土间”区域以灰色的抛光混凝土铺设,The Doma is made of polished grey concrete © Akira Nakamura

▼楼梯平台重贴了原先位于房屋二层的木地板,The stairs landing is made of wooden boards re-pasted from the former corridor on the second floor © Akira Nakamura

▼餐厅层的地面以PVC铺设,The dining room floor is covered with PVC tiles © Akira Nakamura


The second floor was designed mainly with the aim to enlighten as much as possible the space below: this is why we decided to use a FRP (Fibre-reinforced plastic) grate for the hallway that connects the stairs and the bedrooms. On top of the corridor, a zenith window helps to capture and let light pass through the floors, creating a lightful yet calm atmosphere pretty much everywhere around the house.

▼二层空间概览,2F general view © Akira Nakamura

▼带天窗的走廊,The corridor with a zenith window © Akira Nakamura

▼从房间望向走廊,View to the corridor from the room © Akira Nakamura

▼走廊地面使用了FRP材质的格栅元素,便于光线射入一层,A FRP grate is used for the hallway to enlighten as much as possible the space below © Akira Nakamura

▼二层房间细节,Interior view on 2F © Akira Nakamura

▼木制单元细部,Woodwork detail © Akira Nakamura


The space on the rear side of the house is now the bathroom: the private bathtub, as requested by the owner, is placed in the corner and the toilet now moved in front of the tub, thus giving more privacy and making the use of the sink much more accessible and immediate.

▼浴室,Bathroom © Akira Nakamura

▼卧室细节,Bedroom detailed view © Akira Nakamura

▼一层和二层平面图,Floor plans © ROOVICE

▼原始平面图,Original floor plans © ROOVICE



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