年轻的巴黎家庭找到了比利时室内设计师Nathalie Deboel,让他带领一个过时的公园边的公寓进入其生活的下一个阶段。其目的是让它恢复宏伟,同时也注入一种温暖和舒适的感觉,让它牢牢立足于现在。其结果是在城市中心的一个平衡的家庭住宅,同时考虑到了功能和美学。
A young Parisian family approached Belgian interior designer Nathalie Deboel to lead an outdated park-side apartment into the next phase of its life. The aim was to give it back its grandeur while also injecting a sense of warmth and comfort – grounding it firmly in the present. The result is a balanced family home in the heart of the city, with consideration for both functionality and aesthetics.
The apartment was built in the early 19th century and consisted of a series of boxy, formal rooms, which did little to maximise the floor space. At the same time, the kitchen was tucked away at the rear, separated from the main living area. Nathalie thoroughly considered how the family would like to live in the apartment, specifically how they would like the spaces to be laid out.
Nathalie用家庭办公室取代了旧的厨房,并将新的厨房与餐厅和起居空间整合在一起,改善了流动和连接。 不仅如此,三间卧室中的每一间现在都有一个套间浴室,使它们成为独立的实体,家人可以退而求其次。
Nathalie has replaced the old kitchen with a home office and integrated the new kitchen into the dining and living spaces, improving flow and connectivity.Not only that, each of the three bedrooms now has an ensuite bathroom, rendering them separate entities to which the family can retreat to.
The designer has combined existing traditional elements such as mouldings, panelling and ironwork with contemporary touches – marble countertops, sculptural furniture and artworks – to situate the apartment in both the past and the present. Timeless materials such as timber, linen and steel tie the knot between the two worlds.
Spaces like the kitchen, dining and living enact togetherness through soft, sober tones and plenty of natural light. In contrast, spaces like the home office and the connecting guest bedroom are bathed in dark tones to promote intimacy and respite.
Interiors:Nathalie Deboel
Photos:Thomas De Bruyne
Words:Holly Beadle