发布时间:2021-08-29 20:12:50 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Situated in the heart of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences is a pioneering research facility for the scientific exploration of the brain. It has been carefully sited amid the natural rugged setting of the campus. Once the new tram link to the city center is opened, the building will act as a gateway to the university – its dynamic social spaces and laboratory facilities are designed to attract exceptional scientists, as well as to foster an interest in the center’s research activities within the wider community.

▼项目北侧鸟瞰,aerial view of the project from north ©Studio Harel Gilboa

▼建筑上部楼层被铝制外表皮包裹,The upper three levels are shaded by a cast aluminum screen ©Studio Harel Gilboa

Foster + Partners的合伙人Darron Haylock评论道:“从城市的尺度来讲,本项目促进了社会进步的议程,为人们创造出一个真正具有包容性的研究和学习中心。建筑位于大学的主要人行道旁,引人注目的外立面向人们发出热情的邀请,吸引着人们进来探索与了解脑科学中心的研究活动。”

Darron Haylock, Partner, Foster + Partners, commented: “The project has a progressive social agenda that has been applied at an urban scale, creating a center for research and learning that is truly inclusive. The new building is located just off the main pedestrian spine of the University and its façade invites exploration, drawing people inside to learn about the research activities.”

▼北侧立面,north facade ©Harel Gilboa

▼引人注目的外立面向人们发出热情的邀请,the façade invites exploration, drawing people inside ©Harel Gilboa

▼屋顶结构细部,details of the roof structure ©Studio Harel Gilboa / Harel Gilboa

▼铝制外表皮的灵感来自大脑神经结构,The aluminum skin was inspired by the neural structure of the brain ©Studio Harel Gilboa


The upper three levels are shaded by a cast aluminum screen, with a non-repetitive representation of the early twentieth century drawings by Spanish neuroscientist, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, illustrating the neurological brain structure. Further passive cooling of the building is provided by translucent ETFE canopies to the west and east, which form distinctive markers for the main entrances.

▼建筑的东西侧成为入口立面,The east and west sides of the building become the entrance facade ©Studio Harel Gilboa

▼架空的底层形成主要入口的独特标志,The elevated floor marks the main entrance ©Harel Gilboa

▼模糊的室内外界限,Blurred boundaries between inside and outside ©Harel Gilboa

▼建筑与庭院入口细部,View of courtyard threshold ©Harel Gilboa


The courtyard at the heart of the scheme unites these different functions, establishes new circulation routes through the campus and draws the greenery of the surrounding landscape into the building. Planted with citrus trees and a man-made stream along its length, the courtyard forms a quiet, reflective space and a cool microclimate, which can be further mediated by a retractable ETFE roof.

▼中央庭院概览,overall of the central courtyard ©Harel Gilboa

▼柑橘树与人工水渠,citrus trees and a man-made stream ©Harel Gilboa

▼可伸缩开启的ETFE膜结构屋顶,the retractable ETFE roof ©Studio Harel Gilboa


The building is arranged as two parallel wings around this central courtyard. The upper levels house twenty- eight highly flexible laboratories linked by social hubs, which are conceived to encourage informal interaction and the exchange of ideas between students and staff. At ground floor, there are teaching facilities, a 200-seat auditorium, a library, café and a publicly accessible gallery for the display of art related to the brain.

▼充满活力的的社交空间,The dynamic social spaces ©Studio Harel Gilboa

▼由上层开放式的社交区看中庭,View of the social hub on the upper level ©Studio Harel Gilboa

▼200个座位的礼堂,Musicians performing at the 200-seater auditorium ©Studio Harel Gilboa

▼大面积的玻璃将室外景观引入教室,View of classroom with the verdant landscape in the background ©Studio Harel Gilboa

Foster + Partners的设计主管Spencer de Grey说:“探索大脑的奥秘是21世纪最具挑战性的工作,而这一领域的研究将会对数百万人的生活质量产生至关重要的影响。脑科学研究是以色列大学同类项目中最具创新性的项目之一,设计的核心理念旨在利用一系列围绕着开放中庭的实验室综合体,营造出高度灵活的空间,以预期并适应未来的变化。”

Spencer de Grey, Head of Design, Foster + Partners, said: “Understanding the enigma of the brain is the most challenging endeavor of the 21st century and research in this area is vital to the quality of life for millions of people. This is one of the most innovative projects of its kind at an Israeli university, with several laboratory complexes that are highly flexible to anticipate and accommodate future change, arranged around an open central courtyard that is at the heart of the scheme.”

▼实验室,View of laboratory spaces ©Studio Harel Gilboa

▼建筑的铝制外表皮成为窗边工作站的背景,The flexible workstations with the laser cut aluminium facade screen in the background ©Studio Harel Gilboa


In the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the building anticipated the importance of health and wellbeing with a design that is underpinned by the principles of biophilia. The central courtyard, open balconies and circulation all contribute towards a healthy research campus. The center’s progressive environmental strategy makes use of passive techniques to naturally reduce energy use. Local materials, such as Jerusalem stone, are used where possible, and the building is orientated east-west to reduce solar gain.

▼中庭夜景,night view of interior courtyard ©Studio Harel Gilboa

▼底层平面图,ground floor plan ©Foster + Partners

▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©Foster + Partners

▼立面图,elevations ©Foster + Partners

▼剖面图,sections ©Foster + Partners

Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences Jerusalem, Israel 2010 – 2020 Client:Hebrew University of Jerusalem Architect:Foster + Partners Foster + Partners Design Team: Norman Foster / David Nelson / Spencer de Grey / Stefan Behling / Darron Haylock / Matthew Hayhurst / Parul Singh / Kadri Kaldam / Apostolos Despotidis / Joana Santos / Josef Musil Foster + Partners Engineering Team: Roger Ridsdill Smith / Xiaonian Duan / Piers Heath Collaborating Architect:YBGSNA – Yuval Baer Galit Shifman Nathan Architects Project Managers:Baran Group Laboratory Design and Systems Coordination Consultant:Sherman Architects Structural Engineer:Labaton & Partners Mechanical and Electrical Engineers:I. Irony Cost Consultant:Mitar Lighting Consultant:Moshe Levy – Krausher-Levy Electrical Engineering Landscape:Moria-Sekely Landscape Architect Main Contractor:Narsha / Danko Facade Contractor:Alumeshet


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